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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. If its clerical position you are MORE than welcome to pick ma brains. Nice to know I can be useful sometimes Its easy to get a job internally in the NHS, but gah, if I applied externally I wouldn't have a chance in hell without inside knowledge!
  2. This! It has actually been designed by nutritionists, and doctors. They ask you a few questions to calculate your allowance. How active your job is: because more movement = more energy burned How old you are: as you use less energy the older you are apparently How much you weigh: because fatter people carry more weight thus burn more energy. Male/Female: males need more points than females (i think there's a 6 point difference!) Height too: either less than or greater than 5ft4. I get nothing for my job, 3 for being female, 4 for being between 21 and 35,2 for my height, and the number of stones I am (18). Someone in my shoes with a healthy BMI should be using between 18-22. I dunno, I've been feeling quite sick and headachey a lot lately, my blood sugars are borderline low (4.7 post meal) which is giving me migraine after migraine. Its stupid because I'm being stupid and can't break myself out of good (yet bad) habits. Woo. You are supposed to weigh yourself on a flat surface like tiles or wood to get the best reading. Also your weight fluctuates during the day. Best taken early morning after you've been to the toilet. That's the most accurate time cause its the only time during the day that your tum is completely empty!
  3. Yeah credit cards are in the majority a good thing. I had to get a debtors credit card (with 34.9% interest) before my bank would even give me a debit card (and I paid in a full time wage at the time!!)... I mean how does that even make any sense... Getting a good credit score is something you need for a car loan, or for a mortgage, which a lot of people will need at one point in their life. If you are one of these people who arent neccesarily very controlled with your money, its definitely not a good idea to get a, or multiple, credit cards. I mean you do get unusual cases where things go wrong, its pretty unfortunate! I hope that you get your problem sorted out. Really sucks that it could potentially ruin your travels, and they better bloody compensate you. Get complaining asap. Thats pretty shambolic treatment you received!
  4. For clerical you get a pretty decent wage in the NHS. The interviews aren't easy though. Be prepared to talk about data protection act! :P When you get an interview i'm sure I could prep you! I have done two NHS interviews (and passed) after all
  5. Woooo. Was at weightwatchers tonight. Another 4lbs off (1.5kg maybe?) ^____^ Kinda struggling tbh. Basically with weightwatchers you get more "points" the more you weigh (and with other factors) I'm eating with a diet habit like I used to have when I was 15 stone (a lot lighter than now, I had about 22 points per day) and I'm struggling to eat what I should be (27) so I'm pigging out on rubbish for the hell of it when I don't want to. I pretty much have to eat my full allowance or my body goes into shutdown mode, and I won't lose anything. Hopefully if I keep losing like I do, I'll lose the points I'm struggling with.
  6. Double word. I has one and it is a piece of awesome. And so does Sheikah (who wholeheartedly recommended it to me!).
  7. Go in your wheelchair, they cant make you friggin' stand in crutches .___. If you have to be on crutches, doing that and straining your arms isn't really a good idea tbh.
  8. Stuck in the wheelchair all of the time Ine? ugh I bet your so glad to be home tho Hope you have a speedy recovery m'dear! *sends lots of loves in Ine's direction*
  9. The chief-executive of the NHS Trust here (a.k.a Norma Evans) has resigned because of the swine flu. First death from swine flu, a pregnant mother. Sad. Flu screening is coming thick and fast here, getting about 3/4 a day.
  10. I've had them too! Fanta orange and icecream
  11. I would say I am someway in the middle. I have a decent job, and I'm on my way to getting a car. I've grown the most mentally and emotionally. I've had to make a lot of decisions now that a lot of people don't have to face in their lifetime. The problems I deal with have perhaps matured me in a less than natural way, leaving me feeling a little bitter inside myself. But on the other hand I still live with my parents and I'm nowhere near getting married and having kids. The idea of having my own house seems like a massive mountain to overcome. Maybe something I feel I'm not capable of. I do feel different than when I was in school, but there's definitely a long way to go. I dunno if one could ever feel fully matured or complete..
  12. I'd like to have a go - if this is still open?
  13. you came to N.I and didn't even visit the N.I n-europe crew?! Shame on you
  14. Same with northern Irish sterling too. Would be helpful if we all had a uniformed currency
  15. but the thing is while there are these people around, their children will learn that ignorant behaviour and it will continue forever. Passed through the generations Its disgusting behaviour. One of my college friends got his head kicked in when he walked into the wrong territory (which also happened to be outside a police station) and he now has a couple of plates in his jaw. Wasn't able to eat solids for a year.
  16. Gorgeous car will! Bet it doesn't stay that clean for too long
  17. *nods* Pretty much! I'm no way against Ireland becoming a whole for any reason other than this. I have no issues with people from the south. Love the accent
  18. Agree with it all. Kudos dude. This is what I think I was trying to say earlier. Stuwii.. wtf... srsly... MY DAD WAS IN THE FORCES.
  19. But its the most prominent and well known. Oh and the arseholes not only hate the "other side" but they hate what they consider foreigners. When I moved here (northern ireland) we had to be quite stealth about it because my father was in the RAF (posted from Scotland) We had to get the car reg plate changed to a local one, phone is to this day ex-directory, and doesn't appear when you ring someone. It was quite scary. Northern Ireland's a bit neither here nor there. Dunno if independence would be a good thing really. Things here (in my area anyway) seem to have settled. If we rejoined the south, Its pretty certain that the troubles will multiply tenfold.
  20. Can't wait to do my driving test, and getting a car ^^
  21. yaaay. I wanted to go but flying is a big hassle/pain since I injured myself Maybe i'll take a car journey up next year when i have my licence P.S - North meet is not inferior! It was awesome :awesome:
  22. Do I get included in that?? To be fair I don't exactly live next doooooor *is very sorry*
  23. *high fives mollehhhmon* More than I know tbh!
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