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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. Bellamy's People was fantastic, just a shame it only ran for one series earlier this year. Also, not so recent, but The Fast Show is well worth a watch. Favourite comedy, ever.
  2. Was Reggie snorting cocaine when he said it'd probably be out Christmas 2010?
  3. The latter. People don't have much choice at this point, internet deliveries probably won't arrive in time, and most people not totally savvy in buying games will just go to a shop with "game" in its name. Totally unfair of the stores.
  4. We found out about the DS's European release date in February, if I remember correctly. It came out a month later.
  5. Bastarding bastard.
  6. You should totally be Link_Of_Christmas_Past.

  7. We don't pay you to have an opinion on this!
  8. I really think we should at least wait to hear from MadDog's he's usually online in the early hours. Screw this, no mafia is stupid enough to out themselves as stalling the death of their first victim in the first day phase. You crazy, Elliam.
  9. Correct, apologies.
  10. Yarr! I must step in here. Someone definitely targeted me last night, and it wasn't a pleasant visit, so I don't know if it has any sort of bearing on this information, but I received the information that the One-Eyed Pirate was "elsewhere" at the time of the murder. Which doesn't really make sense. As in his mind was wandering, he had been affected/tampered with?
  11. Yarrr. I have no information, unfortunately. Anyone else? (I assume this will get more active in the evening when everyone's finished work/uni/etc.)
  12. Following on from your Zeus point.
  13. That cast of characters seems kind of... overkill. EDIT: Debunked already. As the article says, it's highly doubtful that many more people other than the Nolans, maybe Bale and the other main cast members, have seen the script, let alone a random guy from Warner Bros. who's subsequently emailed the entire story to his friend.
  14. As it's Christmas, I want to hear Killing In The Name.
  15. What the buggery happened to you?

  16. Sign me up! Finished uni, but I work in a pub, and it's guaranteed to be pretty damn busy this Christmas. Just a warning, in case I miss out on some nights!

  17. Why are they looking for a new J Jonah Jameson for the reboot? JK Simmons was perfect, and it's not like carrying old actors across to rebooted films is a new thing, they did it with Judy Dench as M in the Bond series.
  18. Elves at Helm's Deep, death of Saruman and Wormtongue at Isengard in ROTK Extended Edition, Faramir taking the Hobbits to Osgiliath and resisting the corruption of the Ring, etc. For the most part, all of the major changes made to the book are for the better and make it an overall better movie experience.
  19. I watched Tron Legacy tonight, very much enjoyed it.
  20. Yup, if you die 8 times in a row, Senator Pig (not his official name) pops up and offers to let Super Kong take over and nail the level. Obviously, collectables obtained in Super Guide mode aren't saved.
  21. Conduit 2 isn't using Wii Speak, because apparently they had the option of using the firmware for either Wii Speak or Headbanger, and they chose the latter. Games seem to be only capable of supporting one peripheral.
  22. Ashley managed to trade some bananas in for a copy.
  23. Congratulations, Birmingham. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-11894728
  24. I'm not a massive football fanatic so I won't be devastated if another nation gets it, but I'd love to see the World Cup in England, I'd imagine the atmosphere would be fantastic. On a related note, I recently read something about Japan developing fricking hologram technology to aid with their World Cup bid.
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