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Everything posted by LazyBoy

  1. Yeah its fun when everyone's coming up with wacky ideas, and everyone else is contributing, but then it turns to flaming and before long somebody's poked an eye out, and you won't be laughing then. Nope it'll be all tears and screaming and then i'll have to get the mop. Damn kids. *Finishes unpacking groceries*. We all know the third secret is going to be a urinal anyway.
  2. Come on guys you've only got 10 days left to wait. Lets quit the pointless speculating and just wait. There's got to be something else you can do. For instance i'm going to revise for my exams. And it's not holographic 3D projection.
  3. Grind is the only skateboarding movie I can remember so im gonna guess that.
  4. They may not be using the same card, maybe using something else. You know what, that video is the first time i've felt that next-gen graphical leap that has been missing. i was just beautiful.
  5. Ha, you know what yeh that was a bit insensitive, sorry. Then again i've always hated the whole political correctiveness thing, so i'm going stick by it, while you are free to make any blonde or vegetarian jokes. Long live freedom of speech. (For those of you wondering I am infact a blonde vegetarian)
  6. I'm with DCK on this one, Wii is a rediculous name. I seriously find it hard to believe that no one at Nintendo turned around and said, "no, you can't name your next console after piss". I'm still gonna buy the console and love the games, but i'm just saying, this is the purple console of the next generation, a big f***ing mistake. And to anyone who says i'm just being a fanboy or i'm being unfair, no, i'm not, Wii is just stupid. It just is.
  7. I had an idea for an item as well. Its called the "Red Light Tunic". You stand in a town, and equip it, which triggers a minigame. People will come up to you offering to pay you for your services, and you have to judge whether they're a cop or not. Its a really easy way to make money. There are also the "Fairy shoes", but all they do is make you look gay.
  8. Once there was this gangsters and their Bi***hs party, me and my mate went as Mr. Blonde and Mr. White from Resevoir dogs. The costumes were good, but the best part was recreating scenes from the movie in Reigate town centre at the early hours of the morning. There was that other time I went as carpet....got stopped in morrisons whilst wearing it. Ran round school as boxman once fighting evil, with my trsted sidekick football boy. I might be able to get pictures up tommorow, and possibly the movie of me walking round morrisons as carpet. As for saints and sinners...hmmmmm. One of the seven deadly sins is sloth, so why don't you just go as a sloth, here's a picture:
  9. Ha, you know I thought Nintendo could really do it this time. *Looks again* hahahahahahaha I can see it right now: "Hey Mum, call me when dinner's ready. I'm gonna go play with my Wii." Ahhhh, *sigh, wipes tears from eye*. Microsoft have already won. I mean seriously, what kind of casual gamer is going to buy Wii.
  10. http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/play_uk.php?id=1124838 and http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/play_uk.php?id=1124861 Apparently the samples change on a day to day basis.
  11. For me Ganon this time round (if he does appear) has to make the thing between him and link personal, since all his predecessors have ruined his plans.Thanks means anger and frustration. Actually i'm gonna make a quite obscure reference. Anyone here watch Justice League Unlimited? Right, anyone seen the penultimate episode of the latest series (Alive). When you-know-who reappears in the new armour with his hands behind his back. Thats how Ganon should reappear and look this time, totally suped up and completely pissed off.
  12. Captain Falcon is my main character at the moment. Gotta love those nipples. Samus is my second, but i'll use her a lot more if me and my mate are playing doubles, since he's link and the short/long-range pair up works well. If I feel cruel i'll bust jigglypuff out, that counter is deadly.
  13. Underated Donky Konga 1&2 - one of the greatest multiplayer games ever, up there with all the other greats. Overated Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes - i'll probably be hunted down for this, but let me make this game clear, it was a very good game, just not everything it was hyped up to be.
  14. Haven't we done this already, whatever. I'm just interested in getting the old Fire Emblem games, the ones that didn't make it to these shores. Actually if there are a load of Japanese games that never made the jump i'd be interested in those two.
  15. The second coming
  16. Thanks mate, i'll have to give you a game of Hunters or Mario Kart sometime. The problem with the idea that the third secret is in the flap is that it means the secret would be hardware related. Now I seem to remember something about the secret being controller related, but if it isn't, which is easily possibly considering all the fake sources that have appeared over the past year, then what could the secret be?
  17. For your information I did know that the top slot stored the the gamecube controller sockets. I was referring to the flap at the front of the console, as the thread is about what is in the front flap. I don't like the way you wrote that, it was quite disrespectful. How about this. Even if someone did make a mistake, why not be polite and correct them with a little respect. Think you could try that?
  18. Yeah post E3 2005 I think it was ign that said the flap was for GC memory cards and SD cards. There could be a little extra something under the flap, but I doubt it. Still would be nice.
  19. Along with killer7 the Fire Emblem games will always have a place in my heart. Obviously the gameplay is great, but what I love is the relationship you build with the characters. Its not like if they die you'll lose the game, there are other characters, but seeing all that effort lost is not a good feeling. Was it Erk that was the magician from the first or second game, he was my boy. And there is no better feeling of satisfaction in any game ever than when your favourite character pulls out a critical move on low health. Great games, may they never die. Oh and by the way, they have to appear on the virtual console.
  20. You know what we've done this thread a few times before on these forums. There was a whole bunch of stuff we came up with, but its my birthday and im going out soon so ill just list the critical stuff: -Completely new battle system, which retains all the existing moves, but makes the battles fast and intense, retaining the tactical side, and losing the turn based structure. I think someone in an older thread described it as having to be a cross between Baiten Kaitos, Tales of Symphonia and Fire Emblem. -Huge world -MMORPG -All pokemon (excepts legendrys, which is complicated so I won't bother explaining unless anyone wants to know) -The ability to team up with friends online There is really so much we came up with it would take a while for me to recount it all. These are the key points, but if anyone is interested in hearing the rest i'll try and remember.
  21. They can have chocolate instead, and give their sex buddy to someone more in need of it, like starving orphans.
  22. zeldafan hasn't posted in 4 pages, do you think he's alright. Release date, hmmmmmm. September for the Japs, October for the Yanks, and we the ever forgotten Europeans should expect it in November........of 2007. We'll know soon enough. But can we wait that long? Lets ask this guy... We've got an answer. I think the wait is making me go crazy.
  23. How about the Nintendo Sex Buddy because everyone wants a sex buddy....
  24. Ahh sorry I got the wrong idea first time round. When I pictured the killer I thought along the lines of texas chainsaw unstoppable maniac villian, as opposed to the silent lunatic type. You see if it was the chainsaw, then 20 people would be a reasonable number. However the silent assasin would definitley, as you suggested, be better with less. When I talked about a walkie-talkie, it was purely an example. There should be many objects, ranging from unoffensive objects like the walkie-talkie or a torch, to things you could use to fight back with like an axe or lead piping. Ofcourse in a game like this the items should be really rare, and finding one should be a result of persistance or a great amount of luck. The objects also should vary depending on location. So for instance like you suggested, in a summer camp (which by the way is an awesome idea) you'd find pots and pans in the kitchen. This is in contrast to an abandoned boat where you would find fish hooks. Finally, i've got to explain why I have an obsession with the idea of first person in this game. Anyone ever see that movie Dog Soldiers, about the soldiers who fight a bunch of warewolves. You know that bit where the one guy goes at the warewolves with his fists before getting his ass kicked. I'm just thinking how awesome would it be, after be corned by some monster to go nuts on him with your fists (Revo controller), even though you know your number is up. Well at least that what I think.
  25. You know what instead of having the ability to switch between characters why not just make it online. Say 20 players, one is randomly selected to be the killer. This would bring in elements of teamwork and hopefully a little herorism. Going round in groups with walkie-talkies and the like. And it would have to be a first-person game. I know a lot of Rev ideas use the first person viewpoint, but its essential in a horror game. Imagine creeping down a hallway, and then suddenly hearing something behind you, and when you turn you see nothing. Then you turn back and BAM chainsaw through the torso. Maps should be randoml generated, or at least there should be a lasrge amount of them. Just my thoughts.
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