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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Its RRP is £39.99
  2. Nope. Gotta slum it with the new ones until then :p The Kalos Dex is huge though, so don't worry
  3. Eh? That's not what I said at all. All I said they can't put the missing content in because they implemented it into a different game.
  4. A portion? Sure. Majority? Na
  5. To be fair, it's not available in Japan until December 25 (Merry Christmas to me)
  6. It's not exactly the same and the "missing content" was put into Twilight Princess
  7. Do note that Pokémon Bank isn't available until December 27th here
  8. No. You choose the Kalos starters in the beginning. You get the Kanto starters later on when you first meet the professor
  9. Finally got a response from my MP. He ignored all my points about technical issues, innocent sites being taken down, lists of people who opt out of the censor causing issues, and was just essentially
  10. I really like the entire idea...and I'll happily spend £3.49 a year for it. Last week, I was at the Pokémon Adventure Tour here in Bournemouth, battling the experts and various people there once they realised who I was. However, I suddenly wanted to change my team...but oh no! My Durant is on my Black, while I only have Black 2 on me. I guess I can't use that team. Skip forwards to a hypothetical year. Same situation. I'm there with X, but I need to use a Pokémon I captured in Y. Luckily, I put all my Pokémon into my Pokémon Bank for easy access. I connect my 3DS to my phone, grab them from the box, and battle.
  11. Nope, they specifically said that it works on any of your games. If you restart your save, you can put your old Pokémon in it. If you lose your game, you can move the Pokémon from the bank into a new one etc.
  12. Todays picture
  13. Yeah, they're redoing them. Same with cries The transfer puts them onto the cloud
  14. Drop of less than 300 is a plummet? Ok
  15. My shiny Charizard is going to be glorious
  16. UK Link: http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Misc-/Nintendo-Direct/Latest-Nintendo-Direct/Nintendo-Direct-698557.html
  17. Todays picture
  18. Smash Bros for Wii U will almost certainly be the November game next year. Trust me, there will be a playable Gen VI Pokémon.
  19. It's not coming out that late. Don't think that they weren't in contact over the last year or so and these things sorted. It's not going to be that much later from XY as Brawl was for DP
  20. I disagree. This will come out within Gen VI so it'll have a Gen VI focus so Mega Mewtwo, Mega Lucario or something new
  21. Official comparison video. The bloom definitely is there to show extreme sunlight Oh, and the overview trailer
  22. Maybe there will be a Smash Bros Pokémon in it
  23. These are entirely new...they're what people have wanted since 1998
  24. Obviously :p
  25. 3pm would be very late in Japan, where the majority of the Pokémon fans are. You're dead to me :p
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