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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. I'd take artistic pretty over technical pretty any day
  2. What a stunningly beautiful game this is. Im extremely surprised at how incredible the graphics are. I love experiences like this - no it won't be the greatest game ever made, but its a very unique experience!!
  3. This game is just incredible, the atmosphere in particular is stunning. Also, anyone think the boss fights are ridiculously epic? They're a good half an hour long!!!
  4. My left hand is fine, thoughg my right hand aches like a bastard after plying some games - though actually its only sunce Metroid - the epic boss fights are that intense I grip the controller stupidly hard, and I dont blink so I cant see afterward eaither!!
  5. Two things, pne: Am I the only person who really liked this game? Yeah it had some annoying moments but not that bad! I thought it was great and genuinely funny. And two: What is this secret arcade?
  6. I love the first Rabbids game too but theres been NOTHING on this game which laways worries me. I'm dying for a review!!!
  7. First time Ive ever ordered from GAME and theyve emailed saying they are packing my game! Impressed. Also preordered Mario and Sonic Olympics (mainly because of the Tshirt ).
  8. I meant in sales sorry. The game itself looks incredible and I'll certainly be there on the 18th to pick it up; but unfortunately its all about sales, and I want the great companies to feel confident publishing on the Wii!
  9. Does anyone know if you have a NTSC ROB it will work on a UK NES? I want one but can only find foreign versions!!!
  10. This would take me too long. I have every nintendo platform (inc Virtual Boy) and lots of games!!!!
  11. I dont want anything ruining for me so havent watched the gametrailers review. What score did it get? I want this game to do really well because Capcom are an amazing publisher and I want them to do well on Wii - Zack and Wicki seems to be doing badly and I dont want them to stop making games!!!
  12. This game is amazing. I bought it for my girlfriend who is training to be a scuba diving instructor, but its just brilliant. Im so surprised, the ocean looks incredible on my "42 inch plasma!! I'll sort friend code out. Just for the record what can you do when you dive together? Are there any missions otgether or is it literally just swimming about together?
  13. I demand everyone to read this, its incredible: http://uk.wii.com/software/interviews/mario_galaxy/vol4/index.html PS Though very funny that Miaymoto told the orchestra that this game will sell 10 million copies Wait till he gets a load of first week sales
  14. Whats really annoying me, is the thought that Nintendo uses low sales on this, Metroid, BWii etc to rationalise making simple casual games that sell millions of copies!! If they fucking advertised and promoted the games like they should then they'd sell more!!!
  15. The game sold just over 250k copies in japan first week. This isn't amazing is it?
  16. I'm actually pleased with those reviews, though each review contradicts each other - one says its too simple, another (the fucking SUELESS 1up, surprise surprise) says the complex can be too complex for casuals - another case of nintendo simply can't win with these morons! Anyways, it being more complex than Wii Sports, some events being brilliant, the fact I LOVE Olympics games - this game surely can't go wrong with me!!!
  17. Have you read this thread? You can put your own music on the game with SD cards
  18. I have both of those games. I really really like fifa and although Monkey Ball was VERY disappointing, the one player is still good fun. The only games Ive had that I didnt like are monster 4x4 and Mercury revolution (very disappointing game), got rid of both of them - though i have actually got mercury again, ONM sent it to me for free instead of Cooking mama
  19. I have over 20 games - and IMO no duds either!! Top 5 1. Zelda - BEST.....GAME......EVER!!! (and that includes Ocarina, though blatantly just keeping the seat warm for Galaxy!) 2. Metroid - Loving it, but only 4 hours in! Absolute sheer class though 3. Wii Sports Bowling - I will still be playing this game in 5, maybe even 10 years, just amazing, and everyone who plays it wants a wii, simple as that! 4. Trauma Centre - Just a stunning game, the controls, the missions... loved it!! 5. Super Paper Mario - Really enjoyed playing this game and didnt even hate what everyone else seemed to. Special Mention: Eledees - this may make the top 5 when I finish it. Lots of content, great controls, great game Excite Truck - great FUN game, if it had better multiplayer this may have made the top 5 Fifa - best fifa since 96!! Great first attempt on Wii Koroinpa - better than monkey ball and Mercury. Great level design and controls Rayman Rabbids - some amazing minigames, particularly the great shooter levels and the "wish they'd make a game of just this' dance levels SSX - another genre made better because of the lovely controls. Ignore anyone who says anything otherwise Res Evil 4 - The best version of one of the best games ever. I've just finished it before thats all Sonic - Best sonic since te 2nd one!!! Wario Ware - amazing multiplayer game!!! Scarface - a game made beter because of the controls!!! Mario Strikers - Stunning multiplayer game! CoD3 - flawed to bugary but awesome FPS controls on day 1 of the Wii!!
  20. NSMB never did 420k in a day, that was its first week wasn't it? Galaxy should match that!
  21. Just preordered from powerplay, and mario galaxy for £27.99 Bargains! Anyone know if powerplay get stuff to you on launch date? Been thinking about this game for a while, especially as my girlfriend is training to be a scuba diving instructor and is dying to play the game, this price makes it an impulse buy for me!
  22. I'm not on about a subjective opinion point like what is a hardcore gamer or gamer or how good is Metroid or halo or whatever, I love opinion and encourage it. But what is not opinion is Wii having no hardcore games and some peoples attitude towards the Wii. The Wii DOES have hardcore games and in fact has a lot more than the Cube did at the same stage. But people ignore this and say its just for casuals whih is wrong, thats not an opinion surely!!
  23. I wasn't having a go at you ... or anyone who thinks the zapper is rubbish. I'm more on about the people who moan about it being JUST a shell, like thats what makes it crap! People dont like it fair enough, people think it adds more emmersion than just the wiimote, great. But people complaining that nintendo have just made a shell to put it in is just ridiculous.
  24. Going to Tokyo for two weeks with a 4 day break in kyto in the middle. I'm sure it'll be fine, just slightly daunting.
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