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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. you disappoint me scg! What happened to it being number freakin 1!! I on the other hand made a lovely shake for my dinner.... oh the joys of meal replacement diets.... (I have lost 10.75 lbs in 5 days though)
  2. The cats are finally getting on :p phew!
  3. my car has broken in multiple ways. Brake light out and windscreen wipers are fooked... will probably need new tires before long. God freakin damn it. Heard this funny high pitched beeping in my car but it musta been the bulb on its way out...
  4. damn it.... pizza and minecraft jokes, dannyboy and ine (all the way from foreign lands!).... I'm raging that i couldn't afford to go
  5. Theres a lolcat for every occasion
  6. bloody hell well done mate
  7. Yeah I've done the same.. it nearly always works. But it can be a dangerous tactic, as long as you can stick to that ONE mcflurry or ONE naughty meal it genuinely does reap rewards. And as well as that you are still having a treat once a week, or fortnight, so I find it helps stay on it when you've got that to look forward to. Nobody gets fat by having a curry once a week, or by having one mcflurry, its everything else :p I've changed my diet completely. Come to a complete halt with eating normal food. So I've gone keto VLCD shake diet. I've exhausted every possible option and I was eating very healthy and grinding myself to dust in the gym My dermatologist said it would be near on impossible for me to lose weight while on this drug that I'm on.. think I underestimated exactly how bad it would be. My GP basically implied that I wasn't doing my diet correctly, without any knowledge of what I was eating. (fucking arsehole) So I'm gonna have a chat with my dermy about it next time I'm in and let her know i'm on a VLCD too. I didn't really want to go down this route, but without my meds I could very potentially be hospitalised and even die. So stuck between one shitty situation and another. To be honest a shake diet is really really the least of my worries at the moment. I've no fear of regaining my weight because I now have a very healthy attitude towards food now, and I love the gym.
  8. Err...what?! You're totally making no sense... You rubbish my suggestion yet you also agree that the standard (aka what you are doing) won't work for everyone?! I never rubbished eating normally because I know it works for a lot of people and not once did I suggest one should change to variable calories for the hell of it. Nothing that I suggested is dangerous or unhealthy. I've done most of the stuff on the list and so have a lot of people I know.. with great success. For the purpose of getting out of a plateau its worth examining what you are eating and trying something different.
  9. Plateaus are generally caused by - not counting and measuring EVERYTHING you eat properly a little bit of milk in tea, or a little bit of extra cereal in the morning, EVERYTHING has to be measured and counted. - eating the same food all of the time every single day Your body will get used to what you put in it and isn't designed to lose weight long term - so you have to trick it into doing it by eating different stuff. Different amounts of carbs/protein/fat every day when you can. Like for example, have a carby breakfast one day, then something not carby (eg toast one day, then fruit and yoghurt the next) - eating the same amount of food every day Eating different amounts of calories per day can actually kick you metabolism up a notch as its never the same each day and never gets settled into a rut...
  10. i dunno if there's still a server going for n-europe or not, but any of you are welcome to come over to my server if you throw a pm with yer username my way
  11. aye you get away with it on occasion but if you do its regularly they have every right to put you under disciplinary procedures.
  12. hhmmm. I would say they probably are yeah. Maybe they require more power than normal headphones or something... and when you do that the battery on your mp3 player goes dead quicker... boo.
  13. When I did my second test I had to pull in and pull off again... When I stopped the car I managed to clip the wheel trim off the kerb, and I thought it would be an auto fail as I'd hit the kerb....I thought oh fucking shit shit shit and could feel myself ready to cry, but I hadn't failed, don't think I even got a minor for it! Thank god the examiner started some small talk as it kept me focused for the rest of the test haha I tell you I was never as shocked in my life when she told me that I had passed!! Just goes to show its not always that obvious! I still feel like.... really weird about being a driver! I can't quite believe that I managed to do it and I've been driving 2 years hahah
  14. someone on the forum recommended them to me, think it was jordan lol XD But yeah they're fab, great quality and smexy as fuck. And I can walk around the entire room while i'm plugged in because of the brilliant non tangle extra long telephone style wiring. Yesss <3 (and mine are like.... 4 years old and still functioning as good as the day i got them. oh and the cable on mine can be replaced as it has a maletomale connection into the audio and headphone)
  15. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckyooooooooooooou cat we took the kitten to the vet to be microchipped and she clamped the fuck down on my thumb with her teeth... bleeeeeeding ._. Stupid horrible vet!
  16. yeah i know i'm just jesting! You should try acupuncture, its really relaxing
  17. good god you have to be awkward danny
  18. ahh, sounds a bit... strange? Have you tried taking migraine pills for it? You might be able to get them over the counter (not sure how your drug laws work) or else go to your doc. Hard to forget about something like that when it feels like its splitting your brain in two :p
  19. they don't very often work, I have to get them at the aura stage, long before the head pain which can be anything from 0-20 minutes.. Thankfully i stopped this one.
  20. I had a really mental insane death migraine coming but took painkillers just in time. Yes :3
  21. God you guys its not a contest to see who's done the longest journey EVAR. I would take a couple of books, perhaps a puzzle book, mp3 player, and maybe some nice noms. Maybe my netbook/phone for internet excitement (depending on the type of journey) A lot of the time I'm the driver so its not often I get to chillax in a car, and I don't really go on holiday too often.
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