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Everything posted by STOOPIDDITTIES

  1. Fifth-generation Pokémon revealed.
  2. Can't believe a review of this is out already. It was only just announced.
  3. Is this the same game as before?
  4. It really is. I'm listening. To think before I opened this thread I thought it might be a game.
  5. Sounds good.
  6. Will you buy it for me?
  7. I had difficulty with one of the later bosses where you had to repeatedly shake either the remote or nunchuk to get out of one of their traps and if you didn't you'd start from the beginning. The problem I had is that the nunchuk wouldn't recognise the movements and I'd die near the end of the fight. With the wrestling moves just make sure the movements you make are forceful and sudden. If it's too slow or weak the game won't recognise it half the time.
  9. Welcome. I loved this game while it lasted but I can see the issue with replayability. But I will undoubtedly pick this up again next year to play it on the hardest difficulty and actually complete all the side missions. Not completing those the first time round really bugged me.
  10. I don't get it.
  11. Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
  12. What did the cow say to the dancing cow? "I like the way you mooove." Hilarious. Your turn. Rules 1. Make it up yourself. 2. Don't post any Comedy Rainbow videos. 3. Rate the above posters joke on a scale of 10. The worse the joke the higher the score. Then try to come up with something even worse.
  13. WAHAHAHA! But old games are too easy to mock. You know this to be true. Resident Evil is a pretty bad name the more you think about it. Also, I cringed when Sega changed Sonic Wild Fire to Sonic & The Secret Rings, which manages to both sound naff and implies sexual happenings.
  14. Yeah, though I remember seeing a development video where they said that that's who Cranky was meant to be. Wither way, it wouldn't make much sense for them to make him a bad guy now after all the times he's been the good guy. Would still be cool to see though.
  15. Isn't the Donkey Kong we have now the son of the original who is now Cranky Kong? The Kong's family tree is so complex it's tough to know.
  16. You get the point.
  17. Yeah, I was just trying to make the comparison between that and Monolith Soft. Xenoblade likely isn't seen as an in-house game either.
  18. That should so be the song for the advert. .. I can actually imagine it...
  19. Well of course people still play them, just like people still play Wii and DS, but the majority have moved one from past generation games. Which is why games aren't made for N64 are anymore even though people still play on it. There isn't enough of an audience for new games. There clearly is still an audience for Wii and DS though. How else do you explain Wii Sport Resort's sales? And how many games in the Other Consoles board are made by Sony or Microsoft? Nintendo make more 'real' games than both of those companies combined yet people still find a reason to complain. And I'll assume you didn't count games like Metroid or Sin and Punishment even though Nintendo have supported or funded them. Which is absurd, it's like giving a present to someone and them turning to you and saying "It's not from you, it's the shop who made it" even though you bought it. Those games wouldn't be without Nintendo. I don't see the problem with it not being an in-house game, why not complain that Fable isn't directly made by Microsoft?
  20. You mean like gamers do once new consoles come out? Really? Do you just not bother to look in other threads then?
  21. £26.85 The prospect of improved graphics doesn't excite me anymore. I'm more than happy with what the PS2 could produce. If anything the limited hardware got developers to actually but effort into their work and you ended up with something with much more feeling. Now any game can look spectacular with the simplest of touches. Blacksite and Turok look much better than Halo and Killzone, but they're not better by a long shot. The best example I can give you on this is the Star Wars films. The fact that the technology was limited made everyone push themselves as far as they could. And now we have a memorable, classic trilogy. Once they had the technology, they proceeded to make the worst film ever made. Gentlemen. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first photo realistic video game. But it doesn't mean it will be any good.
  22. That's not Other M's release date dear.
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