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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. Wait now that you've mentioned it. It is really fuckin wierd.
  2. The truth incarnate vis a vis the form of writing. Really don't know if I used vis a vis right but I don't care, me be drunk!
  3. I'm almost drunk. I've had the chance but I still haven't asked the girl I love out. As of June I'll be out to sea so even if I did, the relationship would be doomed even if she said yes. John Smiths, Ricard, Guniness and more John Smiths is gooood.
  4. Hahaha! I have Loins of Adonis!
  5. Er... well shit. Maybe they filmed JCM's scenes after? Hell I don't know, either way apart from that episode, season 6 has been pure gold. I hate clip shows.
  6. Me reckons they were told to make a clip show and filmed it after the others had been done.
  7. But the second one is "cooler" cuz it's spikier (is that a word?) and more modern. Must admit though, "classic" Sonic brings back memories.
  8. I'm also votin for Asshat to stay, just cuz I had an influence in the changing. Oh and it's hilarious.
  9. I wouldn't mind a link to that since I'll probably miss the film cuz of my job.
  10. It's a sad day when My Chemical Romance are more popular than anyone. People really will buy anything if it's the "in" thing.
  11. Right now I'm more likely to get this than RE4:Wii. I seem to have stumbled upon an abbreviation there. Anyway, it looks good, I haven't played an arcadey shooter in ages and I wanna see RE2 & 3 places in better graphics.
  12. Thread revive! I used to think FTW meant Fuck The World. I have no idea why.
  13. Thank you so much Flinky! It's Me Again.
  14. MunKy I love that name so... so much. ^^ product of character limit.
  15. Please for the love of all that is evil change mine back.
  16. Who the hell is Barry Scott anyway? Was he famous for something? Maybe if someone introduces themselves like that on TV people assume they are/were famous.
  17. When she says "I bet his mouth isn't so tough!" she sounds so much like the mayor in South Park.
  18. Hey, what about Clayfighter 63 1/3? That was, er....
  19. Will the Ada mission have GC graphics? It may sound stupid, but they werent made on the mighty 'Cube as far as I know so I'm wondering if it'll have PS2 graphics.
  20. I got away with that until last June. Now I have to shave every day. It's a pain in the arse to shave even the tiniest growth just cuz a Cheif might see it. Oh, and I'm a fellow pube trimmer. It has to be done.
  21. Well if you don't wanna see it as a big deal then think of it as being one year closer to death. Always cheers me up.
  22. http://www.korn-locker.com http://www.n-europe.com http://www.consumptionjunction.com (and other sites on the Sick Site Netork, butrecently just CJ).
  23. I cant remember if this actually happened cuz I've supressed most of my childhood, but my mother being smashed through the glass of a door. Oh, and a car coming right at my face after some **** knocked me off my bike next to a main road. Scary shit.
  24. I'll be under the sea in one of Her Majesty's Submarines so it'll be a pretty boring birthday. Like my 18th which was in my 5th day of Basic Training. Please people, make the most of your birthday's, I sure as fuck can't.
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