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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Good question. It might not sound like it but 10 years is still a relatively long time to actually plan things out for. My attitude to things has always been why put off till tomorrow, what you can do today. I'd probably stop worrying about petty things and wasting my time on trivial matters. In terms of life plans, i'm not sure you can map out what you want to be doing by a certain time, life will no doubt find away to derail you from it.
  2. Idiotic ramblings from the media aside, it does highlight the glaring gaps United have in midfield and defence that haven't been addressed.
  3. So you wondered into his house when he asleep and decided to not only use his stuff but take the piss out of him using his own things? Can't think why he'd be annoyed.
  4. Very sad news, Crmison Tide is one of my favourite films of all time and of course Top Gun. R.I.P Tony.
  5. Song can be a liability in the big games, never fully confident he's going to stay on the field. For all the great assists he pulled off last season, he can be annoyingly frustrating with misplacing the most simple of passes. He's improved massively over the years but Wenger clearly doesn't seem that bothered about letting him go, must be some reason for that.
  6. Am I reading too much into the fact he didn't mention he who will not be named and instead referenced a fellow Dutch player famed for his long relationship with the club Happy he's got, absolutely right for it.
  7. Every player has a price. If Vermaelen were to leave down the line, I'd imagine it wouldn't play out in a similar fashion to reason summer transfer dealings. We could all talk for years about why a team will finish higher than another team but at least come 16:45 tomorrow we'll have something a little more tangible to talk with.
  8. We had terrible injury problems at the start of last season, as evidenced by the demolition at the hands Utd. I'm aware every team has problems with injury but not to the degree we did. The 2nd half of the season we were as good as any team in the league. I don't look at it like we've got to make up 19 points, that side we fielded before the turn of the year was barely recognisable. We've got Wilshere to return, a fully fit Diaby, more or less a whole season out of Sagna. Mertesacker is fully fit again, not to mention a more experienced Chamberlain. Gervinho will be for the whole season and should only get better. Factoring in the added talents of Giroud, Podolski and Cazorla.
  9. It had to be done, we've ended up making a lot of money for a guy who cost us a Million odd and was injured for 6 years. I'm more then happy with who we've replaced him with. Still, it obviously leaves a bitter taste to see another player the fans worshipped leaving, especially to join them. Man Utd do have an enviable forward line now but I'd absolutely still take an Arsenal player over a Utd player in any other area of the pitch, I feel we're stronger than them in Goal, Defence and Midfield and i'm confident we'll finish ahead of them this season. I feel most sorry for Wenger really. Another player he's 'coached' so extensively to become the player he is today has upped and left. He didn't give van Persie his ability but he believed in him 100% to be the main forward he has been the past 2 years, a position he never himself felt he could do. Happy to see Vermaelen as captain. He's my favourite Arsenal player and is fully committed to the cause. Arteta is a good choice as the Vice Captain, though i'd have been tempted to go with Sagna, although his injury problems the past season may have counted against him.
  10. That's still TV kid, just the medium in which you watch it is different.
  11. That is true but they also have so much more. I think the whole way the TV industry works in America with how many shows are vying for the few new spaces there are every year, I think it just leads to higher quality and better produced Television.
  12. You've hit the nail on the head with one point. I've lost count of the amount of times I'll ask my Dad what he's watching on TV and it'll always end up being another Cop show. Every Sunday night without fail it's some fucking cop show. British TV at the moment seems to be a cop show, reality TV or some talk or quiz show hosted by some lame ass comedian. By its nature TV isn't realistic, so i've never identified with people's need to find it real. Part of the joy from watching TV for me is escaping life for a few hours. I don't really care if the characters seem overly produced or perfectly manicured. Some TV shows are good because they seem like such a realistic portrayal of life but that's because they're getting the key points right. It might not be politically correct but I don't want to see 2 fat people all over each other.
  13. That was before there was any talk of him signing for Man Utd.
  14. Apart from the fact we're starting to look like a feeder club, this is a decent bit of business. £24 million odd for a guy is 29 and has only managed to play fully for 1 and half seasons out of 8 years at the club. Obviously i'd prefer he stay but it's time to move on. This time i'm glad we've already got more than adequate replacements in and i'm sure we'll be seeing more. I hope he respects the fans though and avoids any cliched statements about how he loves the club and always will.
  15. Yeah i'd imagine it would, the heavier you are the more your body would need but you'd also burn more off doing everyday things as your muscles would be larger than average. That's one of the harder things about trying to gain weight, or muscle as it normally is. People automatically think eating so much is great but eating every few hours is difficult when you've got a full time job and Chicken loses it's appeal pretty quickly.
  16. Yeah, it depends on if your speaking about how much calories in total you burn when combining what your body needs to work + what's burned off in exercise alone. I read that the average male body needs roughly 1900 calories just to function.
  17. The body is a very sophisticated piece of equipment. If it's not getting enough fuel into it, it won't suddenly start dropping fat, it will do the opposite, cling on to what it can. Far too many people get caught up on counting calories, you need to be getting a good mix of carbs, protein and plenty of veg. In the gym you should be concentrating on cardio work and adding in some weight training to the mix after a while. It also can't be understated how much sleep pays a big part. With little sleep you tend to be moody and demotivated, which isn't a good combination when trying to exercise and ignore your sweet tooth.
  18. This. As soon as I read the thread title I could hear the song, I just couldn't remember who it was by.
  19. Unless you run about 35km per day or the equivalent, you're not burning anyway near 3000 calories a day. An average 10km run (about an hour) would burn about 1000 calories.
  20. I don't think anyone doubts the guy's ability but it's always good to whale on Liverpool Plus, it is a lot of money for a relatively unproven player. Add to that Liverpool's recent history of big money signings. KABOOM.
  21. The whole deal will go down as terrible but i don't think he can blamed for it. Why spend so much money on a player and not give him a chance or two.
  22. Aquilani wasn't a terrible signing, he was terribly managed, completely messed about by several managers.
  23. Allen to be the next Downing? Carroll? perhaps Aquilani? or what about Charlie Adam?
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