They also seem to use the word euphenism a lot.
EDIT: WHo else is trying the NGC quiz? I've got over half of the questions, I'm stuck on...
5. If you were close personal friend of NGC's resident workaholic Mark Green, would you call him:
A. Greener Schnitzel
B. Dr. Robotnik's Mean Green Machine
C. Ooh, Parp-Parp, It's Herr Green-A-Lot, Gesundheit!
6. In which game can you ride a dolphin to a 'special island'? And no that's not a euphenism, although the phrase is a component of the Wincemaker (see Q1).
8. What's Dexter cooking up in his laboratory?
10. What is uta garuta? (Clue: it's not that lady Greener met down the alley late one night when he was living in Budapest).