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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Couldn't agree more tbh! Love the simpsons gif goaf! =D
  2. *wolf whistles* Yeah I had the same asian (or at least "darker skinned") image for you :s
  3. I've got no doubt its not funny now, but hopefully you can look back and laugh at it being a good learning experience =) Just because you've got a lot to learn (do you?) it doesn't make you a bad person, at all.
  4. Eeep sounds rough, all a learning experience eh?
  5. I thought that was better, considerably better! (still lots of room for improvement but yer making an effort at least) I agree with whoever said you should contain an episode to one single topic/joke, that would seem a lot less chaotic and just strung together. Very cute in the outtakes
  6. I go to weightwatchers so I can say that the majority are normal sized, or not far off it (I'm talking having a stone to lose) Weightwatchers isn't just a "lose weight and your cured" system, people that are skinny still stay at weightwatchers.. Not everyone is blessed with eat what you want syndrome. People at weightwatchers are at least making the effort to try and lose weight.. Some of them are actually healthier than natural skinnies, because they aren't putting whatever the fuck they want in their mouth. If it was an AA meet, or gamblers anonymous, no-one would have batted an eyelid. (guess what, there are fat people at those too )
  7. Happy birthday flinkeh. What a lovely girlfriend you have, making such a nice thread
  8. Hahah ouch man, ouch. I hear QUB is a nightmare to get into, seemingly you have to be damn top-notch.
  9. No worries, hope it goes alright. (i say you still shoulda gone to QUB ) --- Yawn, mega tired day. Went to bed last night with a migraine brewing, woke up with a fullscale one. Yick. Crappy day at work, someone trying to push me to do something out of my remit, at like 5 minutes to 5. Oh joy.
  10. Actually, no, there is an age limit just like the forces. I think the army is 30 and the police might be 35. Locally, it does vary, but you'll find its not far off that figure. re the age thing - i think fresh out of school (16 or 18) is too early to be working out your lifetime career, its good to get out and try things, work from the bottom and learn that life ain't all roses all of the time (in terms of a job anyway). It does make you a different, and better, person.
  11. That's not funny at all ... There are actually a lot of normal sized people at WWs contrary to ignorant belief
  12. No one needs a £60 shirt either
  13. oh noooo a whole new mission filler ;___________________;
  14. I did a mediocre 3 A levels and I have a job, and potential(!!!) prospects, take that! If I had waited and done a degree, i would have finished a year or so ago (right in the middle of the credit crunch yay) and be stuck with no job at all. And debt. I'm glad to say i'm overall in the black (only just!)
  15. I put on a bit of civ2 (good old classic) to rev up my urge for gaming. Nice to change to something completely different (different era, different genre, platform, whatever) to give it a bit of change. Variety is the spice of life!!!
  16. Urgh man I felt awful today. I think the only way I could have even been the remotest bit comfortable would have been to strap myself to my chair and not move all day. My spine hurts so much and its so suddenly come on. I've not officially been diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis (rather the more general term of psoriatic arthritis) but i've got every symptom in the book... Bamboo spine is a pretty accurate term. =( URRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH.
  17. Oh wow that's pretty good, I was nowhere near test ready at 7 lessons You gonna retire the bike now then?
  18. What are you insinuating, bitch!! =P I span my wheels (really dry powdery snow), because i'm still a bit of a n00b. Still not used to the whole diesel vs petrol thing, and doing a lot of hating about the whole vrooming ISSUE. >_> I think at the end of the day, all it is, is taking care and caution on the road. I see so many losers speed past me doing well over 40, in these terrible conditions.
  19. Truthery - and they don't get the danger money they once did! Also the thing about being a black lesbian (danny said it?) is really quite true. My boss is a white male protestant. He's attempted to get into the police a few times and had no success because of the intake regulations. They'll take on people that did a lot worse in the interviews/tests because they are a certain religion (religion in particular here) or colour. Ballymena is about 80/85% protestant but they have an unequivalent ratio of who they take on. The medical can be a bit hit or miss. If you've nothing majorly wrong or debilitating, you should be okay. It does however take a long time to go through the process. (my boss has been trying for near on 5 years) The TA might be good experience if you'd be interested in that.
  20. Your wheels spin far easier in first gear than second
  21. Haha sounds like a plan!1 How many lessons you had? Are you planning a test anytime soon? (I think I did like near on 50 lessons before i passed =P) ALSO! That means i'm freed from being your chauffeur. Score.
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