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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Ya its today, public holiday tomorrow =)
  2. I'm wearing green in celebration, and nursing a nasty vodka hangover... day off tomorrow, scoooooore
  3. I think its more of a gastro issue with protein shakes. I'm the same, anymore than 2 portions a day will make me feel sick and give me toilet problems. Most of them have an element of sweetener in them, even if only tiny.. so drinking more than one portion can bring out issues if you are sensitive (or don't consume a lot of sweetener). I was with my pt today, moar deadlifts, and working on my clean technique with high pulls and kettlebell high pulls (which are awesome fun but hard as fuck when you're used to having "dead" arms with a kb swing) I've been feeling like garbage, think my immune system has taken a hammering with me being sick quite a few times this winter... so I wasn't at the gym at all this week. But I feel like all is not lost, and fully look forward to an ass kicking week =) Still on a PR of 100kg deadlift, but getting more and more confident with the form and the weight..
  4. whoop whoop well done Emma!
  5. I saw an interesting discussion on the embarrassing bodies clinic, where male and female "brains" aren't necessarily tied to gender, they did various tasks that are deemed appropriate to males and females. One of the male tasks was a flatpack, and one of the female tasks was a memory type task. Apparently very male brains can (but not always) be associated with autism. They had a range of people taking these tests and they the typical results, as well as a male with female brains (a teacher) and a female with male brain (she was in the construction industry)
  6. Tea goes in a cup not on a friggin plate! breakfast lunch dinner!
  7. Yeah they already exist, they're call meal replacement shakes =P From experience, meal replacements are incredibly depressing. When you realise how much time you spend creating/eating/enjoying food, then you've just got a shake filled void..
  8. Ahhhhh. I just follow my pt's lead with deadlifts, I'm still in the learning phase. Getting up to the higher weights I find the form can go a bit, especially if the weight is too much, so going back to the dropped set really helps to hammer the form down properly
  9. I do dropsets, 100 was my 1rp (60x5,80x3,100x1,60x6)
  10. 100kg deaaaaaaadddddllliiiift. Comin te getchar pb flinkeh My pt was practically dancing round the gym when I did it. 4 weeks (only once a week) of training and hitting 100 apparently makes me a machine and an incredible stat to put on his cv :p I tried for a 50kg clean and press but it just wasn't happening. Not getting it high enough to food the elbows under. Also for all the girls, or guys with girlfriends or female friends they want to encourage: http://www.fitocracy.com/knowledge/category/exercise/women/ read eeeeet. Dunno if I mentioned it, but I was getting miring from another pt. casually mentioned it to matt (my own pt) and he asked who it was, told him. Apparently the guy is like the biggest pickler for even the tiniest errors in form. Which makes me and him look brilliant ;D (mostly me but then we all know im brilliant)
  11. My friend introduced me to this concept, had it all my life and thought I was just a creep :p
  12. If you're still able to think after a set, you're either not working hard enough, or you are taking too long of a break. There's no reason why you should take long breaks unless you are lifting HEAVY. By all means take breaks when you need them but if you feel fine to carry on, then do. Most of the time I'll only reset my form between sets, just by standing up and giving the shoulders etc a bit of a stretch.
  13. Take shorter breaks then?
  14. Yeah I have the double sided pedals too, they're awesome. It was fucking terrifying the first time I went out, I genuinely thought that I was going to DIE, haha. I found mine very stiff at first but after a few clicking in/out they kinda wore in a bit. I like that with mine you have a little bit of movement in the pedal so you're not forcing your knees/ankles into a badly fixed position. Its definitely very weird, took me ages to get used to 0_0 Rumble rollers are very good, you should be able to get them in any sports or gym type shop. just don't use them over bony surfaces like ankles kneecaps etc, just muscles There are lots of examples of areas to work on all over t'internet, whatever your problem is =)
  15. Rollers daft, use dem! Are the clips the ones you get on teh shoes and pedals? I love em but its a scary business trying to stop without falling on your hole lol I bought a rumble roller (it's all bumpy and spikey) for my quads. Got a bad case of patellar tendinitis. Lots of lovely scar tissue to work through. I definitely find they help but it's something that you need to keeeeeep doing. I did 320 x24kg kettlebell swings last night (was aiming for 500 but knee started clicking on my 32nd set) and my ass huuuuuuuurts today
  16. ohh what plan is it @Diageo?
  17. So yesterday my own personal trainer was full of compliments, and today I had ANOTHER trainer come over to me and ask how long I'd trained! He watched my form and had a massive cheeky grin of approval. He was soooooooo cute too ;D It seems I'm being noticed a little more than I am used to pink and blue haired demon woman that grunts and throws around heavy weights, that's totally something you see in EVERY gym right? Exercise wise, I'm working a lot on my clean and press, working at 40kg (about 80% of my max) and doing as many reps as possible. Giving the whole motion a good working, and I KNOW it will improve my form, speed, and ability weight wise. I did this last week and got a new PB - 47.5, from 45. So hoping for the big 50 within a few weeks ;D
  18. And there we have it folks, the reason why you are getting nowhere. Negativity makes women run for the hills. You gotta love yourself (and you blates don't) or else you will never BE loved.
  19. I'm actually kinda enjoying the whole cat n mouse thing. I shall evade yooooou!!! I genuinely feel like I'm over him now. I'm in a really great place
  21. Slimgate was practically chasing me around the gym today... I was stealthily watching him in the mirror... haha AVOIDANCE TACTICS GO. Its a big ass gym, you could be in there with someone you know and not see them at all, yet conveniently he seemed to walk by me about three times, and picked the elliptical right behind me when they were all empty.. Creep.
  22. Aww gaggles, hope you are feeling better soon pet *sends healing vibes your way*
  23. My personal trainer wants me to consider competing in weightlifting comps *happy dance* I'm GOOD at something. Infact I'm REALLLLLLY good at something ^___________^ So, you have tuesday, thursday, saturday and I'll have wednesday, friday and sunday? (you hear that @martinist, you can have monday off)
  24. that's cause you ARE a cutie ^_^
  25. 47.5kg overhead press... 90kg x 2 deadlift ohhh yeah My personal trainer reckons I should consider entering comps =) also: on the blisters thing; if yer lifting its better to use chalk if you can. Gloves actually decrease the amount of grip for most people. Although I like gloves for static things like planks/pushups/bike stuff. Depends what kinda training you are doing. Damage is inevitable when you lift heavy weights. I just use shitloads of body butter on my hands after a session and it helps, and my hands smell nice too =P
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