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Everything posted by STOOPIDDITTIES

  1. That looks so good. Haven't played a POP game since Sands of Time though and would feel odd to skip to this. How different is this game to the HD one? Is it just the same game with pointer controls? I haven't really seen much of the other game at all.
  2. Then it's settled. Gingers don't appreciate game soundtracks.
  3. So it looks like our first experience in the world of 3D games will likely be... a Pokémon card game. Excellent. DSCinema and DSMovie sound promising however.
  4. So I take it the way the battle system plays is not unlike that of FFXII?
  5. N-Europe London Meet Sat July 24th 1934
  6. Iwata Asks Lots of People About Xenoblade's Music
  7. No you don't.
  8. That actually looks incredibly fun.
  9. That must have taken several years to do... Elevator music.
  10. That industrial/steam look would be amazing.
  11. What a load of balls.
  12. I was in Gamestation around the time when that was released once and a group of chavs were browsing the DS games. One of them picked it up and said "Look, Nintendo Dogs!" -_-
  13. I don't see how anyone can argue against Ocarina of Time being the best in the series, I mean, Ocarina of Time was the real deal. Incidentally I enjoyed it because of the awesomeness and thought it was better than the rest because of this. A Link to the Past stood apart from the crowd at the time when it was released and has aged brilliantly, still standing as one of the best gaming experiences on any games console. At the time it was released Wind Waker was gaming gold, and Nintendo once again reminded us with Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon why they are the best games company in the world.
  14. Why would you live somewhere where all the hours are messed up? Silly people.
  15. I doubt it'll have a WW look. But it doesn't mean it will look like TP either. Japan seems to be tired of the Wind Waker style so for that reason alone I think they'll avoid it.
  16. That's subjective. When you change even the slightest thing of a major franchise, the massive fanbase react to it. So yeah, I'd say changing the setting would be a big thing. How on earth have you calculated that this is likely to be rushed again? Are companies not allowed to keep secret what they're making until they're happy to show it? Hype doesn't make a good game.
  17. Maybe they'll change the setting?
  18. I agree with the man above me. Also with Nolan.
  19. Thank God for that.
  20. This must be really good to get you guys talking dirty.
  21. I much prefer the in-game graphics to the FMVs. Here's hoping we get original voices too.
  22. It must be a pretty good game to do that.
  23. NEW Super Mario Bros. Wii
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