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Everything posted by STOOPIDDITTIES

  1. That must have taken weeks... What was the word?
  2. As much as I'd love to read everything Dante posts on this and Last Story, I just don't want to know. Two games I'll get on day 1 and want to be completely surprised by. I'm hoping that's how everyone else feels considering the lack of posts. Which is understandable considering these two games are looking very, very special.
  3. Score. Do I win something?
  4. I thought it was 'Monster Hunter Tree'. ... Guess not then.
  5. But those were scans.
  6. That's better.
  7. Doesn't exactly state that he is neither but it just threw me a bit.
  8. So if Sakaguchi is not the director nor the producer, how is he attached to this project?
  9. I actually really like that. Reminds me of the GTA boxart in other territories. Shows it has a story unlike the others may have implied. Cleavage.
  10. Just because a game has a different focus point doesn't make it less of a game. Just a different one. But I have to say I do agree with you about the track designs. I feel that along with DD it has too many distractions on the new courses for me to get as much fun out of them as I do with the old ones. I don't see the problems with powerful items though, as a kid, the idea that my family and friends who weren't half as good as me could still have a fun time was the where the majority of the appeal lied. And now that I can race people who are ten times better than myself, well, it feels refreshing to be able get a Blue Shell or Bullet Bill before they lap me without trying. Mario Kart Wii is the definitive Nintendo racing game. Ridiculously accessible to everyone, yet has plenty of depth in its gameplay and is stupidly fun with others. I don't see how you can fault that.
  11. 64 was the best.
  12. Sorry I thought that considering this was part of the 'vs' series and the fact that we got the last one on Wii would have been reason enough to post it. Guess we don't talk about the possibility of sequels on here. My bad.
  13. I'm sure if Resi 2 was remade with the Resi 4/5 gameplay, life itself would stand still and every person and their dog would have a copy. But that's a big if.
  14. That's insane. I've seen it go for less than £30 just recently! If only they bought games off of you, I'm sure I could make a quick £200.
  15. Marvel vs Capcom 3 Don't really know half of what he's talking about. But it seems exciting.
  16. Was posted on the front page, no one seems that bothered. Personally I think it looks sexy.
  17. They should have made a mine carting game.
  18. If this doesn't get released here I'll cry.
  19. Psychonauts, Ico and Dark Chronicle.
  20. You can addBatman Brave and Lost In Shadow as they will no doubt be sleeper hits. Still not a list as exciting as it should be though.
  21. Meowth. That's right!
  22. It's only a model.
  23. NBA JAM update
  24. God only knows what I'd be without you.
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