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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Really hope they provide cool outfits through the Global Link like Ash's outfit, or a TR costume
  2. The missing dungeons which, as I say again, were implemented into other games...
  3. Indeed it does, but I question it since all prior videos we've seen were of the PS4 version and it didn't look that good. It has me tempted to get the PS4 version though
  4. That trailer still paints Luigi as being an evil kidnapper and Peach being stuck in a dungeon as Luigi approaches...
  5. There has been a persistant rumour over the last few months that Paul McGann did film some scenes for a mini episode
  6. Todays picture "Here comes my Mario…NOT!"
  7. It's to air at 8pm on the 27th. Channel 4 is famous for censoring the hell out of things before 9pm. I have a bad feeling
  8. Roll on November 22nd
  9. Yes. All version of the games have all seven languages on them
  10. Just decided to download Rayman on a whim as my monthly game, since we're getting nothing good this month. 7GB...crazy
  11. Todays picture A CHALLENGER APPROACHES
  12. UK people. There's almost certainly to be a Royal Mail strike on October 10th which could delay deliveries of Pokémon X & Y. Most likely places will adapt around this, but it means you won't get it early unless your place offers courier service. We'll know if there's to be a strike by the 3rd. Just a warning
  13. Play it on Very Easy then, like a filthy casual :p
  14. They're key items so they won't
  15. Camera is only "stuck" and isometric when you're playing multiplayer. You have complete control with it with the second analogue stick and the gyroscope in the controller
  16. They did in the first 10 episodes but then scrapped it. Levels have never come up again, barring an offhand remark by Brock once, and we're 800 episodes in...ergo...
  17. If anything, this is more of a "true" Mario game because it's more stuck to its roots.
  18. 3DS LL 60,077 3DS 19,114 PS3 13,790 Vita 7,314 Wii U 5,702 PSP 5,493 Wii 978 Xbox 360 201 Vita and Wii U dropping like flies
  19. Feel like posting out of the box? On #Miiverse you can now post directly to your (and your friends' and followers') Activity Feed!
  20. The anime doesn't have levels
  21. The Pyrosphere viewed from above. The Morph Ball design is also based on the one from Metroid: Other M.
  22. Todays picture
  23. Official thing that got uploaded by mistake yesterday
  24. Pokémon isn't looked down upon anymore if you're 18 or over. Never forget: Also, there's a postal strike potentially scheduled for October 10th. Could screw people
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