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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Its a petrol I assume? You're probably learning in a diesel, which would make them worlds apart. Give the petrol a bit of gassss! woo.
  2. agreed, you can hurt yourself taking it too hard, too quickly, without warming up or down. I went to ze gym on monday, didn't feel like I got a good workout though. Pushing through the pain barrier before the tiredness barrier. Even non weight bearing stuff is pushing my old bones haha. Before my AS I could blast the gym for a good solid hour (mostly cardio) and now i'm struggling 20 minutes. I'm just gotta keep at it, I know my limits pretty well and hopefully it will help over time. Gonna discuss with my rhemy too, hopefully I can get advice or something to help!
  3. I often suspected he used that as an excuse. Hell, I've been tormented most of my life, and hated for something I've got no control over, and that's precisely why I'd never do that to anyone. It's no excuse. If he's got mental issues he needs help not random people to treat like crap to make him feel better. I've got every respect for transgenders/lesbians/gays/whatever.. I actually really had a lotta respect for rok until just before he got banned.
  4. *head goes boom*
  5. a lot of people are disgusted by what I am, and I'm not a nasty piece of work. I'm pretty sure nobody here hated him for being a crossdresser or whatever, we hated him (and he got banned for) being an asshole to other people.
  6. I don't think anyone is being transphobic. We all have different ways of seeing things and we all have to accept everyone has their own opinion. I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with the Bard, but that's pretty much how I feel. Regardless, I have no hate for them solely for that reason, and I don't really think anyone that has posted does.
  7. I had a funny feeling it wasn't just any old date! Good ol' nando! One of these days i'm gonna come stalk you in work to see this ring missy!
  8. I've no idea what flickr is (lol) but "The newest member is raining_again" I joined yer forum! (I was worried I wasn't going to get my username, phew! )
  9. I think its all about mental maturity... I mean you can get 35 year olds that still act 15 19 and 23 ain't too much of a difference methinks! Good luck with it!
  10. 30p?! haha that's amazing! Won't get much for 30p these days xD
  11. I think I know what you mean, you get a talking to, its on record, but its not an official action. They work it that way in my place too. Bah, managers can be awful and just hate their staff for no reason =(
  12. I always leave pizzas in as long if not longer than the stated time..
  13. Totally out of order. I'm sure you are raging about it, but i'd say try to just keep calm about it all, don't let it phase you, or mention it, and your mum will calm down. =) I find backing down will gain you more respect in the long run. But don't be a pussy and come crawling back apologising. You did mention it after all. Yay for being out of debt, high five me lad. :P
  14. vista has dual monitor support too.. (which is a whooole fucking mile better than xp - xp used to randomly switch my monitor pictures around!!!)
  15. Shorteh you absolute genius! There's one on the site for my carr ^___^ My bank balance does not like you though :P
  16. You NEED to talk to her, and explain that this is having an impact. You started seeing her and she smoked yeah? In which case you can't really expect her to stop, but she could refrain from smoking in your presence maybe. All relationships (love involved or not) take give and take from BOTH parties/
  17. BAGSY BRIDESMAID!!!! woooooooooooooooo!!! I'm so unbelievably happy for youuuu :D:D:D
  18. I recommend ultramon too, its rockin. =)
  19. do eeeet naaaaaaaaaaaaaow.


    (has no idea what's going on)



  20. hehe so true. My satnav holder seems to be sturdy enough but then the satnavs not really as heavy and the arm on it isn't extended or moveable. God damn technology. I can't drive at 50mph :( haha
  21. I bought a phone thing for my car (for a nokia), and its sturdy as hell (seems to be well enough made) but I just cannot for the life of me get it to stay on the window, bloody heavy phone! ¬_¬ Oh I hate it. HATE IT. (car charger is terribly handy mind you!)
  22. I know I'd rather be too early than too late, haha! Also I approve of the lolcat appearance =P My day was dreary, a bit like the weather. The roads over here are potholed to fuck, I swear I was bouncing to work, not driving. Now my back is horrible and stiff =(
  23. I don't mean to be nasty here, but you don't understand my condition if you can say things like that and assume my physical capability. Its not just pedalling, you just pedal on a static bike, not a standard one. I have very little spinal strength, and for someone normal its very hard to grasp how things affect you. I wouldn't have the strength to maintain myself on a bike because it moves and can fall over. One needs to have a flexible spine to be able to counter movement on a bicycle. Which mine isn't.
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