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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. Yeah it's an adult sci-fi program based around the Torchwood Institute in several episodes of this series.
  2. Thought Street Fighter WAS on a Nintendo console?
  3. I'm going to have to get Link's Awakening off of Amazon or eBay, if it gets this much hype I NEED it!
  4. Twilight Princess looks on a par to Ocarina of Time, the greatest game ever.
  5. They should at least put it in a Wii box, that way it's not rejected from GAME when they drop the GC this year. It looks to be awesome.
  6. Hi definition is not neccessary for this generation, they should have left it until next when everyone has it.
  7. Yep, and Walker's crisps. I think they were stopped because they were in among the crisps. I almost ate Luke Skywalker.
  8. You mean when he flips his sword? It irritates the hell out of my friends, but I'm fine with it.
  9. Tazo's didn't have Taz on them! They were little disks that had images from Star Wars, Pokemon or other franchises on.
  10. But then again, I remember Tazos distinctly! Tazos were the greatest thing ever!
  11. Kirby wins me many a match, his down and B move is effective at defense and sometimes does an instant KO.
  12. I spent god-awful loads of money on those Pokemon cards too. Then they got banned at my school and the craze died out.
  13. Tellyn


    Only tried the cranberry one at the pub near the Leeds Utd grounds, its nice.
  14. I thought when I was thinking that people could see a thought bubble over my head and read my every thought.
  15. I doubt Nintendo ripped off Xbox Arcade, seeing as Nintendo has actual history of games behind them which people are willing to get over Microsoft's, what, 5 years in the games industry?
  16. Fact: Hiroshi Yamauchi was an evil man that never played a game in his life.
  17. No problem mate.
  18. Or buying the Doctor extra time by being 'deleted' by the Doctor's second worst enemies.
  19. Rose might not even die.
  20. If it was up to a kid to design the devil from the Satan Pit it would look like a Teletubby with horns.
  21. An 8 year old at that aswell. The competition should have been open to older people who understand Doctor Who more than "ooh that alien was really mean and scary!"
  22. Christ above, the Cube survived a weight dropped on it, a sledge hammer and a one story drop! And it still worked!
  23. Worst Nintendo console? Ever played the Virtual Boy?
  24. Tellyn


    Zelda's Lullaby and the Song of Time. Probably Saria's Song aswell.
  25. Victor Kennedy/The Abzorbaloff was sent from Torchwood and had access to al of the Torchwood files. He had access to the Doctor's but Rose Tyler's files had been corrupted and destroyed by the Bad Wolf Virus. I think Bad Wolf is continuing into the finale and will have something to do with the departure of Rose.
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