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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. Not as awesome, but I met Bill Tarney, aka Jack Duckworth from Coronation Street. EDIT: I was on the wrong page, referring to what I thought was the latest turn of events with Dannyboy meeting JK Rowling.
  2. I'm having a weird problem with my contacts on my G2 Touch/Hero (have been for a few months actually). Whenever I make a new Google contact, it just disappears/deletes itself shortly afterwards. I can't for the life of me work out why it's doing this, I've just been saving new contacts to SIM, which isn't ideal.
  3. When are you starting the mafia? I procrastinate too much with work as it is. :(

  4. I suppose crappy graphics fits in with the age-old tradition of Doctor Who's crappy special effects.
  5. If the killing-puppet idea is true and the mafia gets another killer, then surely this is just a way to make us kill off our own people?
  6. Very good point, and for which I shall place my vote as: Vote: No Lynch Sorry for my absence.
  7. Not really good advice for the short-term, but get a part-time job. I get a decent amount of money per week which, in combination with my student loan (I get the bare minimum), means I'm reasonably well-off most of the time!
  8. I'm glad you're still with us Paj! @Jayseven My mum also suffers from the mono-sodium glutamate allergy, it really is surprising how many products use it. Makes it quite difficult to get around sometimes, especially when eating out.
  9. You just said "bloke", I love how British the internet has made you. :heh:

  10. Buzz Lightyear and Woody.
  11. Doubtful, it was solid enough when I played it in July. Perhaps they ran out of space or had technical issues, consoles were malfunctioning left right and centre in Leeds last year.
  12. What he said! 2D games looked gorgeous on the DS, I'd love to see them brought to vivid life with the 3DS. Just because proper, non-blocky 3D is possible now doesn't mean 2D should be abandoned!
  13. Tony Hawk's kind of gone off rails (ha) with the Ride series recently, this looks pretty good though.
  14. The Wii Remote's never been good at registering precisely timed movements such as those needed for Rhythm Paradise, so I foresee a lot of frustration.
  15. I was hoping that lowering the DSi/XL prices would lead to a price point nearer to the original RRP of both handhelds. On another note, I'm praying that Nintendo will give it a matte finish. The glossiness was the one thing I hated about the 3DS, it makes it feel so cheap, and it's also a fingerprint magnet.
  16. I've always thought David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust or Jareth the Goblin Lord would be an interesting costume for this sort of thing (complete with The Bulgeâ„¢, maybe). It's just a little bit difficult to find the right supplies.
  17. I thought you were setting me up to be framed for ReZ's death to be honest. The force-vote was an incredibly powerful power (powerful power?), since making it obvious you were being influenced by the mafia was a killable offence.
  18. Screw you all.
  19. By the way, I'm a lynch-bomb. Everyone. Will. Die.
  20. One-use reveal? Fuck this. I'm out. Change Vote: Tellyn
  21. Your information appears to be conflicted, I am not Bright Yellow.
  22. Rather than pursuing Paj today, we might as well go for a confirmed mafioso (Dyson) rather than someone who claims to be a neutral. That is, if Zell's intel is trustworthy. Vote: Dyson
  23. I got quite excited then, it's a rare, momentous occasion when someone deems a Virtual Console release important enough to post about! The last post in here was July... Let us know your thoughts on it, H-o-T, and I'm sure we'll get a good write-up from Sam in VC Weekly as well.
  24. On that note, I'm quite surprised that there seemed to be only one attempt on my life.
  25. That was a great game! Although I must admit, I called your bluff with your lynch, Jonnas. I didn't actually investigate you, but it was obvious you were mafia. I was going to sacrifice myself to expose you when you were trying to coax me into revealing what had happened to me during the night to lead me to think that ReZ was evil (the mafia forced my vote, just to explain that incident), but you actually had me convinced until the game didn't end with Jayseven's death. Sneaky bugger!
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