80% seems way to high to be correct. Star Wars: Republic Commando, The Suffering, Mercenaries, Just Cause, Max Payne, Silent Hill 2/4, Broken Sword and GTA just off the top of my head.
Also, a lot of sequels to multi-format games that originally were on Gamecube were never released for it. Burnout, Dead to Rights, Mortal Kombat, Rainbow Six.
And on top of that being in a PAL territory we were robbed from I-Ninja, Auto Modellista and Alien Hominid.
Developers can say what they want about not releasing a Wii version of their game because the console is not powerful enough. If it had the power they needed to run the game they wouldn't bother with it anyway. The 'logic' is that grandparents and their 3-year old grandchildren aren't interested in Bioshock.
Because the userbase that Nintendo has had since the NES of gamers who post on boards such as these are clearly non-existent. Obviously.