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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. Mmm that looks good. Im surprised it wasn't shown at E3.
  2. At least the urination jokes have stopped.
  3. I've got the Biology GCSE today. I'm doing it a couple of years early because I had some of the best science results in Yr 9. It's ok though, I have today off until 1.30.
  4. They also seem to use the word euphenism a lot. EDIT: WHo else is trying the NGC quiz? I've got over half of the questions, I'm stuck on... 5. If you were close personal friend of NGC's resident workaholic Mark Green, would you call him: A. Greener Schnitzel B. Dr. Robotnik's Mean Green Machine C. Ooh, Parp-Parp, It's Herr Green-A-Lot, Gesundheit! 6. In which game can you ride a dolphin to a 'special island'? And no that's not a euphenism, although the phrase is a component of the Wincemaker (see Q1). 8. What's Dexter cooking up in his laboratory? 10. What is uta garuta? (Clue: it's not that lady Greener met down the alley late one night when he was living in Budapest).
  5. Do I have to buy a Dreamcast to play it, because I don't have one.
  6. Yep, I think so. You have just witnessed the thing that almost killed Zelda.
  7. Ooooohhhh, bugger.
  8. I feel stupid again, what is Shenmue?
  9. Has someone made Reggie yet?
  10. It is new, they've done a new score for it if you listen.
  11. Who is Sutekh?
  12. I hope you can do that with the saves and be able to switch controllers. That music is good, I like the new YOU GOT AN ITEM! theme.
  13. I have to use a different keyboard, the other short circuited because you made me drool! That would be SOOOOOOOOOO brilliant! I would pay extra for that!
  14. Depending on who I'm playing, I use mostly Kirby and Fox. Kirby is efficient at survival, I use him on small stages where I can fly back if I get knocked off. I find his sword move effective because I flip up with the sword and do damage, damge again while coming down then damage them with shockwaves. Excellent, the hammer is good at taking care of high percentage people too. Fox I use on bigger stages because he is too quick. His speed attack seems to work all the time, as I rarely get hit if I do that continually. His fire attack is good at getting people on higher platforms and coming back from falling. I also like his deflector.
  15. Amen, Triforce Deluxe Package all the way!
  16. 'Tis OK, and thanks for that downloading site.
  17. He doesn't say that, he says the graphics will be impressive. He says at the end of his post they won't be as powerful as competitors.
  18. I know you linked, but it only downloads HTML files, nothing else.
  19. No I haven't played Chrono Trigger, what's the storyline? I remember some site that got shut down for trying to plan a sequel. WIll it be on the VC? Is that legal? I mean doesn't the authorities track down your IP address that you downloaded from?
  20. .... Great?
  21. I take it you're talking about Satan Pit. SHIT! I've been having barbeque, forgot about the Doc!
  22. Who's Crono? And is Sakurai seriously considering to have Ganon in the game or not?
  23. Yes it was in NGC, but not everyone reads it so I thought I'd share.
  24. Its cheesy but still Zelda, it's quite hilarious. Only watched The Ringer. I've uploaded the complete series via links and each has a description.
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