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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. Z button comes in handy in Zelda.
  2. After seeing other choices, I have a new list. Paper Mario (N64) Link to the Past (SNES) Earthbound 1 (?) Super Mario RPG Seven Stars (SNES) Star Fox 64 (N64) Kid Icarus (NES)
  3. True, they all move at the same time and there's lots of them. *Twitch. Twitch.*
  4. I like-a the bananas!
  5. Which games will you be downloading from the Revolution's Virtual Console? I think I'll be getting... Mario RPG (SNES) Tetrisphere (N64) Donkey Kong 64 (N64) Link to the Past (SNES)
  6. I want the shells. I just don't want them used in actual Rev games. The Virtual Console NEEDS the shells otherwise you have to hold the FHC in an awkward position to be able to play.
  7. Yeah, does anyone have the "Please, my darling, let me-" "Go! Hey, he doesn't mess around, this lad, does he? No. What?" EDIT: Yeah I remember that one, back to the beginning of time where they start as fish, evolve and end up with the Guinness. That was clever.
  8. Crusha http://www.gofish.com/video.gfp?gfid=30-1014224 The first Halifax advert when Howard sung the Liberty X song (can't find a link, sorry) Peter Kay John Smith's Adverts http://www.aviz.co.uk/stuff/johnsmiths/mum.mov
  9. I have saved them all to my computer, bwahahaha!
  10. All the dancing Nintendo bananas you could ever wish for. http://forums.nintendo.com/nintendo/board/message?board.id=np_po&message.id=11650677&view=by_date_ascending&page=1
  11. How can the PS3 be 4D? Unless it has a clock on the controller that you can reset to a previous time, that would be stupid and useless. Though good in a Zelda game.
  12. Rokhed, don't whinge about it on here, write to Rusell T Davies if you hate the stories. AS far as I'm concerned you're a bitter man who lurks in the past hoping that Doctor Who will go back to the 70s. Not gonna happen unless he travels there in the Tardis.
  13. Rokhed, first of all I'm allowed to voice my opinion without you telling me to go watch something else. YOU are the oe that has been whinging for FIVE pages of this thread about how rubbish the new series is and how you remember the golden days, now I have a suggestion, ad I've tried to hold it back for this long... YOU SHUT UP AND GO WATCH ANOTHER BLOODY PROGRAM! Anyway, back to topic. Each Doctor is allowed to have his own personality, he's still the Doctor but each actor is allowed to make the Doctor their own. David Tennant portrays him in his own way. Oh, and I think the Torchwood thing isn't a conspiracy, they wouldn't have revealed it before the series began if they wanted a build up. And somehow I don't think Torchwood, led by Captain Jack, will cause the apocalypse in the final episode.
  14. I must track down the rest. I don't have that Force Card that came with it either.
  15. I don't see the winged aliens for School Reunion being quite scary, their faces look like an old man on steroids.
  16. Yep, Queen Victoria was also in Shirley Valentine, as Shirley. I liked how they worked Torchwood into it. Watch the Tardisode for Episode 3 and you see that Mickey is denied access to look at UFO landing footage at a school by Torchwood. But brilliant episode! EDIT: After watching the Confidential, I think Doctor Who should be shown at a later time if it means more effects to make it scarier. After all they can show the editted version to kids the following day.
  17. Yeah, Nintendork, I got the binder and only needed a few more to complete the set. Those were ace, I remember almost eating the ones hidden in Walkers.
  18. Exactly, arses are pretty much allowed to be shown on TV. Lawsuits pursue if frontal is shown though. So region locks are BAD!
  19. Then why don't they slap an 18 on it and be done with it? besides, that is a pixelated woman's backside, that's allowed on primetime TV and Pampers adverts, I don't see why it can't be allowed in games. It's fine as long as they don't show genitals and breasts.
  20. The door reminded me of Shrek.
  21. I've added you Sprout, shall we have a game at say... 6.45?
  22. A recent killing case stated that the kids used GTA as a simulator for the killing to plan the attack. Plan the attack kind of says that they were going to do it in the first place, they just needed something to practise on. They were under 18, it is the parents' fault for buying the damn game in the first place, the age limit is on it for a reason. I play Zelda a lot, but I don't go out hitting people with a spinning sword attack, and after playing Mario I don't jump on people's heads for coins.
  23. Don't worry about it Sprout. Do you have a Tetris DS friend code?
  24. They have two choices: use region free and have a happy EU market that don't go to buy PS3 because Revo games and the console takes too long to get over here, or they don't use region free and the Revolution receives the three-shelf fate of the GameCube in Europe.
  25. I'd also like a 3D version of the Mushroom Kingdom. Those pics are quite nice though.
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