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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. The main one is the memory situation, having to copy everything to the Wii first if just ridiculous, and I'm worried about teh future when we've got loads of stuff on teh system memory. I'm still unsure how putting a save from and SD card on someone elses memeory when they already have a save of the same game works - I'm going to experiement tonight, I hope I don't get disappointed!! To be honest I'd rather use the SD card for ALL games saves and the system memory for future software and VC games!! Things I'd like improved: - the obvious customisation in Mii and emailing - that when you add someone they get a message saying someones added them do they want to return - To be able to play your own music on all the channels - To be able to create sub pages wthin a chanel, so i could create a SNES chanel and in there are all my SNES downloads - To be able to write as much as I want in a message - That the play time records doesn't end after a certain amount and just put OTHERS That'll do for now....
  2. I don't meanvshoehorning them into any old game - obviously adventure games or realistic games it wouldn't work. But then why wouldn't it work to have your Mii as a selcted character in a FPS? Is it more stupid then the crazy cgaracters in Time Splitters or Red Steel multiplayer? I don't think so, it'd be awesome. Would it be that bad if you could race as your Mii in SSX Blur? I think it'd be awesome, Mario and Peach are a completely different style in SSX Trick 3 but it still works!
  3. What are gamesradar on about? For me, I want the Mii's in as many games as possible!! - characters in FPS in multiplayer - in any sports games - SSX tricky, NBA Street etc. Animal Crossing is the PERFECT example of using Mii!!
  4. Yeah I guessed that, but if you put the save on the internal memory will it save over a save that is already on there? Hmm, I'm really not liking this memory situation with the Wii!!!
  5. My arms cane - damn Wii Sports!! As to the debate, Wii Sports is fun because of the way you play - the game would be shit sat down on the sofa making minimal movements!!
  6. God yes, everyone who plays our Wii's becomes a believer so yeah - the games son't look great and it's hard to actually think about how a game may play, but as soon as you do, well, it's pretty hard to go back.
  7. They said Zelda on the Gamecube would be the last as we knew it, way before wii controls were announced - allvthey were saying was that the wii mote makes it 'untraditional' (even though not really, but then PH isn't really a different Zelda) so the series will be similar to what we all know and love, just a different way of controlling, I think people are taking the comments a little too far. Twilight Princess is looking like it will easily be the best Zelda for me, but there's so much scope for development!!
  8. People who have played the game for less then an hour can't really have a truthful opinion of the controls, and I'm baffled that people think the controls are difficult, I think they are very easy!!! The wii-mote is better than anything else out there for FPS in my opinion. specially the effing dual shock - I hate the pad!!! They are about as analgue as a NES D-Pad!
  9. Agree with Colin and revo, this game is awesome and proves (to me anyway) that FPS belong on the Wii and traditional controllers simply cannot compete - they really do seem boring in comparison. There are a few bugs in the ame 0 disappearing people, the one Colin named (glad about that as my housemate spotted it too) - they are very minor though. But god would I pay good for money for mulitplayer - even splitscreen. Coop would be awesome too!
  10. Controls are good, but when you get used to CoD3 they're even better, two great and very different shooters! And the dual shock is one of the worst pads to grace the gaming world!!!
  11. Wii Sports is indeed awesome Tennis - I agree with dork, a tennis game were you control the player would be much better and would EASILY work being attached to the nunchuk, you could the direct you shots, which you cant do as it stands. I mean, I love Tennis, it's a great multiplayer game, but I can't help but get giddy at the thought of a proper tennis game - Virtua Tennis I'm lloking at you!! And you Mario Tennis Bowling - amazing game!! Can see playing this for years to come Baseball - worse of the bunch but still really fun in two player Golf - really great, and like Tennis makes me excited for a proper golf game (come on Pangya!!!) Boxing - its the most inconsistent at first, but when you learn the game it becomes a lot more respsonsive, great fun, and knackering!
  12. I could find this out for myself but I dont want to make any fatal errors and someone here may know. Basically, of I have my Zelda save on an SD card and I want to play on my mates Wii to play my save and he already has one on his system memory - how do I read my save? Do I have to move it to his? And if so will it wipe his go!?! To be honest, the whole SD card thing seems a little disppointing, I like the memory cards were you could load your data off that card and there was not worries - no with system memory and SD memory it seems like the playing your game on different machines is a bit of a nightmare!! PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong on this 'cause i really hope so!
  13. My number is 3452-3588-8218-4914 PM if you add me please and I'll add you
  14. Like evryone else, loving this game - and haven't even played multiplayer yet!! Also, the easy difficulty doesn't bother me cause it's just so much fun, I just hope the multipayer is good enough to keep it going. But if not it's still great to have.
  15. Great game, yeah some of the mini games are shit, but some are awesome!! And the one player, although I wish the levels tilted more, seem like classic Monkey Ball. Great launch game!
  16. I've had no problems with any of our Wiis and think it's pretty incredible and, in fact, has exceeded my expectation. The wiimote makes everything fun - even Monster 4x4 for a while! Yeah there are a few things I hope get updated, the obvious Mii additions would be brilliant, but that's only because the Mii channel is amazing to begin with!! Also wish I could arrange sub folders in the chanel system - I want a SNES, NES and MEGADRIVE chanel dammit!!! On the games front Zelda is predictably stunning and surprisngly Wii Sports in amazing and I'd pay full price for it if I didn't get it free - Bowling is just stunning, and can't wait for a Bowling game comes out (wuth the exact same gameplay) with a career mode, online tournaments, player customisation, extra minigames etc Because I could play it all day! Also, literally everyone who has played the Wii, wants to buy one! That says everything to me!!!
  17. This game is amazing. Played 4 player deathmatch for hours last night, and although there are some crazy limitations and emitions we all loved it, and I agree with the GoldenEye comment, especially on multiplayer - the weapons and level design is very GoldenEye-esque; the game just has an awesome classic FPS feel!! The stupid restrictions are that there are no bots; only 4 levels; not enough characters to choose from; no weapon selection (as in decidindg what weapons you can and can't have); and that there are now powerful weapson (reocked launchers etc.) although this is isn't that bad as the weapons are brilliantly balanced!! I have CoD3 to the person who asked and, well, I've hardly touched it to be honest as its 1 player only and people have coming round to my house solidly; but it looks like it will be pretty great. I think Red Steel is a better introduction to FPS on Wii as it's very easy to control after 20 minutes; CoD is extremely difficult, BUT, when you get used to it its just amazing, and shows the Wii can really emulate the speed and efficiency of a mouse, but with extravemmersion. And for both games - reloading and changing weapons (WHY is this NOT in Red Steel) and opening doors by pushing the nunchuck os just amazing - pressing buttons just can't compete!!! PS As a side note, an xbox fan who LOVES Halo came round and has now preordered a Wii, and he LOVED Red Steel!!
  18. Anybody else wii-idied their living rooms? We have a massive living room and have put the two sofas back to back in the middle facing ourwards with a TV at each end - we have 2 wiis you see. We have a assive space in front of each one for the room needed for a multiplayer sessions!! People have been coming round and playing it yesterday and today, it's great - we're like a Wii demo house!! We've also got 2 Zeldas, 3 Wii plays, Red Steel, CoD3, Monkey Ball, Rayman, Monster 4x4, and obviously 2 Wii Sports. ALL the games are great fun!! I'll post pictures later!!!
  19. I think for £5 this game is great, but only if you have someone to play it with - Shooting, Table tennis, hockey, find mii amd billiards are great games!!!
  20. I'm baffled, I think this game is great, have Cod too and although in the long run Cod controls will probably be better, Red Streel is a great intro to FPS on Wii, me and all my housemates are having a blast with it, though admittedly we havent played it much. But then, I'm loving everything on the Wii - even Monster 4x4!!!!!!
  21. Our plans have been fucked up due to Gamestation not having any wiiplays or wiimotes - argh!!! We've got people coming over and were playing a 4 player (with 6 of us) extravaganza - no such luck, 2 player it is!!!!
  22. I want to cry!! With all this talk about shortages etc. I thought I'd call gamestation just to make sure, and they haven't got any wiimotes or wii plays!!!! Oh my god!!! Me and my mates have taken tomorrow off work and freed up all weekend to play wii and we cant even multiplayer!!!! I want to effing scream!!!
  23. There was some confusion about the SD card thing. YES they can be used for gamesaves and you can put VC games on the SD card but if you want to play them you have to put them back on your Wii - that sounds like a pain in the arse but it makes sense as for efficiency, to read the games, it needs to be on something faster, SD cards aren't used for constant data retreival are they? I have a question - Can game saves be put on the wiimote? And if so what are the limitations of this?
  24. You think thats a lot me and my housemates are getting: 2 wii's (2 Wii Sports, 2 wiimotes, 2 nunchicks) 2 x Wii Play 1 Wii mote 3 x nunchucks 2 x Zelda Red Steel Monkey Ball Call of Duty Rayman GT Pro Series Classic Controller Wii Points And on friday for the weekend we are renting: Tony Hawks Madden Marvel Alliance It's gonna be one hell of a weekend for us!!!
  25. I run my own company so I'm not going in thursday through til monday for the wii, and my housemate who works for the company is also having the days off!! It's gonna be a Wii geek fest at ours!! " 2 wiis, 5 controllers, 10 games........
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