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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I've had a really out of whack week so far...just tired all of the time and feeling morbidly depressed... My days are consisting of bed>work>dinner (sometimes)>hospital>bed.... rinse and repeat... It's horrible seeing my dad in there... it doesn't feel right. Visiting is a pain because you're only supposed to have 2 people to a bed and visiting hours are short enough as it is so I end up sitting out in the hallway for most of the time anyway! Having an internal battle with myself as to whether i should seek some kind of help mentally as I fear that the depression is starting to take over a bit more than it had been. I hate the idea of talking about that stuff face to face with someone who is essentially a stranger. My arthritis is also going bonkers, and i'm coming out in insane ulcerated psoriasis because of the stress My dad is hopefully being shifted to the RVH to get a dye/scan test done... got everything crossed that its the best outcome possible. I'm sure he'll be home for christmas but I'm hoping the ordeal is over and no pending ops to worry about next year.. (like bypasses n such)
  2. i do have a nostalgia for the ps1 as it was really my first console... As a child I was pretty much brought up on dos games, so the ps1 was actually my first console..! The big fat grey one.. yay. Bust a groove (rhythm game, not bust a move) will always hold great memories for me, as well as medievil and many other titles. ZZT was one of my all time favourite games from teh past as well....what an ace piece of gaming history. So much thought into storyline, and a lot of graphics considering it was all based on ASCII characters =P
  3. my diet is completely off the path at the moment.... I think i'm only realising now that I'm pretty much self medicating what is getting into relatively bad depression... with food. Do I pluck up the courage to go to a doctor? Don't really know if I want to talk to anyone about it in person... bleh. I can blither on about my physical health issues but mental stuff is a whole other ball park..
  4. the thing with shoulders is the bones are actually free moving, there isn't a socket as such to hold the bones in place like there is with the hip. So it's all held in place with ligaments and tendons, like Charlie said. Any weakness/damage or even tiredness can cause your joint to click/move out of place. If it's painful you need it looked at. If its not just rest it and take it easy on weights when you do go back. If you do lateral raises a lot, try doing them with a slight angle forward and it usually stops the clicking.
  5. sure you can lurk as a non member/guest?
  6. would it not just be easier to weigh yourself in kg...? :heh:
  7. Curries I only have once a blue moon, I'm more of a chippy/pizza kinda girl. Love a good vindaloo once in a while though. Omn nom nom <3 I think now we won't be having any kind of curry in the house thanks to my dad having a heart attack, lol
  8. Hmmm. I'm feeling so wick at the moment... things are really messed up and stressy. Just wish the next few weeks would be over and they'd figure out how to fix my wee daddy It just feels like we're all hanging on, hoping he doesn't take a turn in the meantime. Hoping they find something wrong and sort it out. Just in a state of constant emotional exhaustion, mixed with disbelief, and tiredness from hospital travel... I'm worried about my mum too. She's trying to hold it in and I just want to give her a huge cuddle Tomorrow is gonna be a headwrecker cause I'm back to work... Announcements like these are hard. My skin is a shambles, i've got psoriasis sores developing in awful places, and my arthritis is going mental... geh. The cats are being weird too because they know that shit is going down... its really just... horrible. One of our neighbours daughters works in the local shop and I told her there, and to pass on the news to her mum and dad... and I could feel the tears running down my face... i can sit here and think about it to myself and not cry but having it out there, for all to hear just seems to make me completely lose face..
  9. oh dear.....
  10. i miss the days of command lines on dos, 5&1/4 inch floppies! (showing my age maybe lol)
  11. You can haz hug? :p
  12. You even know to charm with a lolcat.... what a catch =P
  13. Love big massive duvets, I have a kingsize duvet on my single bed =P
  14. Glad to be able to post here Been down to the cardiac ward to see my dad (he had a heart attack) and he's out of the high dependancy unit and in a small ward. He's able to get up and go to the toilet and have a walk etc.. He was joking about having a heart attack more often because he's getting loads of gifts and people are coming to see him (whereas he usually has to make the effort with everyone lol) His heart attack episode seems to be over now (hence the movement) but they're still keeping him in as they have to investigate what's causing it and if its blocked getting a stint in to open it. Everything is looking good for now, fingers crossed
  15. Thanks everybody He's still in hospital and will be for a while (at least wednesday) but its probably the best thing for him. The exact same thing happened to his father 35ish years ago, was told to go home and given anti indigestion.... then he died of a major heart attack not very long after. We're all mega worried but we know he's got the best chance because it was seen to as early as it could've been. Fortunately things have changed, I mean they didn't even have landline telephones in the time when my grandfather died, which played a huge part in his death. The worst part is my dad is shockingly healthy... he used to be a diver/runner and his heart was so efficient it was 50 at rest... he doesn't eat badly, does have a bit of wine at the weekend, and he does yoga/taichi 3x a day... its just insane. Genetics really can catch up with you... He's only 56 as well. Just feels wrong! He's sitting in his bed/chair looking only slightly uncomfortable, around a cardiac ward full of people that are on their last legs.. Yay kitteh!!!!
  16. I'm making some 'nana bread (and im gonna sneak some down for my dad) and it smells omn nom Although I overloaded the oven dish thing slightly hahah He taught me how to make pizza dough/bread etc so I think he'll love it Made dinner as well so mum doesn't have to worry about that. I feel like i've accomplished a lot in the day and its only lunch time!! lol
  17. by saying lame aren't you offending people who are affected by that particular condition as well? Just sayin...
  18. my dads had a heart attack and is in the hospital for the weekend
  19. yeah I just did sorry i'm not often on twitter on my computer :p
  20. hannata_ here
  21. well if you have broken skin and a weak immune system..... presuming the water/fish have already been infected....it is possible, albeit a minute possibility.. but I just love the way they blow it up to mad chaos then mention the minute possibility at the very end of the article lol
  22. nice one flinkmeister! Cardio always does good for the flab.. could do with some more myself lol I found this article very fascinating http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/why-a-personal-trainer-is-making-himself-obese-on-purpose-2583990/ This trainer... in top condition.... decided to let himself get MORBIDLY obese.. to get an understanding of his clients... thats just freaking mad!! It is however nice to see that in the end he does understand the whole addiction thing that is involved for people on the "other side" and it is a difficult task to overcome!
  23. yeah if you perform any first aid on someone to keep them alive and cause injury, like broken ribs, by keeping their heart going... you can get sued... even in this country... if it were me, I think i'll not complain about a few broken ribs from someone's heavy handed but effective resuscitation methods!!! One of my uncles collapsed one day in birmingham city centre... his heart had stopped and some bloody lovely lifesaving people kept him going til the ambulance arrived... these people should be thanked from the bottom of your heart, not sued
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