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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Scot's aren't anti-English, the majority of us aren't. In fact the argument seems to be the other way round, most English people don't like Murray because he's Scottish. Many of us are also proud to be British, the narrow minded viewpoint of some idiots doesn't speak for all of us. No Scottish or Northern Irish players were called up, they didn't pull out from being selected, there were plenty who wanted to play. Stuart Pearce decided to go with Welsh and English players because he wanted the best squad.
  2. Genuinely still gutted. It pains me as a nation to see some many people pleased by Murray getting beat. He's as British as anyone from England, Wales or Northern Ireland. You could see at the end how much he genuinely wanted to win it for the nation and it was interesting to hear how he doesn't think of the home support as pressure but as more as a tremendous privilege to play under. I'm from Scotland yet I loved Tim Henman too and always supported him, i'm more a fan of Murray though because I like his dead panned nature and the struggles he went through growing up, absolutely nothing to do with him being from Scotland. There are many people from my country I detest, it's not a prerequisite for me liking someone. As for the match, it came down to very fine margins. First 2 sets almost every Federer service game was going to deuce every time, Andy was putting so much pressure on him. The game where he had forehand on breakpoint, if he makes that he probably wins the championship. Unlike last year against Nadal though, he didn't fall apart. Federer upped his game and showed why he's the greatest. He was barely missing anything and Murray was doing well to hold on. If he wins that 20 minute game he may have got that surge of adrenaline and kicked on but that's Tennis, that's the beauty of 5 set matches. I'm glad Wimbledon is over, the bandwagon jumpers who only know about 4 players can retire back to their armchairs and leave it to the people who genuinely enjoy and follow the sport.
  3. As long as Federer doesn't win i'll be happy I detest him so much. I'll never question his ability or what he's achieved, that would be foolish. He is an absolute prick, so arrogant and has an amazing ability to make everything about him. I remember when Djokovic beat him at the US Open last year, Rog the great said it was simply luck, or his gay little jacket he wore a few years ago. Nadal by contrast is the complete opposite, such a humble genuinely nice guy. I never get bored of watching him make Federer cry in the Australian Open a few years back.
  4. Brilliant. Get in Andy! I think it bodes well that he had a bit of a challenge, he showed some good mental strength in the fourth.
  5. I don't really care about the whole Brit at Wimbledon angle. I've followed Murray's career at every tournament since he came on the tour. I'm just hoping to see him win his first Grand Slam, whether that be the Australian, French, US Open or Wimbledon.
  6. I just want to see Murray play some good tennis if he's reaches the final. It's not the fact he's lost 3 times but the way he's lost, never given a good account of himself. I believe he's a lot more tougher mentally now and I really hope we get to see that come Sunday.
  7. I've been doing the internal training for a little bit now and unlike solid state cardio, you don't necessarily notice such a quick improvement. It still requires a decent level of willpower to get through each session. That said, on Sunday night I went for a 10k run and really noticed the difference. it literally felt like I was walking round it. Glad the effort is beginning to pay off.
  8. It'll be interesting to see whether Novak get's scheduled on No 1 tomorrow. He's the only top player who hasn't been off Centre yet and in the interest of fairness, he should be.
  9. One of the problems with Wimbledon with rain delays is that players in the top half can get a lot more rest depending on which court they play on. Djokovic and Federer could be comfortably through tonight, yet Murray and Del Potro/Ferrer will have to play consecutive days. Murray does have the advantage that his opponent in the QF will be on later than him and Ferrer vs Del Potro has the possibility of being a long one. That said I'd imagine Murray will be on Centre Court from now on (providing he beats Cilic of course). EDIT And here lies the problem with Wimbledon. 3 hours of play still available on Centre yet they've abandoned play for the night so the players in the bottom half of the mens draw (Murray, Tsonga, Del Potro, etc) are at an immediate disadvantage having to play tomorrow and possible two days in a row. Obviously these guys are athletes but they all say what an advantage it is to have as much rest as possible.
  10. The organisers schedule the show courts by who will be the biggest draw, hence why Murray plays almost every match on Centre. That said, in the interest of fairness, Murray will always play at least one match on Number 1 court as will Federer and Nadal etc. This is all mute if the favourite players get knocked out like Nadal this year but previous years they've all had a go on number 1 at some point during the 2 weeks. As for Djokovic vs Murray and the many times i've watched them play, Murray is certainly the fitter of the two. I don't know how many times i've seen Djokovic start to struggle against him in the later stages of matches. Whether Murray won the match or not, Novak always tended to struggle more than Murray. Perhaps people still remember Murray as the gangly teenager who was sick at the side of a court. Nowadays there really isn't a fitter player on tour.
  11. Why not? Djokovic has hardly looked great and has had the easier run. It's important for Murray to try and get through this match quickly, Not being on Centre, he's highly likely to be off for rain. Not what you need when the other guys are able to complete their matches under the roof.
  12. Yeah that can be frustrating but for me personally I do like a bit of emotion, I don't like robot players like Federer but there's a line. Nadal and Djokovic are good examples of where to be, both show plenty of emotion but don't go too far. In Murray's defence, he's come on a fair bit in that regard since Lendl started coaching him. He'll never completely change as that's in his character but hopefully he can channel it properly.
  13. I'm interested to know why Murray irritates people as a player? He's probably technically the best of the top 4 all round. Nadal has the better Forehand and Djokovic is about as good at the return of serve return of serve but no one touches Murray for his first serve, his two handed back hand and his passing shots and ability to move around the court. Mentally it's obviously a different story completely but on pure technical ability, I don't see how Murray comes across as irritating. All the criticism that is levelled at Murray for why he hasn't taking that Djokovic step yet, it's never down to his technical ability, no one is ever saying he has to go and work on a particular shot, it's all between the ears that he needs to work on.
  14. It is and it works very well for whatever you want to achieve whether it be weightless or increasing your VO2. The only kind of catch is you need a decent level of fitness to be able to doing it effectively.
  15. Springsteen is fucking immense, he's unrivalled in the music industry.
  16. Yeah, i've heard of that one. my routine is a 5 minute warm up jog, followed by 6 cycles of springing for a 1 minute followed by jogging for 2 minutes. I then do a 5 minute cool down run after the final sprint. Very effective and only takes 25 minutes.
  17. Normal endurance running is beyond boring for me now, I tend to do HIIT nowadays, I can achieve far better results in far less time and i'm now feeling like i'm challenging myself again.
  18. My current feelings about this season are totally different to my usual feelings. There seems to be such optimism with Dalglish, he has this aura about him. I have a very good feeling about him. Key thing is he needs time to implement his philosophy, it doesn't happen overnight. MadDog, 19/06/11
  19. I spent so much time on the Avenue of the Americas, most likely because the NHL shop was there but I also like to think it was because it's got an awesome name. All this talk makes me want to go back immediately.
  20. It was an accident. Obviously he shouldn't have done it but he's now the subject of a Police investigation which is frankly embarrassing. He apologised, he lot the prize money and has been fined. The guy only had a little gash on his shin not a broken leg. The ATP rules need to be changed, you shouldn't have to forfeit the game for that. Now i'm not condoning what he did but i've seen a lot worse in other sports that haven't resulted in someone losing a match.
  21. Sky have already stated they'll pull the deal if Rangers are demoted any lower than the first division. I'm sure someone else will pick up the rights but it will be a pittance compared to the £100 million Sky pump in. Some of those titles during the nine in a row came down to single points hardly a representation of what would happen if it were only Celtic, it would be embarrassing how easily they'd win the league. That article in The Scotsman contradicts what i've seen in other papers. He's just guessing what Celtic will do, they've never elaborated further than "doing what's in the best interests of Celtic Football Club'. You can decide yourself what that means but it's all mute until the vote goes down.
  22. People need to stop thinking with their heart and start using their brain. Everyone wants Rangers punished for what they've done but without them the league will be nothing. Sky will pull their TV deal and with what little money is left in Scottish football at the moment, there will be none if that happens. The league won't be more competitive, Celtic will canter to the league title every year by 30 points. Rangers leaving the SPL will only cause further damage to the SPL. I'm a Celtic fan and i'd love to see Rangers struck from the league, but unlike most half baked twits, I'm aware of what will happen to the league, we'll be rated alongside the Faroe Islands. There isn't really a punishment that fits the crime in this case as the only punishment that fits will cripple the league.
  23. Good idea. It really is as amazing as it seems.
  24. Damn Nightwolf, that's a mighty fine place to be living in a mighty fine city to live in.
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