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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. Oh dear. I suppose we'll just have to pray that publishers don't neglect certain releases when it comes to Europe. You mean if the system was region-free, they wouldn't have attempted to flash it? If the 3DS was region-free, made toast, transformed into a perfect human bride for you and brought peace to the planet, hackers would still attempt to flash it, day one.
  2. Yeah, I originally thought that they might have also continued the story by having Bilbo reminiscing whilst on the boat to the Grey Havens with Frodo, Gandalf, Galadriel, Celeborn, Elrond, etc. Setting it just before LOTR with Bilbo telling the story to Frodo wouldn't detract from the emotional ending of Return of the King though, so I'd prefer that. There will probably be room for cameos from Sam, Merry and Pippin too.
  3. Sir Christopher Lee and Sir Ian Holm are also rumoured to be in talks to reprise their roles in the Hobbit. Win.
  4. Sign me up if you do indeed find space for more!
  5. Honestly? I don't give a damn. I don't understand how digital copies can seriously be considered an alternative to boxed products. Most people struggle setting up a film on a DVD/Blu-ray player; short of just watching it on the computer/laptop, it would be a nightmare for some people to set it up on the TV. And as has already been said by david.dakota, the quality of the product pales in comparison to Blu-ray/DVD anyway.
  6. Serebii, can you transfer Pokémon from Black and White back to the other DS games, or are they 'trapped' on Black/White as with Pal Park?
  7. Would be lovely if we actually got this event this time round...
  8. Damn it Hodge, you're missing vital intel! Someone really needs to pin down an executive next week and literally beat some useful information from them. The Japanese press have seemingly gained nothing from the past few days.
  9. At E3, Reggie said that it was undecided whether or not region-locking would be implemented. And that's the last we've heard of the matter, nothing has actually been announced in regards to it yet. And only DSiWare was region-locked, which makes sense, considering the same goes for PSN, XBLA, WiiWare, etc.
  10. Love the completely over-the-top and powerful openers for Absolution and Black Holes and Revelations.
  11. No one seems to have picked up on the 6 AR cards. What are they?
  12. The build I played in July was really impressive, just a bit limited since you're confined to the island (and a time limit). You can still do things like flying through the volcano though.
  13. I hate these digital distribution pushes. I just like buying things in boxes...
  14. They actually created a life-size, animatronic version of Treebeard for the Two Towers though, so it wasn't purely CGI. Personally, I think LOTR's CGI still stands up as a fantastic achievement! It's stuff like the CGI Jabba in the re-done Star Wars Episode IV, and Yoda in Episodes II and III that looks somewhat shoddy and unbelievable. It just looks shoe-horned over the original footage.
  15. All £3 each from HMV!
  16. Holly Willoughby just used the immortal line "it has curves". :D

  17. It's ridiculous to be making links to Twilight, his hair wasn't too dissimilar to that before he began work on Spider-Man.
  18. £25 from HMV £25, again, from HMV £6 from HMV
  19. Someone drugged me in town. I have a total blackout for the latter part of the night. Pretty scary stuff, but luckily my friends took me home. I'm staying at work this year.
  20. If they can get a regular, iTunes-like system of 3D films being released for download on the 3DS at the same time as 3D Blu-Rays, I can see it steadily destroying the iPhone/iPad. However, much as I'd love to see this, I don't think Nintendo have it in them to integrate such a system. Prove me wrong!
  21. Going to Fab Café in Leeds for their Nintendo New Year celebrations, which sounds totally awesome. Went to get tickets today, and the barmaid who served me is dressing up as a blue Pikmin, and I now feel inadequate knowing that I have no costume. DAMN IT. Also, like Ashley, I was invited to a hot tub party by a girl who rebounded on me last week. She lives in Hartlepool. Fail!
  22. The article's author can't see Nintendo doing that? They launched the DS with Super Mario 64 (although that wasn't a bundle). They're playing it pretty safe in terms of critical reception and the market, since it's one of the most well-received, best-selling games ever. I can see a remade Ocarina of Time being a major selling-point for the 3DS.
  23. There was for HG/SS, and I believe Japan were getting downloadable shizz from the get-go.
  24. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World on Blu-Ray, with my Christmas money/many tips from work!
  25. Sage/Sear/Pour, more clever elemental references! When will Game Freak run out of these?
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