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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I admit, this game still pisses me off at times. All the defensive stuff just doesn't work so I'm constantly getting killed. The enemies never recoil from my hits, but whenever I get hit, I get sparked out
  2. Did an operation, got Platinums and Golds across the board (barring one Bronze), but still ended up with the Consolation Prize -_-
  3. Late to the ineptitude of Parcel Force (after a week of being in customs, they sent it back to Japan) but just got this birthday present from parents. So amazing
  4. Awww yeah!
  5. I just finished playing W101 :p
  6. Special edition Wii U console for Zelda: Wind Waker
  7. My apologies. I misinterpreted your post to have meant that they should have included them in it
  8. Sonic Lost World on 3DS is a different game with the same name, though...not the same game
  9. Touché :p
  10. It was an enhanced version of a Wii and 3DS game. If we're going to include Wii U enhanced versions, we may as well include Batman, Need for Speed, Splinter Cell, Rayman etc.
  11. Well when he claims to be a huge fan and can't even get an actor's name correct... :p Well the thing is, this video was for exclusives. MH3 was not, nor are any of the games @Zechs Merquise listed
  12. Shiny Pikachu have an indent on their tail (they happen to be female when it comes to figures) as well as being orange. Shiny Eevee are grey and Shiny Genesect are red
  13. It's in a bit where you don't see any platform, though...you just see the saw. THere's no chance to move.
  14. Had a couple of annoying glitches. On a boss, and it prompts me to "Wonder Jump", but never actually gives me the prompt, but rather I instantly die and use a continue (of which you can only have 5 per operation)
  15. 1080p gloriousness <3333 Good job Nintendo...focus on the games, not on Rufus Hound who says he was a Doctor Who fan but got fact so unbelievably wrong on Doctor Who Live. That killed all of his credibility as a person to me :P
  16. Secret Missions??? Oh man, I need to replay some levels then
  17. Really am getting into this game, though the difficult is still killing me Made the mistake of buying Speed Liner...now it's too fast for me to draw with the right stick ;;
  18. Not able to go this year. Way too close to XY launch so I need to be at my PC constantly. It's a shame as I enjoyed it last year
  19. Todays picture New and old planes makes a miraculous rendezvous. Probably should have rehosted it, here's the one you had :p
  20. Competition : Person who gets the most hilarious "Selfies" when up against a boss
  21. At one point on the GamePad screen, I had a list of all of my Wonderful 101 collected, and their weapon/strength. I can't for the life of me find that again
  22. The dungeons they scrapped for this one ended up going into Twilight Princess
  23. I usually struggle on those tanks that have armour -_-
  24. This game is kicking my ass somewhat...to the point I'm considering turning it down to Easy
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