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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Mario 64 is not a "huge" game, it's a relatively short game with a handful of expansive levels (that doesn't include the three examples I posted above). Mario 3D World on the other hand, is a huge game with a ridiculous amount of obstacle course style levels, a truck load of level variety, and multiple level types (regular, boss stages, mystery boxes, Captain Toad courses, blockade fights and the post-game special world). It's a huge game brimming with expertly designed content. IMO.
  2. Yeah ok then, 3D World is still a lot more of a "huge" game than 64, which was the point. You can 100% 64 in an hour and a half
  3. Most of the Mario 64 levels were the size of 3D World levels! Nostalgia is a powerful, misleading, thing
  4. The 100 million selling Wii era could have been enough for a uni dissertation!
  5. Beautiful new artwork, unsurprisingly. The hype!!!!
  6. "Huge"? There was 15 stages in Mario 64, and 117 in 3D World. "Deep and involving"? I think that's nostalgia talking. By modern standards the level design really doesn't hold up either, unlike 3D World. Don't get me wrong, Mario 64 is obviously one of the all time classics, and certainly one of the most important and influential video games ever made, but it's far from "perfect" which is the point of this discussion. Taking nostalgia out of the equation, when I think of a perfect 3D platformer, 3D World nails it IMO. Better level variety, better camera, beautiful visuals, top notch gameplay.
  7. Yep, I'm the one making sly comments on game delays. I'm certainly not the one who's been shrugging his shoulders saying they happen all the time.
  8. I'm not comparing Zelda to No Man's Sky ffs. I'm saying that the vast majority of big tentpole releases are delayed, it's nothing new. Except of course, in this case it's Nintendo, so they suck, whereas the other games were just delayed for understandable reasons, so they're ok.
  9. No one even suggested it was going to, or anything like the above.
  10. I think this argument has run its course to be honest, it's really not that important. Zelda has been pushed back 3 months or so, it's not a big deal, just like it was no big deal that No Man's Sky was delayed 7 weeks. Almost every big game gets delayed, for whatever reason, and so we should be used to it by now. I'm sure the finished product will be incredible and worth the wait.
  11. Super Mario 3D World is as close to a perfect 3D platformer as you can get IMO, so I'd like to see a follow up to that. Level after level of expertly designed, beautifully executed obstacle courses. Gorgeous visuals, great music, and an unbelievable amount of polish and detail. People may prefer exploration style games like Galaxy and that's fine, I'm not comparing the two, I just think from a gameplay point of view the 3D Land/World games are basically perfect and to get another entry would make my E3.
  12. I suspect if NX wasn't coming out in March Zelda would still have been delayed. They've never once said it was a launch game for NX, just that it was releasing on both. For all we know Zelda could be coming out in June, in which case the delay would clearly not have been because of the NX I realised what you were doing thanks, explaining why people are treating Nintendo with disdain in this case. Just for once it would be nice to see you argue pro-Nintendo but that's just a personal wish.
  13. I know full well people moan and complain about every game delay. That was my point, hence posting... which predictably enough had to be picked apart by Ashley, and others. When Nintendo delays a game, it's a shambles and far worse than when others do it. [/n-Europe] I seriously doubt Arkham Knight was delayed an entire year just to make the PC version work, seeing as it still didn't on release. As for Zelda, I can't see them sitting on their hands and not touching the game in those last few months. It'll be polished until the last minute.
  14. Guesswork more like. So basically, Mass Effect Andromeda, Witcher 3, The Division, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Uncharted 4, No Man's Sky, Arkham Knight, Evolve, all being delayed is absolutely fine, but a Nintendo game being delayed is definitely not and a total shambles. This place.
  15. Big game in "gets delayed" shocker. Happens everywhere, on all platforms, with pretty much every big tentpole game.
  16. Yeah that was the glaring omission from the video still, at least Jared Petty didn't ruin the video by opening his mouth. Also I know they're a huge chunk of the industry but I didn't think we needed three segments on shooters: co-op, "immersive" (which means fun, apparently ) and space shooters.
  17. They really should turn this franchise into a platform, one or two games per generation with yearly DLC updates. Call of Duty could do similar. But you know, more money this way I guess
  18. I didn't say it looked like it was made on N64, I said it looked like an N64 game that had been upgraded to modern hardware, which IMO, it clearly does, and which is exactly what the developer wanted...
  19. The difference is, the Wii U needs to be killed off, whilst after a poor gen, PS4 is a huge success story; and they reward those 40+ million consumers by making the thing obsolete early.
  20. I'm not talking about visual fidelity, more about the game's look and feel. The art style, animation and character design look like an N64 game that was upgraded to modern standards, but still retaining the feel of Banjo. I'm not knocking the game, that's obviously what they were going for and it works, especially in a nostalgic sense.
  21. I was replying to this And I don't think they need to learn anything about character design. This game looks extremely dated, it looks like an upgraded N64 game, obviously that's part of the appeal, but I'm not sure what it can teach Nintendo. It can teach Sony and Microsoft a hell of a lot more on the other hand...
  22. I can't wait to see how Sony are going to demo PS4 AND Neo versions of the same game. Splitscreen? The meh version and the amazing buy-one-now neo version? Or maybe they'll just demo Neo quality games from now on, and stick a second middle finger up to the rest of their 40 million consumer base. It's gotten to the point where it's a momentous occasion when a big release isn't delayed. Publishers seem very keen to string us all along with release dates they'll never meet.
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