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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. No response from Nintendo. They've only ever responded to me once, last summer, and I got automation.
  2. My list: 1. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 2. Mario 128 3. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass 4. Super Smash Bros. Wii 5. Donkey Kong Wii 6. Virtual Console Games 7. Shigeru's cancelled SNES game for the DS 8. StarFox Wii 9. Pikmin Thwii 10. New Franchise Wii
  3. Resi 5 was said by Capcom not to be coming to the Wii.
  4. Just because PS3 and Xbox360 can use HD and high power graphics doesn't mean developers will use them to the full potential. If they do, it will take about 2 years to make a game using the full power. Wii probably has nicer looking graphics than both consoles.
  5. I think we worship him even more now. Happy birthday Tim!
  6. Don't do it, I tried that before, didn't work out well for me. *Bows before lord and master Nintendork*
  7. Isn't there supposed to be One Piece for the DS?
  8. So you'd prefer no danger, the Doctor finds an alien, shoots it, and goes on to another place?
  9. $200 would equate to about 108 quid in the UK, I'd happily pay that price. Just sent an email to Nintendo asking what Zelda games will be available for download, and if Zelda will be a Wii title (TP).
  10. I wonder if Vaati returns. He has a knowledge of witchcraft and could have cursed Link.
  11. Kirby Adventure for the Cube was announced last year. Pikmin was never announced for the Wii either. I'm guessing Ice Climbers.
  12. Are you serious? Have a look on this site. http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho
  13. I remember seeing like 5 second adverts that were really short and had just one thing in them. How about something that will keep people guessing and will make them search for to find out. THree seconds focusing on the word Wii. That's it, simple but effective.
  14. Nice post arab freak. And 4 days until what?
  15. Point made. But I am not BITCHING, I am TWITCHING. This wait for three Zelda games, two consoles (DS Lite and Wii), DS games and Wii launch games has made me develop a twitch. Seriously, it's not funny.
  16. What an idiot! :0
  17. They could have put ONE hint in there that won't make sense till E3.
  18. Revo-Europe was started by one person (or two, correct me if I'm wrong).
  19. Jabba the Hutt was a man in concept arts with a snake like tongue (this has LOTR written all over it - Wormtongue) and repulsively similar to a slug, but still a man. It was scrapped for the movie when a suit would be cheaper than a transformation. I think.
  20. I'd like to help with news. Heres some constructive criticism: 1. Centre the logo a bit on the still in development page. It looks slightly out of place. 2. You need some forum skins, then design, no offense, is horrible. 3. If it's a Wii site, not a good step being hosted by PSX (PlayStation). 4. The name needs to change to Wii.
  21. *******! You and the E3 ticket guy are on my list!
  22. I'm in Year 9 but I was chosen to do a Biology GCSE a year early due to my intelligence (sorry if that sounds big headed). My final exam is in June, but I'm not sure. I'm at an overall C, 0.4% off a B. I handed in my coursework which was fine apparently, so I'm going into that exam with a low B. Is it possible to get an A out of that exam, if so what grade do I need from it?
  23. Dag nabbit.
  24. Cool, thanks. My idea of the Zelda timeline isn't final because I don't have all the games. But I'm pretty sure: 1. Ocarina of Time 2. Majora's Mask 3. Twilight Princess 4. Wind Waker 5. Phantom Hourglass 6. Minish Cap 7. Four Swords (This is because we see the origins in the Minish Cap, when Link can split himself up to solve puzzles. It is definitely somewhere after Minish Cap)
  25. Sorry about Sunshine, but it's a good game. Not for octopi, but good for us.
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