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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. All of my mates are at uni or skint, some both. So, it will be drinking alone (probably Absinthe) and abusing pro plus to try to get some results. I picked a real shit weekend to come home.
  2. As it turns out Pro Plus doesnt affect me. The first time I took them on wednesday they gave me a little kick. I didnt have any caffeine in my system for months before that. I used to be on 12+ cups of strong coffee a day which gave me a high tolerance. I thought it would decrease with time but no! I took 5 at the same time earlier and nothing! Still have 14 left, what should I do?
  3. Depending on alcohol to sleep brings about its own problems. I know this from personal experience. Still enjoy the drink though. Very much
  4. Take a bunch of pro plus. Its supposed to keep you awake but if you take so much you burn out the energy quickly and get real tired.
  5. Im not into them, but they are good for a laugh. Saw them at Download 2005 and they were funny as fuck.
  6. That is fucking wrong! I don't remember Ren & Stimpy doin' shit like that when I was a kid. Was damn funny though.
  7. Insomnia is fun with the right tools. Zelda is one of those tools, N-Europe is another. Depending on your bodys tolerance to not sleeping, you'll drop off in 2 to 4 days. 4 days is my record without coffee or proplus.
  8. Driving lesson, Drinking, Twilight Princess. Not bad but compared to last year it was dildoes.
  9. I'm a proud Sick Fuck, but not that sick. Blood and cum dont mix. Unless its the blood of a fresh victim but thats an entirely different matter.
  10. Its pissing it down pretty bad. It aint gonna let up apparently. This puts a great big steaming turd on my plans. Options: Go out, pay for overpriced booze and have a little fun, or: Stay home, get so drunk I cant move and possibly knob of my sisters (legal) friends.
  11. Going to pub, getting a little drunk (ok, very), make a fool of myself infront of strangers, wake up in 2007, laugh.
  12. The noise they make is far too great for human ears to sense. I wonder what would happen if you mixed a red panda with a normal one. Pink pandas? A giant red panda or a tiny normal panda?
  13. I'll second that. Saves the hassle of buying a few drinks and talking shit for a while.
  14. I used to be surrounded by "friends" and I was miserable. Now I have a smaller set, and I'm happier than I used to be. I dont see my friends as often as I used to becase of work so I cherish the company more now aswell.
  15. Spider-man 2 wasnst that good. The best bit was Bruce Campbell's cameo. FF2 trailer looks alright, I enjoyed the 1st one. It's better than most people remember. That Ghost Rider trailer looks pretty damn cool I must say. Good brainless fun with flaming skulls and motorbikes ahoy!
  16. RIP Sex Machine. This sucks, his music is acessible to everyone no matter their preferences. Just good party type music. He will be missed.
  17. 1: Eat, Drink in hedonistic amounts 2: Finally get the balls to ask out a girl I've been dancing around for years 3:Play more Zelda 4: Drink even more (plus even more depending one outcome of No. 2)
  18. Father: Now a drinking buddy of sorts, Mother: Ain't seen her since new years eve, Brother: Aint seen since the week before I joined the Navy, Sister: Trying her best to destroy the family Step Mother: Sound as fuck, good cook too Step Sister: Fun to annoy and tease Half Sister: Tried to destrpy family last year, spoken to her once since said event. Fuck it, I'm on leave, I'm gonna get wasted, play Wii, Have debauched fun with women (maybe not in that order) and have a good time. Xmas means nothing to me.
  19. Finding Atheism , Alcohol and Heavy Metal.
  20. OldBoy Fucking awesome, seriously twisted and damn beautiful in its own way. Highly recommended. 10/10
  21. I completely forgot about CatDog. Is it still on?
  22. Dude, I didnt read any of the posts except your 1st one. £20 is a cheap night out. Either you dont drink much or people buy alot of drinks for you. The best part of goin out to drink is the prospect of pulling and the one night friendships with the random fuckers you meet.
  23. MunKy


    The God Delusion is brilliant. It needs to be read to know why, I'm too tired and lazy to type up why it's so good.
  24. Sure as fuck gonna go see this film. I really wanna see Venom but I'm glad they saved him ofr the film. Will make better if they make him right.
  25. Thats probably what I would spend money on if I had enough to throw away. Why should these people be any different?
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