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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Or they do a ridiculous amount of exercise like me :p
  2. To save money really
  3. Removes OLED screen and replaces with LCD Comes in multiple colours 1GB in-built memory (FINALLY) Comes October 10th in Japan
  4. The Black 2 & White 2 soundtrack is just amazing. Some examples: Audio Audio Audio Audio Audio And my favourite bit of Pokémon music of all time Audio
  5. Hell, even Pokémon Typing Adventure has epic music (though not strictly Nintendo)
  6. 3DS is more powerful than people give it credit
  7. You can dress the cats in Mario & Luigi outfits. There are also mushrooms that make things grow There's also a special outfit for Link, including the Master Sword, Hylian Shield, bow, boomerang etc. Both given through special event quests
  8. It'll clearly be the Nintendo WiiDS
  9. Think I was 21 when I hit 10 stone. Put 2-3 back on after I finished uni and have been at around 9 and a half for four years now
  10. I agree. SGU started to get really good in S2 once they cut the BSG wannabe crap from Season 1. It deserved better
  11. That is more understandable due to the 2DS coming, but still a stupid idea. However, this makes no sense
  12. Haha no I'm not. I can pull the skin out a bit on my cheeks but other than that. It really must be the elasticity of my skin. Guess I was lucky.
  13. http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=211750 If this is true, this is a horrible idea. Horrible. Nintendo will lose all brand awareness they can get from Facebook
  14. That's odd because I lost over 100lbs and have no excess skin. All I have is just some marks on my biceps and chest, akin to stretchmarks. Always felt that was a bit off that I had none...
  15. Maybe. It's not always heat though, just sunlight.
  16. I'm a fairly short person, standing at only 5'8, but overall I have a decent body. I used to be over 250lbs, but am now down to around 132lbs which is awesome. Just need to tone it a little. I have a few issues here and there, however. I neglected my teeth as a child which has caused them to be essentially horrible and they still need work here and there. Eyesight has taken a slight hit due to the constant staring at a screen, but it's still better than most. I am severely asthmatic, to the point of almost death several times, which limits me a little, but I manage it well these days. There's also something really weird when I've been out in the sun. I tend not to burn, but even say an hour in the sun, if I haven't taken an antihistamine will cause my fingers, forearm and elbow to start bumping up. Not quite a rash but just bumps that take forever to disappear. I call it a sun allergy, but in honesty I have no idea what it is. I'm also allergic to cats, dogs and dust. Huzzah
  17. Glad it worked out in the end
  18. Think I read that you get the fast sail at the auction house on Windfall
  19. Is it me or does it sound orchestrated
  20. I liked the sailing Now it's ruined.
  21. Some bastard used my credit card to book a flight from Dublin, and to hire a car. Now need to change all my details on all the sites I use when I get my new card.
  22. Todays picture
  23. 2. The hack checks are actually all server side. The checks they have on BW/B2W2 are all server side so it will be here too. 3. I was talking DS game -> 3DS game direct through wireless
  24. The reasons it is online rather than through SD card/wireless is threefold 1. SD card could easily be copied and you end up easily cloning Pokémon 2. By having it online, they have the ability to continually update it without having to force the user to redownload the software or to download a patch. This allows for them to continue to improve the hack checks to make sure as many as possible are blocked should some manage to get through. It also allows for the format of the Pokémon to be changed to allow for data from later games, which they said is going to happen. This allows for your Pokémon to easily be sent to Generation VII later without any need for a transfer method. 3. Junichi Masuda has confirmed recently that DS games and 3DS games cannot communicate with eachother, and they tried many ways to get it working, but it never did. The fee is in order for them to maintain the servers to allow for 24/7 access, and continue to improve the service.
  25. Looks great. Can't wait
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