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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I've just started this. Tbh, I'm not sure if I like it and am finding it very clunky, so far. It makes group situations a bit tricky as you get overwhelmed too quickly and the weapons don't respond quick enough. I went for the hunter axe and hunter pistol. I'm hoping it'll click, otherwise I'll need to find something else to play this easter break.
  2. I come into contact more often with the overtly atheist ones as you called it. I find them very annoying and either change the subject or try and avoid them altogether as I know the topic will crop up.
  3. I've thanked your post Murr as you did a very kind thing and at least tried your best for the sake of the cat. It's a very sad story and I got upset reading it.
  4. I've finished it! Posted about it already in the videogame diary thread, but I just want to say that this was a joy to go through and it didn't disappoint! Basically, I loved it all. Excellent choice of setting, great characters and voice acting, epic soundtrack, the lot. I enjoyed the gun play and there was enough variation in what you had to do to keep it interesting. I don't really have any complaints with the length, tbh. A few more chapters would be nice as I couldn't get enough, but I think the story ended at the right time and they've left the door wide open for lots of other possibilities. I'd buy the next one, day one. I posted loads of screen shots in the screen shot thread, and there they are again, spoilered of course. Game is beautiful and one of the best looking games that I've ever seen. Even Ine commented on how amazing it looked. Moaaaaar.
  5. Endless Ocean was beautiful. I bought an SD card just to put music on there as I knew that the game supported custom soundtracks. Or rather, soundtrack, as you could only play the one. Still, it was lovely swimming and listening to a few of the mellow tracks but Mogwai. I'd take a third one, again with custom soundtracks (or spotify support, hnnng, wrong console, eh?) and with online co-op.
  6. Drive Club's photo mode is fantastic. DOUBLE FUCKING RAINBOWS. I was watching the replay and Ine noticed it. Beautiful. With the lightning, too! Here's a variation of the same shot, but with a different filter. The next two are just taken using the screen shot button after viewing the replay. Looks so pretty. I took these two using the photo mode. I only managed to capture the images, again, using the replay function. I'm proud of the next one.
  7. I've finished The Order 1886. A kind friend of mine has a husband who games. She gave me three games to borrow and this was one of them! Delighted to play it at last. My reaction to the game is.....hnnnnnnnggg. I LOVED it. I loved the setting, I love the theme, I loved the story, the characters, the dialogue and the soundtrack is right up there with anything else that I've ever heard in a game. It fits the mood perfectly whilst adding to the setting of the game. It's just great. Do I think it's that short? Personally, no. I'd have been happy had it had one or two more chapters, but I think the game finishes on the right note whilst leaving things open for future possibilities. It's also one, if not THE most beautiful game/s I've ever played. Everything looks fantastic and it adds to the mood. It was a joy to go through and I found myself getting excited when I knew I was going to play more of it. I've posted moar images in the screen shots thread. - hnnnnnngggg - New Dawn Fades Games of 2015 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Finished and Platinumed Transistor - Finished The Walking Dead Season One - Finished and Platinumed inFAMOUS Second Son - good ending completed Watchdogs - started in 2014, finally finished main story The Walking Dead Season Two - Finished The Order 1886 - Finished
  8. Riiiight, I've uploaded some of the photographs that I've been taking over the last month. Some of the them have used the in-game photo mode whilst others are just natural shots. Here's just one image for Watch Dogs, just taken naturally. I only did this to test the screen shot button as I wasn't quite sure how it would work but it turned out nice, so I kept it.
  9. Dat feel where you become scared to buy games in case they appear for free on plus a month later. Happy to get Never Alone, I almost bought it last month. Wooooo. I know nooothing about all of the other games.
  10. I've been on this for around 3 hours using Ine's poverty macbook. It runs! The fans are working hard but I've had no problems yet. The game is awesome. My initial town, dubbed Jimville US of was a bit shit, but I managed to get 6,500 people living there. Not bad for a first attempt. Can't wait to play more.
  11. Thanks for that, Ronnie.
  12. From what I've seen, it's what I always wanted Sim City to evolve into but it never did. It only cost just over £20 as well...which is a bit of a bargain, imo. I'll report back later when she's played moar of eet.
  13. Ah, fair enough. That makes sense! Seriously, so it doesn't consume that much powaaah then? Will it...make the overall lifespan of the PS4 much shorter if you had it on in rest mode for long periods of time? Or am I going full retard?
  14. That does make sense, but I couldn't leave it in rest mode every single night. I feeeeear for your electricity bill. inb4 @lostmario. ...I don't get the last bit. Why would you not want the downloads to download in rest mode? I can understand pausing them when you're gaming, but when you're not gaming and the console is asleep, surely it's fine to let them go ahead and download?
  15. I'm making the thread as Ine is a bit too lazy and won't do it. Bought the game yesterday. Seems awesome. The tricky part will be trying to nudge Ine off it so that I can play it at some point.
  16. You wouldn't leave your console on overnight for no real reason though, would you? I leave it in rest mode if I'm popping out to the shops or if there's a match on telly that I want to see and I'll jump back into the game later.
  17. If a gamer wouldn't want to pay full price for a game, they'd probably wait until the game became cheaper. There probably is some truth to what you're saying, but if that is the case then why haven't Nintendo applied that model to Mario, Zelda or even something like Mario Kart or Pokemon then? The better way of attracting gamers/people towards the product would be to advertise it, so that they know it exists.
  18. THIS pisses me off, particularly the shut down bit. It doesn't make sense. You have Enter Rest Mode and then Power Options where the first option is...Enter Rest Mode. It should just be two options - Shut down PS4 (should be the first option) and Restart PS4. Not sure if it's meant to trick users into choosing Rest Mode or something, but it is annoying.
  19. You don't have spotify? Whaaa? I get about 90% of my music from there now. I've got the Californication album playing by Red Hot Chili Peppers on atm. The phone app works well with this. You can select songs on your phone and connect up to the PS4 through that, too. It's a great app, with only one slightly minor flaw that can be worked around.
  20. Hnnnnnnng, dat soundtrack. I will fill up the ocean with my tears of joy when Hans Zimmer eventually makes a soundtrack to a game. An RPG or something. OMG INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US WITH THE DARK KNIGHT SOUNDTRACK OR MAN OF STEEL OR SOMETHING It doesn't override the music of the game you're already playing, at least not that I can see. I'm not sure how it worked with music unlimited beforehand, maybe it was the same. It's no biggy as you can just go into your game settings and turn down the music from there. In theory, you could just have your laptop next to you and use spotify on that and turn your music down on the game, but then you've got sound coming from two different places, plus it would be a pain in the arse having a laptop next to you all the time. It's for convenience, really. It works well the way it's done on the PS4. All of my playlists have carried across, for example. I'm enjoying it. If somebody walked in right now, they'd have no idea that I've got a separate app playing whilst playing Drive Club, for example.
  21. There isn't really a point in distributing it episodically for that reason. You can compete for high scores on leaderboards with the full release. The only way it'll work with this structure is if it's built with this structure in mind. Which would mean grouped segments, mission or shorter stories for each part (or say a story that is told like it would be done with a television series) Would Lylat Wars work episodically? Imo, no. The actual beauty of the way it is released with its branching missions is that you can go through the game multiple times. It's designed to be played like an arcade game, almost.
  22. It's because sometimes pictures look bigger than the real thing. <Insert penis joke>
  23. I'm only a fan of that model if it works with the content that it aims to deliver. For example, it works really well with something like The Walking Dead because it's very television-esque. You have five episode and each episode follows a certain story. I don't know how it would work with Starfox unless that suddenly has a very interesting story that works with this type of episodic content. Splitting the game into 4 or 5 chunks just because you want to spread it out doesn't always work, imo. It only works with a certain type of game. Like I mentioned, it was great with The Walking Dead and it seems to be ideal of a point and click type of game. Personally, I'd rather play a Starfox game in one go.
  24. I'm currently listening to one of my playlists on the spotify app whilst playing Drive Club. Suddenly, the game just got even better. I just listened to Another One Bites The Dust by Queen whilst the rain was pelting down. Fucking GLORIOUS. Everything looks and sounds wonderful. The app is easy to use. I scrolled to Your Music at the top of the page and found my playlists. I was initially disappointed as I couldn't see the shuffle and repeat functions but they are there. You go into your playlist and, whilst highlighting a song, push down twice and it brings you up to an enlarged image of the song that you highlighted with the shuffle and repeat functions there. :awesome: I can confirm that the "play whilst you game" function works excellently. If you hold down the PS button, you can raise the volume of the song or skip/pause from there. The only thing that the app doesn't do is that it doesn't tell your game that you are listening to it, so you'll need to either turn off the in-game music or lower the volume of it from within the setting of each game. Not really an issue but just something to be aware of.
  25. I imagine that the cock-pit view could be used as an easy way to exploit the weak points of certain bosses. You'd be able to get a clear view of the type of shot that you'd need to make this way. It wouldn't bother me, tbh. I prefer to use the third person viewpoint and as long as you're not completely forced to use the first person view for large chunks of the game, it'll be fine. The biggest issue we'll have with the game is the mission structure and how exactly they'll go about it all. Episodic content seems to be hinted at. That and what type of story they'll go with.
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