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Everything posted by STOOPIDDITTIES

  1. I always did think, considering how much cheaper it's supposedly meant to be to make games on Wii, that the standard retail price should have been £30.
  2. 3DS video calls. That would be cool.
  3. I'm sure mcj was just referring to party shovelware on Wii in general rather than this specific game guys. I'm sure this will be good. Fun even. But you can't accuse people of complaining when a company who thrives on originality announces something which, by the sounds of it, will be Nintendo's take on what Ubi Soft and EA shit out on Wii every month. Hardly exciting.
  4. You really make me want to give the original Baten Kaitos another chance and then import Origins afterwards. Stop it. I don't have the time.
  5. Wii party is the enemy of the future.
  6. 80% seems way to high to be correct. Star Wars: Republic Commando, The Suffering, Mercenaries, Just Cause, Max Payne, Silent Hill 2/4, Broken Sword and GTA just off the top of my head. Also, a lot of sequels to multi-format games that originally were on Gamecube were never released for it. Burnout, Dead to Rights, Mortal Kombat, Rainbow Six. And on top of that being in a PAL territory we were robbed from I-Ninja, Auto Modellista and Alien Hominid. Developers can say what they want about not releasing a Wii version of their game because the console is not powerful enough. If it had the power they needed to run the game they wouldn't bother with it anyway. The 'logic' is that grandparents and their 3-year old grandchildren aren't interested in Bioshock. Because the userbase that Nintendo has had since the NES of gamers who post on boards such as these are clearly non-existent. Obviously.
  7. And that will be my first purchase of a Guitar-themed game. I didn't even know it was being made... Also, you only posted this so that you could confirm to yourself that you'd be able to play PokéPark.
  8. Vamp>Wesker. I laughed so much everytime he said "It was all part of my plan."
  9. 'Enemy of the Future' would have been a better game than Wii Party.
  10. "Walt Disney's Valiant 2: Excremental Skies"
  11. So rather than make Mario Party 9 they're going to make a game that will be unrecognisable from the rest of the shovelware in the market?
  12. I hope the plans for this game to come out don't go up in flames. .. Actually I do.
  13. Oh wow. At 2:08 I literally went "No way!!" This game looks so open and the draw distance looks incredible. This is going to be one amazing experience.
  14. I choose you Pikachu. ...Pancake. Either way, winner be this one.
  15. Those prototype conrtollers certainly look funky. The bottom right one looks like a second party Dreamcast controller.
  16. Ah dropped off the top 10 already. There I was hoping to see it climb.
  17. You just let me know when you want those rematch games.


    I'll prepare for your demise.

  18. I completed this today! Hurray for me! Ending was rather underwhelming, but the gameplay was a joy through out. What is the 'Challenge' mode though? Is it just an easier way to access different parts of the game? I was hoping it was some kind of score attack mode, then when I realised I was basically going through the whole thing again without a few talks I did this - So then I put the game back in it's box and remember that was one more game I could tick off the 'not completed' list. Which made me do this - And the world was a better place for it.
  19. Relax don't do it. When you want to go to it. Relax don't do it. When you want to come. Relax don't do it. When you want to come! When you want to come!
  20. Decided to pick this up again because of reading about everyone completing and thought I should do so myself. This never really grabbed me at all but I certainly didn't think it was bad. Best part of finishing it now is being able to watch all the cutscenes again. Yet for some reason there is no 'Play All' function and yet they have one for the trailers... :\
  21. Jesus. Has anyone seen how many videos of this are up on the Nintendo Channel! That's bloody awesome.
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