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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. I could make a BIG list of things that Sony have copied. To be honest I think Sony only agreed to work with Phillips and Nintendo for the technology that would lead them to their own console. If only Nintendo didn't try to work on the CD-i, and just bought out Sony and Phillips while they could.
  2. Nice ideas, but is he Japanese because his English isn't good very.
  3. MOST: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess It looks beautiful, epic and far better than any PS3 game I have seen. The Legend of Zelda is the most brilliant story in gaming ever. LEAST: Virtual Console I waited over a year for them to reveal all it's secrets, and I see some guy playing Sonic the Hedgehog. What is this? What the hell are they playing at! Nintendo lied to me, I emailed them and they said it would be revealed at E3.
  4. To be honest I hope GC controls are included, because none of us have played it yet, and it could be easily disappointing and tiring.
  5. I saw on a different site some guy had been making lists of which 3rd party characters to include from companies like Eidos, Sega, Atari, etc. I saw Bonk from Bonk's Adventure on there, and thought it was a good idea seeing as that will be available as a TurboGraphx game through the Virtual Console.
  6. I was going to put Orca, then I thought that was Free Willy.
  7. Do you know who I want to see in SSBB? The sword fighting guy from Wind Waker who teaches you new techniques!
  8. This being Play.com that stated, "Eschewing the cel-shaded cuteness of Windtalker".
  9. Hate the feel of third party GC ones. I dread to think how WIRELESS controllers that need INTRICATE DESIGN so that aiming is spot on will be developed.
  10. The blog revealed that it was lying. They wanted more hype over IGN Dreamcast for some reason and that Sega are not revealing anything.
  11. Yeah I remember it was in NGC years ago, they thought it was a spelling error and supposed to be Giftopia.
  12. It looks beautiful. The market looks exactly the same as in OOT, even Hyrule Bridge does!
  13. Excellent... Mr. Smithers, release the hounds.
  14. If Nintendo release the Wii after the PS3 in Europe they've lost the console war already.
  15. Say that again while I point this machine gun at your head.
  16. Note he's removed it. Is it a given that Fox is in it then? Because recently I've discovered I'm better with him than Kirby.
  17. Yep those were good, still have mine.
  18. I hope I don't have to pay for another connector. I'd rather Nintendo swapped the current connectors in order to keep loyal fans.
  19. Dev kits are cheap for the Wii, I hope we see more of these because there are thousands of people out there with epic ideas.
  20. OK, if how much should I save for the following: Zelda Twilight Princess Fire Emblem (If not launch game, then I'll pick something similar) Extra Controller Wii
  21. They can charge what the hell they want to for third party games, I prefer to buy Nintendo games.
  22. I take it no one is getting VC games.
  23. After a brief glance at Pokemon.com so that I could join this discussion, I would like to see: Armaldo No. 348 Type: Rock/Bug Description: Armaldo is a Pokemon species that became extinct in prehistoric times. This Pokemon is said to have walked on its hind legs, which would have been more convenient for life on land.
  24. 1 Day, 7 Hours, 3 Minutes, 16 Seconds Will we see anything? Or was this Sega's April Fool joke that got lost in the post?
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