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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. Yes, I looked at Area 51 the other week and was surprised it was listed. But it disallows zooming.
  2. Classic just now. Phonecall to my dad. "Hello is this Charlie?" "Yes..." "Hi this is Chris Tarrant from Who Wants to be a Millionaire, good evening!" "Oh!" "Your mate Dave is here, he's stuck on a 32,000 pound question, can you help him out?" "Go on" "What day is it today? A. Xmas Day, B. Boxing Day, C. Groundhog Day, or D...." "Oh no...." "APRIL FOOL'S DAY!"
  3. After the uproar that NGC's issue about Zelda Revolution controller caused, NGC have struck back at Nintendo's press conferences. See DSpot Community for further details. http://s13.invisionfree.com/Dspotcommunity/index.php?showtopic=555
  4. Wow these are ace!
  5. Er... when I tried to log onto Revo-Europe earlier (mainsite and forum) there was loads of html coding and a problem with the system apparently.
  6. Er, has anyone noticed that the release date for Nintentdogs is OUT NOW for Europe? It's not until Friday...
  7. Microsoft are too far in to change their controller, it would be impossible to change all of their games to coincide with a new controller. But Sony... ATTACK!!!!!!!
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