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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. And our survey says...... Vote: Jonnas The last remnant of a doomed mafia.
  2. Just bought a PS3, and I've been using it for a couple of days through an AV cable, which works fine. A colleague gave me a third-party HDMI cable to use for it, and upon trying to connect it, I found that it won't work. The TV recognises that something's plugged in since the HDMI slot becomes available to switch over to, but it tells me that there's no signal. I've tried this with the AV cable plugged in and without, changed the settings about when the console's been on, tried the 5-second reset method (it says there's an HDMI device connected, asks me if I want to change, yet nothing shows up when I change over to HDMI apart from a "No signal" message), just about everything possible. I think a few people have been having this problem since the PS3 launch, but I can't seem to find a clear solution for it. The TV is a 47" LG (product code 47LD450), couple of months old. Thanks in advance for any help!
  3. Tellyn


    I wonder if they've made another mine cart.
  4. Let's do this. Vote: Rummy
  5. Fish, you're a bastard.
  6. Please ensure that Jayseven and Rummy are disabled tonight, they're our last mafiosos.
  7. I sincerely hope this is a joke. Vote: The Peeps Evil, by powers of investigation.
  8. Elaborate, you vile fiend! What's it about?
  9. Protectors, roleblockers, investigators, unite! Tonight, we need to ensure the mafia cannot take another life. We have ReZourceman's list, which Cube has helpfully narrowed down to a checklist of people who are certainly mafiosos. Disable and destroy them. Vote: Dannyboy-the-Dane
  10. You have not escaped suspicion. Who are you?
  11. Games go out of print eventually, some sooner than others, and then the only way to find them is usually in a used condition in a store or online. I'm sure thousands (millions?) of gamers have picked up a brilliant gem of a game in this way, it'd be such a massive shame for developers that even fewer people would get to experience their work.
  12. Nor do I, I find they usually come back to Sting you. *shoots self*
  13. Have we got enough townies with the correct powers left to protect ourselves and disable the mafia overnight? We need to be quite selective over who we off today, if it's a roleblocker then someone else dies tonight. Rummy only forced someone to the ground, he didn't kill them, hence he might be the roleblocker, and I think we can afford to leave him alone for the time being and concentrate on catching the killer. It might also be worth noting that one of last night's killers could be a neutral, perhaps from this Pokémon group. Remove Vote Which one of our lovely contestants is a killer?
  14. Mafia ploy? I gave you MadDog, and Mundi just confirmed I'm about to give you another mafioso. As far as desperation goes, ratting out two teammates just isn't cricket. I've been very up front and helpful since Day 2, and the situation yesterday and the killing of ReZ seems to be turning this around, and working it towards someone's agenda. Intel for intel. Tell me your role, I'll tell you why I'm withholding information. And no, this isn't just a pointless request, my intel is withheld for a reason and I refuse to release it freely. I mean it. Tell me your role.
  15. I don't know, I think I'd feel a little silly if I told you my theory.
  16. I have a theory, Jonnas.
  17. His whole "I want to be friends with my Pokémon!" mantra is bullshit. Pokémon were put on this planet to be beaten within an inch of their lives,shoved in tiny, portable capsules, and made to beat other Pokémon to bloodied pulps. Ash stumbles upon a shiny/rare Pokémon, and he helps it get back to its family/mate with a female/go off to fulfil its lifelong dream of becoming a firefighter/go into "training" with someone he barely knows rather than CATCH the bugger. It also makes me scream inside when he releases the Pokémon. The Pokéball is a symbol of their captivity and mankind's ownership over them, and that's where they should bloody well stay. Ash just allows them to bugger off whenever the hell they want - this is NOT what Pokémon is about. GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!
  18. Last night I witnessed Rummy slam someone to the ground. This behaviour fits in with the first paragraph: Or possibly the deaths of either dan-likes-trees or ReZourceman. My PM noted that this was evil behaviour; I followed up on Rummy following on from ReZ's mafia list, probably the thing that got him killed by the mafia last night (in an effort to frame me after my certainty over the clearly faulty information about ReZ's alignment yesterday, no doubt). Vote: Rummy With two townies dead overnight, the mafia have grown in power as their numbers dwindle it seems.
  19. Likewise. If it runs out before I accumulate my Stars, hopefully it'll appear for a reasonable price on eBay.
  20. Switched out Spirit of Radio and Hurricane for Ruled By Secrecy by Muse (inspired by the beautiful, haunting live rendition at Wembley on Saturday) and... Mr. Roboto!
  21. Sign me up, trusty Danish boy companion!
  22. Why does this thread only have one response? I commend you, Scoop! I loved Invader Zim when it was first on TV, it didn't run for long if I remember correctly. Really dark, yet such a funny and genius animation.
  23. That's why it's all about the tactics. It takes a great trainer to master and correctly use the grass type to its full potential.
  24. Mod Slap, M-M-Mod Slap!
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