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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. Hate the clones so much.
  2. You know you love it. :P
  3. You must check it's compatible first. There's something on the site to help you do this.
  4. 1) Ocarina of Time 2) Majora's Mask 3) Wind Waker 4) Minish Cap
  5. For people who love Mr. Game and Watch so much... Mr. Game and Watch Forever
  6. When did Geraint leave? He was ace! My favourite bit from every issue, they seem to have stopped now though. GRINTENDO - NGC Issue ?? The mini Pikmin does a really bad joke, they all look shifty, then "Do him Mr. Purple." And they devise some brilliant way of removing his head or destroying him.
  7. I have an idea. How about for the Zelda levels (possibly about 5) in each one the theme is from a different console game. So for a Wind Waker level like Outset Island, the whole cast of fighters taking part change to cel-shaded, and if Link plays then we play as Wind Waker Link! In a NES/SNES Zelda level we are transformed into pixels (like Mario - or Jumpman - , Samus and Donkey Kong) and Link. The same for Ocarina of Time levels. I think that would be a cool addition.
  8. Note no Pokemon games have been announced for the Wii. We'll probably see an MMORPG next year. I really hope they don't make the Zelda series an MMORPG. The reason I love Zelda is because it's just me and Link battling the forces trying to retrieve the Triforce. I love going through dungeons and spending weeks stuck on a specific part, and I'm always blown away. I'm happy for another team to work on Zelda MMORPG, because it would be a good game, but Shigsy needs to work on Zelda Wii.
  9. Definitely getting: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Excite Truck Wii Sports Interesting...: Wario Ware Smooth Moves Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
  10. Check the OFFICIAL Nintendo website, one of the animation links shows the Wii then in a cloud, '2006'. They wouldn't have deceived us for this long.
  11. THe title should be will the Wii be Wiigion fwii?
  12. I hate you Hero of Time! Do you know how much I want those games! BLOODY MINT SET! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I DESPISE YOU!
  13. Does everyone realise that no matter how much we're looking forward to Twilight Princess, there will not be a Zelda Wii (a proper new storyline anyway). We had the hints before. Shigeru Miyamoto lied to us! I love Shigsy, I worship him for bringing Mario, Zelda and enjoyment to my home, but he said last year, early on that Zelda Revolution (it was called that then) was well into development. OF COURSE IT BLOODY IS! Zelda Wii IS Twilight Princess! How dare they port a game in development for years and call it a new game! We will not see Zelda Wii until the end of the Wii's life if we want a good game, then it will be delayed again because Shigsy has new ideas...
  14. Great article now I really need a Wii (sorry, the first joke of that genre I've ever done on this forum, seriously).
  15. Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest is released on the current consoles this summer, I'm guessing the Wii version will be ready for launch (it has been confirmed).
  16. I'd like to see a Picori stage from the Minish Cap. All the characters look normal sized but the hazards are puddles and a giant Link treading about, with Ezlo text at the bottom of the screen occasionally.
  17. I won the Lotto Hotpicks twice, 80 quid in total.
  18. There is already an official topic in the Wii Discussion board. This board isn't even for gaming discussions. We are already debating this in the Super Smash Bros. topic so this needs to be locked.
  19. What's special about some fat chav who thinks he's ace?
  20. Dag nabbit I always make a fool of myself! I can't even walk into a room without burning myself on the radiator or tripping over something and causing a nuclear war.* *May not be exact truth.
  21. One week until the 28th. It says in his profile... Date of Birth: May 28, 1989 THe cheeky guy!
  22. Are you on drugs?
  23. But that will be on the Virtual Console.
  24. The Nintendo Freak feature from a couple of issues ago. Made me laugh so hard it hurt. I love NGC.
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