I've just had a few ideas which could happen at Revolution launch with the virtual console...
About ten free games on the virtual console (maybe a choice or ready selected quality games from each platform, like Zelda OOT for N64, Super Mario Bros. for the NES, stuff for the Megadrive and SNES, etc.)
A free GameCube controller shell in with the Revo pack
The option to buy a little pack of Revo shells, like a spare GameCube one for multiplayer, N64 one, NES, SNES, Megadrive..
Instead of using the VIP stars to buy rubbish wallpapers, use them for Virtual Console games!
Use the Virtual Console to get demos for the Rev, and DS (in the last case, that would only happen if the Rev's last feature is a DS download station)
A little news page that is updated when you log into Wi-Fi that can show you a list of new videos for games. You can subscribe to newly announced games and have videos and pictures sent to your Rev, that can maybe be stored on like a Movie Player on your DS
If anyone else has any suggestions I'll put them in a list here.