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Everything posted by LazyBoy

  1. I'm all about Faclon, fast moving and powerful. His only downfall is that there is a slight pause before each move. Luckily my timing is perfect and i'm really good at faking out counter happy characters. When we play doubles my mate uses Link, and we are unbeatable. My second character is Samus, but mainly because I love Metroid games. Obviously we gonna try and set up some matches on Revo-Europe, but maybe we could set up a doubles tournament aswell.
  2. Harvest Moon Animal Crossing Geist follow up A game done in similar fashion to Killer 7 from capcom (same art style, equally confusing plot and depth, similarly awesome cutscenes and characters) Being a fellow Arcadia lover i also want a sequal, but I have no idea how that would go story wise, what are your ideas Stocka. Oh and less random battles, that was frigging annoying.
  3. Sorry, came up with another one, possibly even better than Harvest moon is Animal Crossing. I'm gonna go with a FP perspective again, simply because it works so well with the TV remote (my pet name). Online, AC would basically work as an online meeting place, hell we could move the revo-europe boards to the AC world.
  4. I seriously cannot believe no one has mentioned this idea yet. The one and only farm simulator Harvest Moon is a game that is perfect for the Rev. Features: Watering the crops using a watering can Chopping wood MILKING A COW (Every persons dream) Picking fruit/crops Sheering sheep Riding a horse Going sociopathic axe-murderer on the villagers (mortal combat style blood) Churning butter Picking up eggs Cooking remainder of villagers Feeding animals (remainder of villagers) I reckon with a first person view point, you could have almost exactly the same game as wonderful life (plus the massacre), but all the actions are done with the controller. And the new additions don't just have to be in the controlling, imagine online, the ability to go to others farm, buy crops and seeds or animals. Or maybe you could share the farm online, so work could continue if you're not there.
  5. Its kinda like Wario Ware, you couldn't give a shit about the graphics because you're having so much damn fun.
  6. As much as I love all this Rev news, hell all the next-gen news, it kind of saddens me. Zelda could be the greatest game ever made, but no one's gonna play it, because everyone will be playing the XBox 360 or looking forward to Rev and PS3. It's kinda like the end of Lord of the Rings (and I mean the good book ending, not the crappy Hollywood film ending). You know alll the elves have left and you know soon they'll all be forgotten never to be seen again. I just feel it'll be left behind and forgotten. Maybe I like this game a little to much.
  7. Actually the guys I showed it to really liked the idea. I just had to make sure they remembered that they had to forget about what they thought a controller was before. Afterall it is a Revolution. In fact, if I recall correctly Nintendo themselves said that people wouldn't understand the controller just by looking at it.
  8. Nintendo has stressed time and time again that this will be a console that will be easy to develop for. In my eyes the Revolution could not be better suited for new Game companies. With todays pressure on companies to build tons of FMV and incredible graphics into a game it can be very hard for a small company to compete. Now all they need is a fresh idea.
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