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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I think we'd all like to see it sooner rather than later but looking at it from another angle... right now, Smash is selling huge numbers and that's doing the job of selling their online plan. People are signing up just to play Smash online. When we're all playing Yoshi and Luigi's Mansion, maybe that's when they could use a boost and SNES would be a good way to do that.
  2. Oh I 100% agree SNES games will be added at some point, I just didn't think Mario World would be stealth dropped and SNES games would be announced in the January Direct. The latter could happen but I think it might be a bit longer than that till we get them.
  3. January 11th is "barely January", ok... I think you need to chill out a bit. They're not scrambling and failing to make a Direct, they just haven't announced one yet. There's no evidence Yoshi is in development hell, and Nintendo just released their biggest selling Smash game ever, and still have a 2D Mario game coming out in a couple of days, if they don't reach their 20 million target they'll get pretty close.
  4. Probably a lot more effort put into it. Kirby wasn't up to much. October: Super Mario Party November: Pokemon Let's Go December: Smash Bros Ultimate January: NSMBUDX March: Yoshi That's five first party games in 6 months. Calm down.
  5. I really wouldn't get your hopes up about any of that. It's probably just two games because, well, why not. I'm sure they'll announce SNES too, but not for a while.
  6. I think you're reading too much into things. There's zero evidence Crafted World has gone through "development hell", let alone other games of theirs. As for release dates, one Switch release date and one 3DS release date. In no way does that point to a cancelled Direct, and anyway why would they cancel one? It's not like their dev teams are the same people who make the Directs. People just hype up their expectations so much it inevitably disappoints when it doesn't happen exactly as predicted. They were never going to have a Direct and show off lots of new games a few days before their big title of the month comes out and take focus away from that. After NSMBUDX is out then they can talk about what's to come. Two and a half months between first party releases is pretty normal. There was three and a half months between Detroit and Spider Man, Sony's last two first party games, as one example. I'm sure Xbox goes through way longer than that between its games.
  7. Sorry, where's all this coming from? They've got two big first party titles in their first three months: New Super Mario Bros U DX in January and Yoshi's Crafted World in March. Just because a game is releasing at the end of March doesn't mean it's being rushed to release, that's pure speculation. Who says they couldn't get a Direct done? Is there any evidence of that?
  8. Probably either this Thursday or next, but if it's like last year it could be a Direct Mini. They do have a lot more games to talk about this year though so who knows.
  9. Ok? I never really suggested or questioned that there were more indie releases on Switch. Just that the Switch is seen as the place to play indies these days. There's more than just New, Coming Soon and Reduced. There's a Featured section which Nintendo use to highlight the big titles and a Bestselling section that gives a top 10 (or is it top 20?) of the whole store and just the digital exclusives. Yes the store is being flooded with shovelware but whenever I turn my Switch on the sidebar highlights the best new games and I know where to look to get to the quality games. But yeah, it's absolutely a problem, for every store. Basically, all I said was that the indie scene had moved to Switch since it's release, that's all really.
  10. Yeah I would be playing Gnog just for the art style and puzzles really, I'm fine with it being quite short. As for Swords of Ditto, what a waste of such a gorgeous art style, shame the game design can't match it.
  11. When discussion is about the industry, talk usually turns to what the big three are doing. There's been plenty of Nintendo/Xbox mentions in this thread. Anyway...
  12. Not sure the fastest selling console of the generation needs them tbh. Plus aren't reviewers talking about how impressive the Switch can fit current gen games in something that can fit in your pocket? My PS4 meanwhile sounded like it was going to take off every time I went into the map in God of War. Anyway, this thread is about Playstation. Indie wise the only games I still want to play on mine are GNOG and Swords of Ditto, though apparently the latter isn't very good
  13. Yeah I must have missed all that Asssassin's Creed, Red Dead and Fallout 76 promotion on Sony's E3 or PSX stages. You should definitely play it, I really loved it. Some of the puzzles were typically obtuse towards the end but the whole vibe of the game was fantastic.
  14. So like I said, the indie scene has moved to Switch at the moment. It also helps that Nintendo actually promote and publicise those games. Sony did at the start of the gen but now they just seem to completely ignore it. I don't think crowded storefronts are the reason Thimbleweed Park as one example sold 10x more than on PS4. People are buying indie games on Switch because it's simply a better console to play them on. Game runs the same (in most cases) but the hybrid nature of the console instantly makes it better.
  15. Indies are going to want their game in as many places as possible so of course most games come to both (apart from exclusives like GRIS, The Messenger etc) What I meant by the indie scene has migrated to Switch was more A) the same game sells far, far better on Switch than PS4 but more importantly B) Nintendo actually promotes them. Also, you walk around EGX and every dev will tell you the number 1 question they keep getting asked was "When's it coming to Switch?"
  16. For a console that's said to have "pathetic sales", there certainly are a lot of great sales on the eShop!
  17. Sadly not many of those appeal to me personally, at all. My PS4 has been gathering dust since Spider Man but hopefully Concrete Genie and Dreams can pull me back cause there's not much else, especially since the indie scene has migrated to Switch.
  18. Fair enough then! I didn't know that
  19. Wow, that's very impressive, especially for just 20 months. Side note, Limited Run Games really need to get their act together and centre the game titles on their boxes
  20. Happy New Year all. 2019 should be pretty great. I'm most looking forward to Anthem, Luigi's Mansion 3, Animal Crossing, Yoshi's Crafted World, and if by some miracle, Cyberpunk 2077. Oh and Retro's game hopefully. Plus a ton of smaller titles like Tunic, In the Valley of Gods, Spelunky 2 etc Also hoping Playstation release an updated VR model, or failing that Xbox gets compatibility with Oculus or Vive.
  21. It's certainly on my list!
  22. Can anyone who's finished the game give me a clue about how to get the best ending? My honour is already max-ed out and I'm about a third of the way through Chapter 6. No spoilers at all, just vague info would be great please!
  23. I’d forgotten about Chibi-Robo Zip Lash. Right in the quiet wasteland between Wii U and Switch * * glad you liked it though obv
  24. I get the impression my brother, sister, mum and dad know me a decent amount
  25. Sorry when I said "finish them quickly" I meant sink a lot of time into them so that you're done with them quicker than most . Didn't mean to come across negatively, my point was that everyone has their own way they like to play and so the suggestion you were bragging wasn't really accurate I don't think.
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