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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. agency staff can be terminated there and then. I've known the nhs to terminate staff on their lunch break.. told not to come back. Cruel really.
  2. you say that like its an abnormal day for you?
  3. Holy bloody hell. That's some fucking snow. We'd be lucky to get more than an inch here =(
  4. If I could I would ignore it but its very very fucking loud (and actually shakes the car). My dad reckons the springs on the brakes are playing up. It usually gets a wee tune up on the service, but that was only in September, so i'm worried its bad =( BUT in good news I got a lovely lovely CD player fitted in my car! Now I can play music from my ipod.. woooohoo! *kicks goafer*
  5. my stupid car is getting woooooooorse god dammit! I got a bit cross because someone basically parked in my way, vroomed off quite quickly (as you do) and its started making the tinnyblowydontknow noise it did when reversing. And letting off the break makes a funny noise. Why am I getting the feeling this is going to be expensive... =( Saying all that cars rule all. Specially when you live in a country with barely minimal train and bus services. I'd be quite late to work if I had to get the bus from my house. I'd have to get up an hour earlier, and get home over an hour later than i would by car. (the very few days you have to sacrifice for MOT/repairs is worth it in my mind)
  6. I used to knock driving to death. But now I love it. <3<3 I also am not driving in this weather so much. Our street is like an ice rink. Scary biscuits!! My car needs looked at too. Its making a loud blowy tinny noise when I reverse =( My mum told me its happened before (something to do with brakes needing adjustment) but not as soon after a service (sept!) Urrrrrrgh expensive.
  7. Do you really care what "other people" think?
  8. burt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. oooh hardcore. When my mum was at her best (pre-injury) she could do nearly 10 minutes. I think the staff at the gym were actually amazed at her capabilities. Takes MEGA fitness, and uber strong legs!! I tried and pretty much failed Things like that are very hard on the knees, so take it easy =)
  10. I like the different threads for each thing, because it stimulates more conversation than a general thread would. We've got enough "The official <whatever> thread" threads without making more =P
  11. Rez is a phone whore. The phone does look purdy!
  12. The Christmas present she bought you last year. (hopefully she has alzheimers by then!)
  13. Wow, some people are really nasty... What's the point? And nightwolf didn't reference her lovely femaleness once =P I find it odd that this post was based on people being nasty, and now they are turning it around on other forum members...
  14. lol 10 years, more like 30 for most people =P My mum and dad are only starting to shake me now (and i'm 23!!)
  15. Yeah I was disappointed too. The mars episode previously was so so good, maybe I had higher expectations
  16. not always as static as that.
  17. It would be pretty good if you had even a vague idea of what you wanted, or what its for.. (we aren't your google slaves, this isn't difficult to do)
  18. Intentionally or not you'll always be compared to someone else. I suppose its something you can't take to heart or you'll never be able to let yourself trust someone.
  19. i would assume it needs user data (aka stuff you've saved) like gamesaves or favourites or whatever. Chill - 24mb is pretty irrelevant on the grand scale of things
  20. hahah dishwashers are nearly as much work as washing! You have to clean most stuff off (things like cheese, soup etc) or else it cooks onto your dishes!!
  21. fuuuuuu~ I ripped off half of my toenail a few days ago. I've had a bit of gauze over it to protect it getting hit etc. It was getting a bit sore (infection i dunno) so i took all the gauze off to give it some air. 5 minutes later I smacked my toe really hard off a desk and now its bleeding. ¬___________¬
  22. Did someone say basement kitteh?!
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