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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Do you honestly think that they are struggling to make folders? Seriously? Also, when did they hype it up?
  2. Todays picture
  3. Because the only way to do it would require the GamePad to always be registered as player #1 which would cause issues on the games in which a Classic Controller is not playable. I also doubt that they're "struggling" to do folders. I honestly think that they have chosen not to do it.
  4. It's really fast now. Games boot in a matter of seconds for me Well I have played F-Zero with the GamePad on my desk and me using the Classic Controller. I imagine it's no different to that
  5. How is it an ill thought out feature?
  6. The amount of whining about lack of GamePad controls on GAF is retarded...absolutely retarded.
  7. It was on E4
  8. Delayed until November 22nd to be released with PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/54898/assassins-creed-4-wii-u-release-date-confirmed/ The ridiculous thing is that it AC4 is out in the US on October 29th with the PS3 and 360 versions, while they have delayed it three weeks in Europe.
  9. Just saw a TV advert for this. Awww yeah
  10. Final Fight 1, 2 & 3 on the VC
  11. Hopefully Nintendo's ass kicking strategy will be shown
  12. Todays picture
  13. I too managed to get a fighter plane yesterday. Took a lot to get it, was tricky. First time I did it, my plane ended up losing power after being hit by a missile, and plummeted into the ocean
  14. It was expected, yeah. However, there was genuine confusion around the fandom as we had never seen Mega VS Mega in any material beforehand and the wording was vague and just said one per battle.
  15. Regardless of sales? Is that not contrary to what is being said?
  16. To be fair, that must be the same of any developer. Though really, Rayman outperformed the other consoles on launch...they just must be wanting more growth on the console, which is fair. However, the message to third parties should be "Stop giving us gimped versions of your bloody games"
  17. Not like other consoles haven't had droughts like this
  18. Playing with fire :p It's been known that Mars had water...it stands to reason that it was in the soil.
  19. Probably a result of it. Nintendo offered money, Tesco said how much it bought them, Nintendo said ok and bam...we have a corner!
  20. Well I finish the narrative today. Overall it's clearly a good game. Amazing? No, there are too many problems...hell, half of Trevor disappeared in one mission. Story was ok, a bit full of clichés. Decent game, not worth the perfect scores it has been receiving though.
  21. Todays picture
  22. It's not that uncommon. Channel 4 had LOST and Glee too, then the contract needed renewing after two seasons and Sky outbid them. It'll happen here...mark my words
  23. To be fair, the actual Pokémon of Honedge and Doublade isn't the sword, it's the spirit "ribbon" that encompasses it
  24. Edit: Misread that as words. My apologies. I feel stupid now. I dunno, I like high level evolutions. It means my Pokémon aren't "as awesome as they can be" by the time they reach a third of the maximum level
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