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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. The Hills Have Eyes 2 Actually saw it last weekend but whatever. It was pretty damn poor, shit plot (even for a sequal to a remake of a Wes Craven film), pretty poor acting and not scary. The blonde female lead is super hot though, something about her eyes and face, couldnt keep my eyes off. Some pretty kool gore in the film plus sledgehammer shots to the nuts of a mutant. overall 5.5/10
  2. Your'e not wrong, also they could've use the Jill Tracy ghost more. I've always found her funny for some reason.
  3. I just finished watching the latest episode. Has to rank as one of the saddest in the history of the show, if not the saddest. Has anyone else seen it and what do you think of the season so far?
  4. Futurama! With its impending comeback it will soon rule the cartoon airwaves!
  5. Everything seperate, usually veg first meat last. I get called crazy for it all the time. Fits in well with my other OCD tendencies.
  6. Thats pretty much what I mean.
  7. did anyone else think the end was anti climactic after the brilliant narrative in the rest of the game?
  8. Just bought it and its fucking amazing! Probably the most fun Ive had with a racing game ever!
  9. Ok then........ Sepultura (Max Cavalera era) or Strapping Young Lad, you choose which to judge.
  10. Kurtle is that the Invisible Pink Unicorn logo as your avatar? If it is, awesome! Oh, Haggis stop posting here and ask her out. Then you post here after the requesite celebrations. Go forth!
  11. What should I get? Exitetruck, Metal Slug or Red Steel?
  12. Futurama is back next year. Right now South Park has the crown and is undisputed.
  13. Do NOT do this. It shows you have little confidence in yourself. Girls hate that. Just ask her out, whats the worst that could happen? Even if she says no you'll still be friends after the initial awkwardness (sp?) has gone. Seriously though, crack on with it!
  14. These things are never gonna get fired. If they do it means someone else has launched theirs and were all fucked anyway. I dont see why people are against the only possible deterrant against people who may wanna nuke us. Nice pic of a Vanguard Class by the way.
  15. My two favourite Thrash/Death bands are Slayer and Sepultura. I'd say I prefer Sepultura out of the 2, just a shame they dont have any decent T shirts. I also like Chaos AD and Roots which is considered sheer metal heresy by some, but I dont give a fuck.
  16. Why no mention of pre Chaos AD Sepultura? Beneath the Remains especially.
  17. I was supposed to go out and get wasted with my albanian "brother" and other mates but Aggy (the Albanian is being a pussy and wants to stay in. Damn Im pissed off, its the 1st time hes been here for ages and he wants to stay in.
  18. Home for the 1st time in two weeks, aint long but it feels like ages when you do what I do. Staying in tonight but having a shitstorm of a night tomorow. My Albaninan mate is coming here and we are going out to commit various acts of depredation. Necrophilia and copraphilia are possible but alas, unlikely, damnit.
  19. Tonight I will be on the train to Portsmouth. Then ironing my uniform for tomorow and bulling my boots. Exciting.
  20. Its all blown out of proportion. I have a white friend who we all call Jew even though he isnt and an Indian friend we all call Terrorist, though he isnt. Then they sing "In The Navy" to me and call me gay though Im not but thats for a different debate. I wont judge anyone based on their race, I judge people on who they are. All races can be arseholes.
  21. I drank beer, absinthe and beer. I got in a reflective sort of mood and didnt like what I was seeing. A bit of MotD and Rambo fixed that. Then I slept. Quite possibly one of the shittest nights ever. I would have accepted a punch in the face just to liven it up. EDIT: Great new sig and avatar Ash. Sarah Chalke is a goddess.
  22. Log onto N-Europe. Im not very nerdy.
  23. I would totally do her. Those close together eyes, the botoxed face. I'd fuck her head right off and grab it, screw the bottom of her neck so I could see my phallus poking out the back of her mouth. I need help.
  24. Nah, I just use a teaspoon. If I could afford it, I'd buy a £100 bottle of it, plus spoons and glasses. Since Im buying a £100 battle of Trafalgar Rum decanter (full of 47.75% rum) next month it aint gonna happen anytime soon.
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