there's been so many facebook "pages" (or er likes?) about this that its unreal... even northern Ireland is jumping on the bandwagon.. including "Moving from London to Belfast to get away from the troubles" which really made me laugh... just a little :p It seems to be a bit of a non reaction here, but then so's most riots or bomb scares in this country.. even when its on your doorstep.
I do think its lovely to see people trying to help with cleaning and stuff. Really shows how the good people in every community pull together to help one another. A good majority of people are like that in here and all over the UK, its just a bit sad that the minority (not ethnic minority, in a quantative meaning!!) like to ruin things for people Its gonna be hard for people to come back from this, especially the likes of sole traders who've had their shops burned out... most people are struggling without a huge loss like that.
On a slightly different note: Did I notice people saying that the police over there don't really carry guns? That's a bit of an alien concept!! It's pretty commonplace here for officers to have guns all of the time.. and I'm pretty sure they're bulletproofed to the hilt... I'll never forget walking past an officer once with a fucking BIG badass gun across his chest... none o those handguns for him, a proper big rifle... scary biscuits!!!