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Everything posted by LazyBoy

  1. Tory all the way. Would have voted for Labour 5 years ago but now them and their ID cards bill can go burn in hell. Used to be green because i'm a bit of a hippie, but they're a bit to leftie for me now.
  2. My god are you two actually insulting each other over a video game. I mean we're all nerds here but thats a step too far. Anyway, six months from now we'll all be able to settle this over nice big game of Red Steel. Oh and Shadow, zeldafan, thanks for trying to keep this place calm. We're all here to discuss.
  3. Any Soul Caliber II players here. Then you'll be familiar with my choice: Raphael. Now I know it looks like he's the kind of guy who prefers the company of men, but the he's 100% pure class. A master of fencing, he's fighting for freedom during the French Revolution. Known in the game for skillfully dogding an enemies blows withouht breaking a sweat. Anyone not yet convinced should check out his weapon demonstration, it's just too cool to describe. I pick him because I bet he's got an awesome back story that hasn't even been touched upon. His character could be explored a lot more as well. Apart from that, what was the last time you got to use a rapier in an adventure game. He needs his own game.
  4. That's a key point I think, people need to play the Revolution, so they understand what it is really about. This means Nintendo need to get pods in the malls, the shops and the music and sports events. You think that wouldn't be a lot to ask, but we all know Nintendo's marketing department sucks ass. They've gotten better in recent years, but they'll have to do a lot more to match the giants that are the Sony and Microsoft propaganda machines.
  5. You do know the Revolution will be able to play DVDs. Its just you have to pay the licensing fees. We just don't know how we are going to pay for it.
  6. 20 games, hmmmmm Six will be first party or second party games, with one being pushed back to shortly after launch day. Four will be rushed third party games, basic on a single gameplay element that although may work, ends up with a short lived game. Five will be ports. One will be pushed back. Five will be decent third party games, like the much anticipated Red Steel. Two will be pushed back. Well thats my guess.
  7. Anyone can tell you the PS2 got off to a slow start as well. However I am forgetting that comparisons can be drawn between the 360 and the Dreamcast. Personally I believe the 360 will make a lot of ground this generation, and it will be a close contest between it and the N5 for first place worldwide.
  8. A situation almost identical to that of the playstation2 at launch. Granted the PS2 had a lot longer lead (can't remember how much it was exactly), but those circumstances proved to a good end for Sony.
  9. I agree with Sony falling, but don't you even consider the 360 a threat. To me it is the main threat. Especially in the states where Nintendo is going to be weakest. Plus it has had that head start. I'm not disagreeing with you, it's just Microsoft nedd to be recognised.
  10. The question to all of you, will Nintendo become No.1 yet again? As you all know during the NES an SNES eras Nintendo ruled the industry. Their products sold rediculous amounts, and trampeled the competition. Sony usurped their throne with the playstation, and still hold it. I'm actually a believer in the whole third launch itch theory, which means it is time for Sony to fall. Will Sony fall is the first question you must ask. Well look at the PS3, an overpriced goliath of a machine that is trying to push a new format. Now there is no doubt that the playstation name and reputation plays a large part here, but I ask you, did Nintendo not have that reputation once as well. The 360 practically does everything the PS3 does, and does it for less. Why not get a 360. Hell it's getting all the PS3s games anyway. Judging the fate of the XBox is a tough one. No one will argue with me that the XBox & 360 are Japanese failures. The west is a different situation entirely though. The name does very well in the states, and also manages to hold its own in Europe. But more importantly it is the machine of the hardcore gamer. However a slow start in sales and a distinct lack of decent games (well in my opinion anyway) means that Microsofts intended early lead may not have done the good they wanted it to. And now for the Revolution, which from here on in will be refered to as the N5 (because revolution is an b***h to type out and N5 is a better name). Lets start by refering to the ever used DSvPSP comaprison. The DS is winning at the moment, only by a slight margin in the west, but it is winning. The system is sold on its innovation, and really only that. The DS has two major drawbacks in the eyes of your common consumer: 1. Compared to the PSP it is not as...sexy for the lack of a better word. This can be proved with the lite. A machine that is in my eyes as gorgeous as the PSP, and what happens in Japan, it sells more than any of us could of imagined. 2. The graphics. Now maybe not as important to some of us more hardcore gamers (or at least I like to think so), but it does matter to the casual gamer. The PSPs main selling point is its glossy visuals, and the DSs main weakness. Now lets compare this to the N5: 1.We can all agree it is a beautiful machine, possibly more beautiful than the other two. This will help it in all teritories. In Japan the compact size, and in the West the apple white, blue light and minimalist look of it all. 2. The graphics. The reason why I have had to hold of making this thread until now. We've all hopefully seen them, and they are just awesome. All of you who moaned when the specs where released, now silenced by those 11 little pictures. They are good, and that will help. Of course I am forgetting one key detail, the controller. I don't know about you but the idea of playing Metroid Prime 3 with that baby make me giddier than a schoolgirl. The innovation worked with the DS, and it'll work more so with the N5. Nintendo just need to get people trying it out. The virtual console is also an issue, but not a major one. In Japan yes, and it may act as a way to tip the scales for the older generation in the west. It may also help those gamers who migrated to the XBox who were previously Nintnedo players. Its importance is deliberated. Nevertheless we are forgetting Nintendos biggest threat, as it is in any business, their competitors. Sony and Microsoft will push the HD and push the power of the consoles and the unwitting consumer will drink it in. The question is whether Nintendo can do the same with its FHC. I personally think Nintendo might be able to do it. I thought otherwise before the pictures were released. I knew they would be good, just not that good. They will own Japan, they will. They will do well in Europe, hell Nintendogs sold more here than anywhere else. It is just the states, where XBoxs lead and Microsofts stranglehold will be a threat. I want to hear your views on the subject, so please, post away.
  11. Military pinball....someone must have been high when they thought that up. This wierd crap is right up my ally, and considering there are no games out at the moment that I want to play, across all platforms, I might just give this a try.
  12. I'm with the majority here, gameplay is the most important factor, hands down. Now i'm not going to lie, I do like a good story and decent graphics. Infact some of you guys who have been here a little while longer will remember I was one of the major Killer7 lovers, a game who's edgy graphics and deep, politically charged storyline saved its simple and repeptitive gameplay. But not Zelda. Zelda in my opinion is one of the, if not the greatest series of games of all time, and no amount of glossy visuals or twisting plots can earn you that title. In Zelda gameplay is King, and always has been.
  13. Can I get in on that....sounds like it could get a bit messy. You know I been watching this thread for quite a bit and I finally had to get in here, just because I can't stop laughing my ass off. Look zeldafan you obviously care a lot about the games, which is good, but you're more like Romeo and Juliet kill themselves because they think the other one is dead care about these games. I mean seriously I know the disc has a whole but i'm pretty sure you shouldn't be sticking it in there. Okay that one was a little below the belt, and I apoligise, but maybe if you want to be taken seriously around here you could start using proper grammar and punctuation. I'm being serious here, it is a strain on the eyes to read your posts. I don't know how old you are, and it doesn't matter because we're all treated equally around here, but you're acting like a 5-year old. Now grow up.
  14. Yeah it f****d up my dad's powerbook, and we had to call technical support to get that working, but my iMac is alright.
  15. Can I suggest something? Wait until the E3 Nintendo conference, and launch your website after the final name of the Revolution is revealed, with the name of your website including the system's name (and obviously you'll have to do a new header quickly too). That way you'll be the first website with the new name in its address, and you'll be able to start your website with the E3 information flood. I'd offer to help but i'm a lazy ba***rd. If you're really struggling with help then i'll be glad to chip in, but you'll have to show me how to do stuff.
  16. £400? £400 *Leaves*
  17. Nice to see someone think outside of the box on the whole 3rd secret issue, and this is actually very cool. The problem is that it is actually a window as you say. The entire viewpoint is based on a pivot, but one that will only enable you to rotate up to 180 degrees. Implemntation of the idea would not only be pointless, but problematic. Sorry to be so mean. Anyway, nice to not hear another fanboy raving on about stereoscopic 3D.
  18. 'The Spanish Flea' apparently
  19. Starter A tactical vest and a handgun Main A copy of the Prison blueprints and some stakes for the dogs who chase Dessert Pie.......because pie is awesome Drinks Something to hydrate me while i'm running.....lucozade. Or oil.
  20. It's wierd because I remember discussing a follow up to Tales a few months back, and we came up with some good ideas. But for me Skies has always been the one that could do with a sequal. The thing with skies is that despite it being a brilliant game there are so many areas which could be improved upon for a sequal, for instance: -No random battles (but thats a given) -Update the graphics (not a big thing for me, got used to it in the original, but you could really kick some visual ass with a follow up) -Do something with the battle system. Don't take it into real time or anything, cause then you'd lose the incredible special attacks (especially Vyse's were cool, those never got old) but speed it up a little bit. Open to suggestions -I know dungeons tend to be crap in most RPGs (boring, simple puzzles and a lack of imagination) but someone has got to get it right sometime. Just copy Zelda, I don't care, really -Bigger (I know it was big, but you know) -The ability to dock other ships and loot them, like real pirates It's been a while since i've played it, so i'm a little rusty on the plot, but maybe set it in the future, a later generation of the cresent island pirates maybe (forgotten their name). I'd like a Rev version. Use the FHC to control ship, like toy plane? I don't know, taking ideas off the top of my head. Point and select for battles, make it quicker. Oh and plenty of pirate hookers.............plenty
  21. I don't think there's any question over which has the best battle system (Symphonia hands down). Skies also had those rediculously annoying random battles. But I actually preferred Skies as a game. Length and difficulty is definitely greater than Tales, but what got me was the epicness of it. Although Skies probably didn't take me much longer than Tales, it felt like a much bigger game, which is top priority for me when it comes to RPGs. I'd say Skies peronally, buts that only cause I preffered it. You know what get both, judge for yourself.
  22. I remember having a long discussion about a Pokemon MMORPG a while back on the old forums. In the end we came up with a pretty attractive way of doing things. I can't recall everything, but I recommend you try and find it sometime, there were some really good ideas in there. (BTW i'm under the alias R_Master in the old forums, so if you find the discussion you'll see me in ther) As for Rev-DS capability, I was kind of hoping they would keep it simple. No DS as a controller thank you, the GBA-GC gimic proved that was crap. If anything you should have a single player game on the DS that allows online battling and the ability to trade, aswell as the ability to roam the world together. Your profile, along with your pokemon, can be transferred to the Rev version. The two versions hold different pokemon - completeley different, since the two worlds will be different, maybe 150 on the DS and 350 on the Rev (the Rev version will be HUGE, after all it is a MMORPG).
  23. You know what I am going to put my money on them saying something, but if anything they'll probably just name a few titles. You can pretty much bet that Iwata will be regurgitating the same old innovation story again, and holding up the DS & lite for everyone to see. Then again, who can blame them.
  24. How about Coca-Cola flavoured Pepsi. On a serious note they could start mixing the Jack Daniels readily into the drink, make it easier for everyone.
  25. I actually like the friend codes system. I would be perfectly happy if the Revolution saw a similar online system to the DSs, and voice chat was reserved exclusivly for use between 'friends'. I have no interest in talking to complete strangers, either by text or voice. Though I do like the idea of being able to chat before with a friend and then ging into a game, it would just be a lot more convienient.
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