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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. OMG, Ice Climber costume !
  2. You obviously haven't played Mario Kart 8
  3. Kinda Funny said the same thing, and they're huge Uncharted fans
  4. I bought a PS4, regardless of the sixth, seventh or eighth fucking shooter that seem to release each month.
  5. Just Platinum'd this, fantastic game. Didn't enjoy it as much as Guacamelee, but then again you can't really compare the two. The last boss was cool but very easy. The toughest bit was getting through that 3x enemy encounter that @Hero\-of\-Time mentioned on the Mountain Summit, that took half a dozen goes for me. Beautiful game. If I had one criticism it would be that the traversal mechanic felt extremely dated, but it worked well enough for the style of game. That said I was looking at the mini map most of the time, which seems a shame. Highly recommended! As above, it's a shame that so few people will experience it.
  6. It never ceases to amaze me how much shit Mario 3D World gets. Give me its beautifully designed levels any day over Galaxy's wildly over-rated ones. Personally I think it's the perfect 3D platformer, regardless of whether the levels are as expansive as Galaxy's or not. It's a real masterpiece of a game and it's sad that it gets shit on so much because it's not "Galaxy 3". What's unimpressive about it exactly? The beautifully designed levels, the ridiculous amount of charm in every polygon or the pure sense of FUN the gameplay delivers?
  7. I think you're undervaluing the quality of Zelda's gameplay, holding it up against openworld games that do one thing very well, but the lack the diversity of a Zelda game. I quoted three gameplay mechanics, out of dozens, per game. My point was that in my opinion, the breadth of gameplay in a Zelda title far outweighs that of, say, a Batman or Witcher. The latter have giant openworlds, full of missions but the level of interactivity inthose worlds don't compare. Unless you can use a mirror shield to bounce light around a dungeon or use a Deku leaf to blow propellers, stun enemies and float around islands, or lug around time crystals that alter the terrain around you. All I was saying is it was unfair to compare Zelda to Witcher, when they are very different types of games.
  8. I wasn't referencing his post, merely the continued comparisons to Witcher 3's giant overworld full of quests. If Zelda were stripped down to Witcher 3's gameplay then I suspect it would be far easier to make a game as enormous in scope, but the beauty of Zelda is that it's far more tightly designed and action-focused. Not saying one is better than the other.
  9. I still think it's unfair comparing Witcher and Zelda. Unless Witcher has double clawshots to let you traverse a temple in the sky, transformation masks that totally alter the gameplay, dominion rods that have you controlling giant statues and the like. Zelda is far more action orientated, compared to Witcher's far simpler RPG gameplay. I don't understand the uproar over the game's delay, surely better than them rushing it out. In any case it's obviously done to coincide with NX. Plus, it feels like every big game these days gets delayed from its original release date. I would have thought everyone was used to this by now.
  10. But then people would complain that that's too substantial a bonus to be locked behind amiibo.
  11. Wow those looks fantastic quality. They keep getting better and better
  12. I don't think Metroid sells that well tbh? That's why they barely make them. New IP is good, look at the success of Splatoon
  13. Playing Severed, just released, by the guys who made Guacamelee. Loving it
  14. Absolutely, I just never figured CoD needed remasters.
  15. Just what the world needs, even more CoD, as if they don't make enough money releasing a new iteration every year. "Infinity Warfare" is a brilliant apt title though
  16. Splatoon is probably the least generic name you could have picked, but ok.
  17. Ignorant on the subject matter? Dr. bob made reference to generic and boring titles. I posted my OPINION that Bloodborne, Battleborn, Battlefield and Battlefront fit that bill. There's no subject matter to be ignorant on. In my view, those are boring, generic titles, the latter three especially.
  18. "If you played the game, you'd know that." sounded combative to me, that's all. Bloodborne has the benefit of you knowing the lore of the game, Horizon doesn't yet. Anyway, my post was more of a chuckle at the 'pick two words out of a bag and throw them together' nature of a lot of game titles these days. So bad, but then again it's very apt given the endless iterative sequels the franchise gets every year.
  19. Why so combative? Why are people so defensive all of a sudden? I never suggested the above four didn't make sense, just that they were generic, which they are.
  20. One of Bloodborne, Battleborn, Battlefield, Battlefront take that title for me. Or maybe Call of Duty, Gears of War, Clash of Clans, Killzone etc... Horizon: Zero Dawn makes no sense, but at least it has a touch of imagination.
  21. Some would call that gameplay. I agree with you that the world and story needs some fleshing out, but I don't think it's the be all and end all of an arcadey on rails space shooter.
  22. Spoilers, geez. Ok, never mind.
  23. Out of curiosity, those who've played it, how much content is there? The map screen looks very small, which is a little worrying. Obviously Starfox is all about replayability but still...
  24. Day 1 for me, I love my Wii U, most fun I've had this gen.
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