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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I agree, theres a good bit of difference in the car I learned in (was about a year old) and my own which is 8 years old. It was a bit shocking changing to my own car at first, but I damn love my car now ^_^ Try and look around for an older car with not a lot of mileage maybe?
  2. well a 14 year old shouldn't really be on the internet without some sort of parental supervision, even an adult in the room. Jeez, it's always anyones fault but the parents!
  3. I wondered for a second why they were doing that hahaha! *blonde moment!* *steals and uses as wallpaper* Himitsu: top secret - the revelation is bloody awesome. Top level police reading dead peoples brains through MRI scans. Real futuristic scifi stuff. I went to bed having some funky nightmares after watching it last night. Brain melt in an awesome fashion!
  4. I'm about 18 stone now. Lost about 1.5 stone so far. My healthy weight is like 11stone (154lbs - 70kg) . I dunno, I kinda think the BMI system can be a bit flawed. I don't think I'd look normal at 11stone :s My mum is the same like, she said throughout her whole life shes never been anything smaller than a size 16 (which is borderline plus size in the uk), and she was running like 10 miles a day at the time! A bit of deviation at the weekend is nothing bad. Its just making sure you maintain the week of good eating and your weight is staying relatively steady or going down in terms of week to week/month to month. Daily changes are pretty normal - especially for us ladies with our time of the month and fluid retention etc!
  5. *drum rolls* i lost 2lb this week! woot! I go to weightwatchers with my mum, and she put on a pound this week! Shes been uber strict, following the plan to a tee. So I feel freakin terrible that she's not losing too. This is supposed to be something to bond us together but all I seem to feel is guilt and sadness for her And i'm sure she's raging cause im not following the plan half as well as she is. She's on a bucket of painkillers and gets steroid injections so all of that is probably the cause of her putting on weight. This dieting malarky is never easy!
  6. Eep, yeah thats pretty dear. @Will' - I've got a 1litre yaris which is group 1, I'm 23, no ncb (passed sept last year) and im female. Northern Ireland has different road laws or something which makes insurance a lot more expensive. Booo. i put your car reg in confused.com to see the insurance - £3,186. hahah thats amazing.
  7. What's "out of your range"? You have a decent ncb surely..? My insurance is £850, woulda been £1,000 without my mum on my insurance. Parentals have many...many uses My cars only a piddly thing so its great for insurance!
  8. Well this is a gaming forum... Play games? (wow you're a genius raining!) Good luck with ze upgrade ashmon(and all involved)!
  9. It's really simple to set up an irc client and have it default to the n-e chat... You just trying to make the admins work for th- oh wait thats right they don't get paid!
  10. I seeeee, it all makes sense. Thanks short stuff!
  11. Having a real problem with mould on the walls in our house, seems to be very damp in this country. Had a fella in looking at it and he says its common in these houses. So gr. I have the corner room so I get the worst. Stripped off the paint and cleaned it off. Used this mould treatment that i think has probably given me lung cancer, haha!
  12. I had 50 hours lessons (no outside practice) and passed second time. I'm a loooooooooooooser. Practical stuff just ain't my thing. Give me a written exam any day. ¬_¬ (rez i dunno about you but i dont think i could face sitting in a car for 8 hours in a day not to mention 24!)
  13. Long hair is a disaster to maintain. If you bleach over and over, regardless of the gap in time, it WILL start falling out. I used to bleach my hair once every.. 6 weeks to 2 months, and it went the same way. Keeping it short is pretty much the only way to maintain healthy white hair (cause your chopping off the hair rather than bleaching it again and again) and my hair was in great shape when it was shorter. p.s Sally's salon services - I got 500g of powder bleach and a whole litre of creme peroxide for about 15 quid. (i think roughly that's about the equivalent of like 15/20 boxes of jerome russell bleach you get in boots - for a fiver each!!)
  14. Blargle. Waiting on "official" word about this move that's been decided on. The boss told me on the sly, and none of the others know. Little do the higher ups know, they've just emptied the office of trained staff by doing this. Nobody will want to travel 35 miles in rush hour traffic. And they have no practical knowledge of the system itself. Bahaha hope they all fail miserably! I'm in the process of applying for a lab assistant's job in the hospital, so hopefully with any luck I'll get a job there. Same money, bit more travel, but less than my current job would be. And my uncle works in that department so i can dig up the details from him
  15. box of sadnesss! awww! Nothing like a lolcat to cheer yourself up. *lots of hugs for pancake!*
  16. Same in our place! We get milk/tea/coffee etc provided, the place gets through about 32 litres of milk a week!
  17. not good enough ess seee geeeeeeeeeeeee! :heh:

  18. can anyone say adorable? ^___^

  19. wow even ballymena's on this thing!
  20. essss seeeee geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  21. Maybe try learning to drive, it gives you buckets of independance, and you can travel to see people. I wouldn't be so hard on yourself, before you know it the time will come.
  22. Well yes, but obviously hair like that needs care and attention. You get shampoos and treatments, along with not overdoing the bleach (i only do mine once every 6 weeks at the most frequent) and the typical not overdoing the blowdrying and straightening. Its not the colour that damages, just the bleach.
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