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Everything posted by Pancake

  1. Took a few listens, but now i'm hooked on this:
  2. Wolverine in cat form.
  3. I'm qualified in full body massage and we do do abdomen on guys, in fact the whole massage is the exactly the same. If anything i've noticed it's the guy who seems to get paranoid/uncomfortable when getting the abdomen done. The whole body is covered in towels, but the area being worked on is uncovered. I found it a bit annoying, and sometimes restrictive to have so many towels. Went abroad earlier in the year and had a massage and it was the opposite of here! No towel cover, and the male masseuse tried to give me his phone number during the massage. Oh my god. They don't have any inhibitions there.
  4. Deffo qualifies for double facepalm.
  5. Society loves to make people feel like scum if they can't get sex. That's what's quite sick, not prostitution. It should be regulated so it's safe for the workers, and not contributing to the spread of STDs. Could say more but it's pretty much been covered already... Pro-prossies!
  6. *no comment required*
  7. Yep, it's pretty much a trainwreck now. Still good for the occasional good one liner, i guess.
  8. Does anyone even still watch this? The final series starts tonight. I'm glad they're putting it out of its misery, but i'll still watch. A Nathan guest appearance would be amazing.
  9. Joker can't take a joke.
  10. Dat new Stephen King cover...
  11. I'm too stupid to know how to link to it in my sig, so: http://www.twitter.com/Chickybot
  12. This thread has made me decide that i'm going to be 'ill' this xmas. Tragically struck down with a mystery bug and unable to participate in the festivities!
  13. Went to the cinema on my own today to see Filth, cos i didn't know anyone who'd want to see it with me. Meant i had to say the sentence "one ticket to see Filth please" at the desk. Cringe. Oh well! Was totes fun and i loved it. Had a bit of trouble taking James Mcavoy seriously as a police officer at first cos he looks so young. But i got over it. Laughed a bit at his 'modified so that English folks can understand' Scottish accent. hehe.
  14. Yep. I'm like... ... on Xmas Day.
  15. I remember being depressed last Halloween when i didn't see a single indication that it was Halloween the whole day. But of course there was xmas shit everywhere already! I hate christmas, and the UK is especially ridiculous with how early it starts. I'd love to leave the country for the whole of december if i could!
  16. Re Dumb and Dumber And look who's back! "I just thought he was real quiet"
  17. That trailer is so fail. It just made me want to watch the original.
  18. Haha thanks. But it should be known that i only post flattering photos.
  19. Snake cake, zomg!
  20. You couldn't pay me the price of a Smart Watch, to wear a Smart Watch.
  21. I can't tell if that comment is supposed to be funny or not!
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