I'm almost drunk.
I've had the chance but I still haven't asked the girl I love out.
As of June I'll be out to sea so even if I did, the relationship would be doomed even if she said yes.
John Smiths, Ricard, Guniness and more John Smiths is gooood.
Er... well shit. Maybe they filmed JCM's scenes after? Hell I don't know, either way apart from that episode, season 6 has been pure gold. I hate clip shows.
Right now I'm more likely to get this than RE4:Wii. I seem to have stumbled upon an abbreviation there. Anyway, it looks good, I haven't played an arcadey shooter in ages and I wanna see RE2 & 3 places in better graphics.
Who the hell is Barry Scott anyway? Was he famous for something? Maybe if someone introduces themselves like that on TV people assume they are/were famous.
Will the Ada mission have GC graphics? It may sound stupid, but they werent made on the mighty 'Cube as far as I know so I'm wondering if it'll have PS2 graphics.
I got away with that until last June. Now I have to shave every day. It's a pain in the arse to shave even the tiniest growth just cuz a Cheif might see it.
Oh, and I'm a fellow pube trimmer. It has to be done.
I cant remember if this actually happened cuz I've supressed most of my childhood, but my mother being smashed through the glass of a door. Oh, and a car coming right at my face after some **** knocked me off my bike next to a main road. Scary shit.
I'll be under the sea in one of Her Majesty's Submarines so it'll be a pretty boring birthday. Like my 18th which was in my 5th day of Basic Training. Please people, make the most of your birthday's, I sure as fuck can't.