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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Yeah its the tissue type for rhematism =)
  2. I've got type HLA-B27 =P
  3. holy moly, that's a lot Even on a monthly basis that's what, 150 a month... yeesh
  4. lack of sleep and dehydration would affect you more than the actual processing of said alcohol, and that's only when your like seriously bulked up, pure muscles and nothing else.
  5. Hi edzzzzzzza Hope you enjoy your stay... just so you know its a one way ticket and you aren't leaving -- Good stuff for me today was finding out we're definitely getting a payrise.. kinda bad side is that we were the last to know (cheers about that? people we fucking don't even know that know before us...what a gip) BUT on the brilliant side is I could be in line for about 4 years of backpayed increase.... maybe even into the...dare i say it....thousands? woot money! but the boss will try and scam us out of as much of it as possible... ahh the complexities of payscales in the public sector
  6. i laughed at odders comment, but in all seriousness, its not the same for everyone! Some people just don't have this magical "x factor" or whatever you want to call it. Most of us mere mortals muddle along and are fortunate we come across a person that is attracted to go near us once in a blue moon.. You can say "fake it til you make it" or just do it, but then you aren't being yourself when you faux confidence you don't have. Yeah you be yourself, but hide the 20 cats or so in the cupboard until they start to like your good qualities Quoted for truthery, except for the bolded bit, it applies to everyone, not just wimmens :p
  7. wee betty, one of our cats, has been super poorly lately. the vet thinks she got in a scrap and got an injury on her back. Gave her antibiotics and a muscle relaxant. She was on awful form, with a temperature and just not at all like herself She was taken to the vet yesterday and seems to be on better form today... hopefully just a minor thing! Cats do end up being part of the family and you nearly worry as much when they get sick as you do your own human family.. lol
  8. I am very likely getting a payrise and a considerable backpay (4 years worth ha ha)... yesss. <3
  9. Well done pashmina.... get out on the road, naow!!!!! (practice makes perfect)
  10. it is?! 1010
  11. you stole my cat ashley?!?!??!?! BEAANNIIIE NOOOOO :'(
  12. i bet thats...a lotta money spent on all that. Cougar town is funny, I love courtney cox
  13. woot woot, stealing works electricity! I nearly always charge my phone at work
  14. STEAL ME ONE PLZ. <3
  15. i just watch neighbours, home&away, hollyoaks, and occasionally some eastenders. A lot of my "tv" watching would be anime like bleach and naruto, I would be more bothered about missing that than I would the tv programmes. Home & away is the only real essential viewing tv wise... love it.. Daryl Braxton <3
  16. my work is really really shit at the moment... We're constantly under pressure about getting targets done and it just seems like EVERY freaking day theres more and more responsibility piled on us. Someone rang regarding a man with a catheter...(pipe inserted to do the job of someone peeing)... and it was blocked. Now if you have a blocked catheter all the urine goes back on up through bladder and basically causes considerable discomfort/pain and can eventually poison you.. So this woman was like need a nurse to look at it asap.. thats fair enough... could I get in contact with a nurse anywhere to deal with this patient?? no! Took me 3 hours to get someone whilst trying to tell this STUPID person on the phone that the only contact I had with the nurses was the same tel number as they had... but they expect you to work freakin miracles... i swear to god... and we seem to be getting the blame for everyone elses mistakes... if the nurses don't do something, its gotta be our fault. If the referrers dont ring something through, of course its our fault. Then you get these poor fucking bastards on the phone who are really upset about stuff and/or dying, and its would seriously crack you up... all for a pathetic low level clerical payscale... fucks sake. another patient i had on the phone, a wee elderly lady, was ringing up about a mttress that had been ordered. She said in her words, that this mattress was not suitable, she felt under pressure to get it, she didnt like it because it smelt plasticy, and it was horrible to sleep on, and that she was so upset that she was nearly crying over the whole thing. As we do quite often in our line of work; we filter this kind of stuff. I put on that the patient was upset and requested a nurse to contact re cancellation and perhaps suggesting an alternative, as she felt it wasn't suitable... apparently i put on too much information...lol. They felt offended by the fact the patient was "upset" (when she clearly was) and that we're just to put on a basic message like please call re mattress, thats it, now surely it would be wise to be like forewarned if a patient is upset... because saying the wrong thing unintentionally could escalate something that could've been dealt with, giving the lady a bit of reassurance or something? Some kind words to prevent any more upset! but nah apparently they dont care.. X(
  17. surely the server is having enough problems at the moment without a chat box hogging even more? I try to come on the chat, but its often empty. If I stay and people chat while i'm minimised mirc doesn't notify me (like say msn does) so i end up missing the conversation anyway
  18. Yeah several times
  19. I'm trying to connect my dell laptop (windows 7) to my TV, a 26 inch sony bravia. Now I've got a functioning HDMI to HDMI cable... plugged into a functioning port on the TV (my xbox is plugged into that port with that cable and works) I have a "Generic PnP" monitor on Device manager, which does not appear on the monitor setup screen. There are no updates available for it, and I can't find any on t'internets. I've tried - turning computer on, with every possible combination of tv being plugged in not plugged in etc - going through every setting on the tv - every AV channel on the tv - retuning tv - deleting drivers, getting the newest drivers I'm pretty sure its something computer side, as i've had the TV hooked up with other computers, and the xbox/dvd player all work ok Can anyone shed some light on this?
  20. Being too early is an inconvenience to most, 20 minutes is way too long. Yeah plan to be there with 20 minutes to spare, but don't rush on in the building. Sit in your car or take a walk if you've the extra time. 10 minutes earlier than stated time, max. We had some temp people come in to our office. the boss arranged the visit for 9am as she wouldn't be in til then.... and the agency advised them to be in 15 minutes early... now what the hell is that about?!? You are wasting your time... and the person interviewing/meeting you will still need the time to prepare, whether it be first thing or between interviews..
  21. or just don't bother getting her a wedding gift, lol
  22. Dad's home!!! :D With a list of drugs to take lol
  23. Yeah this is a very long term problem to be honest and I've talked my jaw sore about it (eternally thankful to people who always listen <3) but I think I need more of a long term solution. I'm the opposite in that I binge myself stupid based on the endorphins /sugar high that junk food creates... Its almost getting to an OCD point where if I don't eat the sugar I fear what will happen.. So I'm heading to diabetes at a scarily fast rate if I don't deal with it now. I don't even know if I can go on anti depressants with all the other crap i'm on but I think I need to consider it. People think its just simply greed and nothing more because I don't purge or starve... but its genuinely starting to turn into an eating disorder :/ I just feel like I'd get told to go away as I have done in the past about stuff (like my dodgy knees, feet and shoulders) based on my weight. Dr's aren't interested in why I'm not losing the weight.. they just want you out of their face!
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