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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. Another Code: [spoiler=]I got the bad ending because I must have run past D's other shoe. It was quite sad for me because it ended with me condemning D to a life as a ghost. I felt awful that I hadn't helped him but he had helped me so much.
  2. The launch games Shigsy is working on are nearing completion, if he doesn't wrap himself in too many DS games we could see this by Easter or Autumn at the latest.
  3. I wouldn't really like to make my own character, it would be like Frankenstein-cross-bred-with-Link on drugs. I think they should just allow people to download or buy the new characters from the Virtual Console.
  4. *COUGH* Super Mario 64 DS *COUGH!* I said nothing!
  5. Cool I'll get them when they put the sales on when GC games are dropped from the shops later this year.
  6. Are you sure? It's multiplayer.
  7. As the Cube has collector's value, I would keep it but if it comes between you and getting a Wii, sell it. Just remember that you might miss the monkey sounds on start up when you hold Z...
  8. So is that a recommendation or a warning? I just got Hunters and I've enjoyed it so far.
  9. 21st century cowboy, did you mean to post in the thread about what you're getting on release?
  10. I don't get why people complain, when you don't HAVE to play as 3rd party characters.
  11. I own a Nintendo 64 but alas no games. I played Zelda: Ocarina, Majora's Mask, Super Mario 64 DS but I can't exactly call those classics crap.
  12. Haven't bought one for over a year, preowned Zelda Collector's Edition.
  13. A handheld would be good, if it's cheap and has good games (maybe they could do a partnership with Nintendo) then I'd buy it. Probably not a main console though, can't exactly see it as cheap. Oh, and have you realised that those interviews are fake?
  14. I bought Wario World on the GC for 40 quid when it came out, but the next day they had a half price sale and it got reduced. Typical.
  15. According to Wii-x2, Atari has acquired the rights for next-gen online Earthworm Jim games.
  16. I know that trailer was just to show off new characters, but since there were 8 revealed to be fighting at the same time, do you think there's a possibility of 8-player deathmatches?
  17. Good, I still have time.
  18. Remember, the stars idea may not happen, it's just something I wrote the other month. Virtual Console games I'd get are: Donkey Kong 64 Kid Icarus Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Super Mario Bros. Star Fox 64 Games to get within the first few months: Earthbound Pilotwings Kirby's Avalanche
  19. According to a trailer I've seen, Lumic has transformed his body into a Cyberman. Was it Hamish that said something about the Cybermen in the final two episodes?
  20. I think they'll most likely have a Super Mario Galaxies demo, probably what everyone played at E3, then a Wi-Fi compatible Super Smash Bros. demo where you get about 10 event matches (try to beat your time/KOs by playing again), a multiplayer and Wi-Fi mode and three single player levels.
  21. The creator said he always wanted NiGHTS to be controlled on the Saturn/Dreamcast (don't own either so forgive me) with a controller that you move through the air. Bear in mind this is before Nintendo reveal anything about the Wii-mote.
  22. It was mentioned last week Stocka, everyone was up in arms.
  23. Good one dude! *Points gun to head and asks Caris to politely rephrase his sentence*
  24. The Zelda one is actually quite nice, I'd love it to be released in a lovely Triforce Collector's Edition though, including a DVD of extras like interviews, art and maybe Tetra's Trackers available for download through the VC.
  25. Note how blank and similar the last three are. However nice they look, FAKES.
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