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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. I fucked the first chick that showed sexual interest. She wanted a relationship as it turned out but I left it as a one night stand. It wasnt anything special, I did most of the work, even when she was on top. Sex is sex, I doruint know why its been romanticized (sp?)
  2. Theres whiskey (irish), whisky (scottish) and bourbon (yank). I seperate them, 'spose it's a choice if you do or don't.
  3. I started at 14/15 too. And right now I have 3 shots of Captain Morgan's finest in my belly. Me being a matlow now I gotta start drinking rum. Oh and Bard, Jim Beam is Bourbon, not Whiskey.
  4. Ive been dragged home more than once. The best time you'll have are the ones you won't remember! It's the morning after thats a bitch.
  5. Shit man, my worst hangovers have only been half dayers. If the aftermath is that bad, I ain't gonna try to beat him.
  6. That motherfucker can chug! Bet he felt like death warmed up in the morn'.
  7. You called it an Irish carbomb last time.
  8. Wish I could go to dublin but from sunday I'll be stuck in Plymouth for the foreseeable (sp?) future. I'm 1/4 Irish too so it would be nice to see one fourth of where my blood comes from. I normally drink Kro' 1664, JD and coke or Guinness. On special occasions I break out the Absinthe.
  9. I think you're taking being a Scrubs fan too far. Just drink scotch like Dr. Cox.
  10. Very true, pints of Guiness are never poured properly here. As a result I have never tasted the wonders of a properly poured Guiness. I like it anyway so my tongue will dance when I drink a proper one.
  11. Ditto Adios man, hope things get better and allow you to return, too many people leaving.
  12. About to finish a can of Coors. From Wiki: The original intent of putting a wedge of lime in a Corona bottle was for the purpose of using it to disinfect the rim of the bottle. Another popular explaination for this tradition is that coating the rim of the bottle with a lime kept flies from landing on it, which is undesirable for patrons.
  13. Congratulations on surviving another year.
  14. I like it. Its better with gin but still.
  15. Scurvy can be prevented by drinking Gin and Tonic with a lime slice. Its why the drink was invented. The tonic water used to help with malaria (I think) but it tasted like shit so they put gin in it. The lime was added later to prevent scurvy.
  16. Falafelkid is quite reputable isn't he? Either way I'm more inclined to believe him than anyone else other than Nintendo themselves.
  17. LIAR! Or you've been misinformed. Click the link to that damn article I posted.
  18. Just because you want something to be true doesnt mean it is. A hot girl with nice tits and a gorgeous arse will knock on my requesting my services, I want that to be true but it aint gonna happen in all probablility. Sorry bout that, bit wound up.
  19. I wanted to move out but it was way too expensive. May just be where I live but prices are extortionate anyway. Save for quite a while so you got a sizeable lump sum to help out.
  20. I think Canand is just doing this to piss people off. A lot of you take the piss out him, maybe this is his cunning revenge?
  21. You know what I would have loved? Super Mawiio Allstars. The VC has killed this though.
  22. Theres only one girl I wanna be in a relationship with but she's already in one. We've danced around each other for years and stuff almost happened but just didn't. She'll probably be my White Whale my whole life (no she's not fat, read Moby Dick). Any other chick would proably just be for a one off thing like the others... How far back has she affected me? Fuck it.
  23. You realise most of the treasure they actually got was booze and whatever they could sell for a quick profit? I dont see the point of finding valuable stuff just to bury it someplace. Apparently that did happen, but it wasnt a commonplace thing as most people think.
  24. Pirates! http://drunkard.com/issues/10_04/10-04-pirates.htm I remember this article being good when I read it. I was half cut though. Anyway Pirates are just cool, Ninjas are aswell but thats all they do. They make no time for fun.
  25. congrats man, I hope it goes well for you three!
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