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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Most people (read: not all but the majority for arguments sake) in northern ireland don't see england as their enemy... Quite the opposite actually - seeing as we want to remain in a union with the UK. It seems to be a bit generalising to say that everyone in england is this nations enemy, or vice versa
  2. That's a bit contraversial mr fish... I know quite a few english people who don't hate me for being a scot/irish/whatever. My mum's an English woman married to an Irishman. I wonder if it was a Christian who did that "prank", they obviously aren't that great in their morals that allows them to treat people like that. There are numerous points in the bible about loving thy neighbour, forgiving the black sheep etc (some of the christian values I can actually appreciate!) Far too many christians claiming to be so, so they can take the moral high ground and be assholes to people who don't suit them.
  3. Aye I think so but it took me having to format windows ¬_¬

  4. mmmmmmm love creme eggs gonna buy a mahoooooosive box when I go to the factory shop in brum! weee :3 (i will murder if its been closed down before april!)
  5. far far far safer reversing in than out because you can see a lot more. And you're more likely to get hit reversing out. It's not illegal in this country but it is in others (germany, but they are very fussy)
  6. I'm just joshin ya duude =P I'd love to have half yer current speed! @kirkatronics - its not all the service providers fault so you can't really point blame at them for providing "up to" service. A lot of it is distance from your exchange and what your infrastructure can handle.
  7. omfgsopissed. My window STILL DOESN'T WORK. Fuckers. The mechanics of the window are a lot better, but when it goes down, the rubber thing (the sealing strip inside of the car along the bottom of the window?) goes down with it, making hideous noises. This is basically pulling the window off its fixture and causing the pictures I posted. Heres a topic.. Hows your reversing? Do you purposely avoid reversing into a space and use drive in spaces (yay) as much as possible? Are you any gooooood? I'm going out of my way to practice practice practice. My drive is a bit scary to reverse into but i seem to be getting the hang of it! ^_^ Sorta got a bit of a handicap not having any depth perception but im not gonna let that put me off.
  8. yargh my spine hurts. Drs wont give me painkillers (addictive, bad for liver, me too young, etc) so I've just gotta stfu and suffer it. Last time it was so severe I was nearly admitted to hospital, saved by my dad giving me some of his diazipam. Gaaaaaaaaaay.
  9. I've never known better... Infrastructure means we'll only over get 3.5mb (overhead phone cables) and that's on a really good day. Averaging 1-2mb normally. I don't really download obscene amounts anyway *cough*
  10. only? *cries at pitiful not even 2mb*
  11. snow coming tomorrow according to ze weather forecast. A good bit of northern ireland (although not us) had it today. Yay.... not.
  12. Drunken fist is the best thing in that whole anime!! You should just go up to ep 130iiiish, then skip to Shippuuden
  13. If even I can make pancake mix there really is no excuses Plus that ready made stuff has naughty preservative things added!!
  14. Haha I know it too well, I wasn't given any training, just a piece of paper with the order of the questions to ask. Thankfully in those days the system was retardedly simple and there was little that could go wrong! I think a lot of the time the best way to do it is just be thrown in, and if you have nice colleagues they'll always help you. Are you working full time now?
  15. Welcome to the forum, some of us aren't so crazy...
  16. Shrove Tuesday freakin rocks. Golden syrup or sugar and lemon! And butter is not needed, that is bloody insanity (surely it makes a mess if yer tossing them???) anyways, its just not needed. If you have a proper non stick pan, nothing sticks unless its cremated, so no EXCUSES.
  17. woohoo, got my car back, £44 later! They sorted it, well i hope so anyway. Cleaned all the glue off n redid it. He kinda suggested that whoever fixed it before did a real shit job (toyota garage, lol). Been advised to let it sit unopened for a bit, just to make doubly sure the glue is all set. Hopefully it works! And reversing out of the garage place it did that STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID NOISE that it keeps doing >_> Urgh never ending I swear, even my car needs constantly looked at, its old yeah, but its only got 42k miles. Phail.
  18. The police had to be called to work today.. Some scally fuck was out looking for drugs demanding to see a doctor (no doctors on during day at the emergency doc on call) so the police carted her off in a car. This looney bin's sister was also there causing shit, trying to pull the girl out of the car. The policeman got freaking raged and started shouting at the sister. Urgh, these people are a sandwich short of a picnic, but this useless "care in the community" shit has them out loose. I feel for policemen really, with the amount of shit they have to put up with sometimes.
  19. Psh, ipaul is cute, don't be nasty caris.
  20. Dont you get penalised for speeding tickets? We get 3 penalty points per occasion, 12 loses you your licence.
  21. :love: but but I love you! Get better soon!
  22. just because you are *only* driving without insurance or a licence doesn't mean you are really any better than any other lawbreaker...
  23. Girls aren't generally known for their mechanical prowess :P Its been in and out of the shop for this problem for years. It was in only last month getting the plastic edging cleaned and replaced. They did say the time before that it may end up needing a whole window unit replacement. I think i'd rather pay them to do it than hash it up myself
  24. Damn bloody right
  25. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~ my window has fallen off its tracking again even after they fixed it!!
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