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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Northern Ireland is British! ....
  2. I get the same with my dell inspiron 1720. I tried googling ages ago to no avail. Must be a bug with Vista and/or Dell. Solution? Don't use sleep mode
  3. One of my neighbours is a very in your face unionist, is all about putting flags up.. Would probably burn catholics if he came near them. Nice person... lol. The others are noisy noisy foreigners. Different ones come in every week ¬_¬
  4. Absolutely. But only for people who have a place in my heart, family and good friends really.
  5. Yes I believe it was... Edit: no-one can resist the dare charm obviously....
  6. Do I have to bang your heads together... I see another forum rommannnceee
  7. I got a compliment from a sexy stranger today One who I had been eyeing up for a while. Works in the internal post in work, he said my hair was awesome Ego inflation is winn!
  8. As cynical as that post is, its also very true.
  9. Well this is true.. TBH most people in my school were too frightened to be "out there", due to the fact they would have been bullied to hell. Maybe its discouraged due to the fact minors shouldn't really be getting piercings in the first place
  10. Yeaah what's wrong with Jim Carey films?! Liar Liar is classic. I dunno if I'd give it 10/10 but its pretty high up there on the scale. I <3 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
  11. I kinda wish I had the whole hair dying thing going on when I was in school, that would have been so much fun. They didn't let us have anything that was blonde/brown/red/black. and piercings was a major no-no
  12. Oh dear, offensive to j0rdan and letty, good one tellyn ---- I had an okay day, work was cack, I still feel ill but not ill, and I took out my 2nd nose piercing cause it was gettin' on my nerves so much. The first one will probably go soon, because the second one seemed to have a knock on effect with the irritation
  13. Sounds similar! Even our ties had to be a certain length, skirts an inch above the knee.... and blazers had to be worn at all times, despite the mega hot Septembers we used to get..
  14. Not mine, but witness to it: We were having a conversation about something in school, and my best friend said something (I don't ever remember it being offensive) and the mouth of the year said "go fuck yer dad". I had to break it to her that my best friends dad was indeed dead. I felt awful for my best friend, her face fell and she went quiet for the rest of the day.
  15. Our school uniforms were very strict... blazer and shirt tie skirt etc. The knee length socks that took about 20 minutes to fold down in an EXACT way.. And having to wear three/four pairs to get them to sit right. Fun times. And crippling yourself running for the bus in 4 inch platform shoes.. Those were the days XD
  16. Have a good one d00d!
  17. I use bebo on a regular basis. Most of my msn/irl friends are on it so its handy enough. I think I have a myspaz (EW!) and facebook login, but I use neither! It was probably to nosey at other peoples profiles or something Oh I also used to use faceparty all the time, not so much seen as its been overrun with sluts and emo kids. boo.
  18. Oh wow eddage that hair is so awesome!
  19. I did think that too now that you mention it.
  20. I think it was 101 dalmations when I was like 7 or 8. EDIT: Disney's 101 Dalmatians 1996... that would have made me 10... Now I feel old
  21. I said I was happy with my nose being done... then i got my lip, and a second nose, rook, and ears. Its definitely one of those things that get addictive!
  22. Awesome shoes lettyyy! I couldn't even imagine wearing shoes like that, I'd be like 6ft5.. o_o
  23. And I thought I was being originallll! Considering more or are you happy with what you have?
  24. Do you walk leaning to your left side? I jest
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